Your Weekly Horoscope Predictions Online For 21st – 27th February 2021

weekly horoscope prediction

What’s at a distance right now will sooner or later reach you. However, hoping that it strolls any faster to fall sooner into your lap is just barring it from enjoying the journey and letting it gather stories that it would ultimately hush into your ears.

So what’s that you need to wait for this week? And what’s almost there for you? Or what’s had passed by without brushing even a single strain of your hair? Once again, the cards have been laid revealing all that lies ahead. And we believe you will help yourself with the adventure.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

Aries weekly horoscope online

Aries, this week, you need to understand that it’s very fine to seek pleasures from life despite the fact that one thing that you have been trying to achieve is not yet in your kitty. A balance is what you need to find. To begin with, try planning the week around. On the financial front, avoid investments that could wait for a while. Meanwhile, your family and nuptial life will be in place and remain blissful. The end of the week, however, may bring some stress. Exercise restraint in your speech while ensuring you speak your heart out. Remember, Starting is bravery. 

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Taurus weekly horoscope online

You are doing good with keeping the infamous Taurean ego aside and finally making a move. But are they too doing the same? Or even interested? This week, you need to analyse who is entirely by your side and who, periodically. For if you don’t weed out the temporary, your ego would again overpower you to ignore what or who is ready to go miles for/with you. Professionally, it’s going to be a wonderful week as Venus moves into Aquarius on 21st. Students, however, need to get out of the bed and follow their schedule stubbornly. Work for good, energy will follow. 

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Gemini weekly horoscope online

We smell a sense of you not being remunerated in proportion to your efforts; plaguing your thought. Gemini, it’s all of us at some point in our lives. Get over it as you got over your ex. Talking about ex, romance-wise it’s a great week for a Gemini (whether in a relationship or single) as Venus moves into Aquarius. However, you might want to wait if planning to introduce your partner to your family. Finally, desk job individuals will be proud of what you have achieved this week. Meanwhile one with a business may lag behind in gains. Step back and allow. 

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Cancer weekly horoscope online

What you have been calling being productive will eventually leave you good for nothing. Life is a balance of periods of doing and periods of being, Cancer. Think sun, and remember hiding doesn’t take your shine away. It, sometimes, is also a sign that the rain might be upon us, which, is important. The sun, right now, is you and the ones waiting for the rain are your loved ones. Try hiding. On the financial front too, it’s time for you to reboot and rethink your investments. The reckless approach will bring problems, thus practice strict discipline. What’s yours, will come. 

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo weekly horoscope online

This week may disclose some promising opportunities that will bring satisfaction as well as fruitful income. You might feel fearful about a certain situation waiting ahead of you. Trust us you don’t have to; for sometimes the tip of the iceberg is all the iceberg there. On the 21st, Venus moves into Aquarius, which creates a wonderful time for not just love and romantic alliances but also friendship. Try socialising if you have a tough time making friends. Also, this week, you may find it a tad bit difficult to complete a certain task at hand, however, that won’t affect your financial position. It’s time to step into bigger shoes.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Virgo weekly horoscope online

Sounds like joy and celebration is on the cards. Virgo, are you planning a party? Or a trip? You can because stars tell us that your week would remain pretty balanced. You will have clarity about what you need to do further. To enhance that aspect, we would suggest spending a little time alone. This is also the right time to purchase a vehicle if you have been planning to get one for yourself. Stay clear of misunderstandings. On the 22nd, Mars moves into Taurus, thus intimating a time of opportunity at work and in love. Live the life you are living.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Libra weekly horoscope online

Yes Libra, despite coming a long way, sometimes, you don’t get what you want. But what about getting what you never expected to find? The journey is usually more beautiful than the destination Libra. All you need to do is close your eyes and recall what you have achieved in a love that failed you or a task you couldn’t accomplish. The week is promising for students, especially ones preparing for competitive exams. So try to stick to a schedule. Those looking to make a career in the arts or the creative field will get some good opportunities. On the 22nd, Mars moves into Taurus, which can lead to a conflict or crisis. Libra, your ending deserves a story. 

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope  

Scorpio weekly horoscope online

Scorpio, did you try thinking from their perspective like we had suggested last week? We hope that made you and them happy. This week, however, you might want to give additional attention to your professional environment. And if you do, the movement of Mars into Taurus on the 22nd will bring plenty of opportunities for you thus banishing the clouds of uncertainty. For Scorpio men, lady luck seems to be grinning so open your heart allow, allow, allow. The ones with breathing problems must take extra care of themselves. At last, remember that God loves you, even if she didn’t fulfill a wish of yours. 

Saggitarius Weekly Horoscope

Sagittarius weekly horoscope online

Diving in a pool of thoughts is worthless if you dive-in without an intent. With the seasonal change, you might want to change the way you have been doing something. The genre could be love, parenthood or life altogether. Your weekly horoscope tells us that it’s the right time to accomplish these. On the 21st, Venus moves into Aquarius and you will take a great number of short trips but you do need to be cautious regarding your health as you may be prone to minor bumps and injuries. The week for love is on the offside until it’s about loving oneself. Try yoga or gardening to calm yourself. Plant a garden, and tell it to smell like you.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn weekly horoscope online

Hola Capricorns!! Feeling entwined towards harmony? It’s again because Venus moves into Aquarius today, thus allowing you financial stability. This week you might feel like exercising, falling in love, completing a long pending task and relaxing under the sunlight. Do it; for the overall process would help you gain insights into the wonderful experience that is letting go and relaxing into the flow of life. Financially, those who are into shares and gambling will have sufficient reasons to celebrate this week. Career-wise, a greedy colleague will try to outsmart you. Those planning to change a job will get good news. Lean on your soul.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius weekly horoscope online

Thinking less of yourself is the highest form of disrespect you can expose yourself to. That’s one area you need to work on this week, Aquarius. Moving forward, your relationship with your mother is going to strengthen. Take her out if you can. The workload can present challenges related to health. Consider sleeping early and before you sleep consider the wise words by Clarissa Pinkola Estés, “I hope you will go out and let stories, that is life, happen to you, and that you will work with these stories… water them with your blood and tears and your laughter till they bloom, till you yourself burst into bloom”. But, don’t leave your hand after you have held theirs. 

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Pisces weekly horoscope online

Straightforwardness will be your saviour for the week. If you can hone that trait, you are ought to remain very pleased. Again, as Venus moves into Aquarius on 21st Feb, the stars tell us that the shift could lead to unnecessary expenses. So, beware on that part and bar away from lending money. Also, are you planning time alone? We would suggest not to. The week is excellent for love and thus must be spent with your love. You glow different when you are with the right one. 


Posted On - February 21, 2021 | Posted By - Kushagra Gupta | Read By -


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