10 Signs You Know Someone From a Past Life


Reincarnation, the belief in the rebirth of souls after death, has been a fascinating concept for centuries. Many people wonder if they have connections with others from past lives. While it is challenging to provide definitive proof of past-life connections, some signs may suggest such a relationship. Here are ten signs that you may know someone from a past life love.

Instant Connection

When you meet this person, you feel an instant and profound connection, as if you’ve known them forever. There’s an unexplainable familiarity that transcends typical relationships.

Shared Dreams or Visions

You both have recurring dreams or visions that involve each other, even if they occur in different time periods or settings. These dreams may offer glimpses into your shared past life experiences.

Telepathic Communication

You find yourselves finishing each other’s sentences, understanding each other without words, or experiencing a strong sense of knowing what the other person is thinking or feeling. This telepathic connection is a potential indicator of a deep past-life bond.


You consistently encounter meaningful coincidences or synchronicities. For example, you may have the same favorite book, possess similar skills or talents, or share significant life events despite having no prior knowledge of each other’s experiences.

Unresolved Issues

There are unresolved issues or conflicts between you that seem to have no logical explanation in your current lifetime. These conflicts may stem from past-life interactions that require resolution or healing in your present relationship.

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Role Reversals

In past lives, your roles may have been reversed. For instance, if someone was your parent in a previous life, they may appear as your child or sibling in this lifetime. These role reversals can indicate a karmic connection and provide an opportunity for growth and understanding.

Intense Emotions

Being around this person triggers intense emotions within you. These emotions can range from inexplicable joy, love, or an overwhelming sense of sadness or fear. Such intense emotions may be tied to shared past-life experiences.

Familiarity with Specific Time Periods

You both share an inexplicable familiarity or affinity for a particular historical period, culture, or location. This shared resonance can indicate shared past-life memories from that specific era.

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Recurring Relationship Patterns

You find yourself repeatedly attracting the same type of person into your life, whether it’s romantic partners, friends, or colleagues. This pattern may signify that you’re trying to recreate or resolve a past-life relationship dynamic.it’s call past life love.

Past-Life Regression

Through techniques like past-life regression therapy, hypnosis, or meditation, you have vivid memories or glimpses of shared past lives. These memories may provide further insights into your connection and shed light on unresolved issues or shared experiences. it’s call past life love.

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Posted On - July 7, 2023 | Posted By - Jyoti | Read By -


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