Top 10 Signs Your Ex Still Likes You

Does my ex still like me?

Breakups can be emotionally challenging, leaving us with lingering questions about our former partner’s feelings. If you’re wondering whether your ex still has feelings for you, the answers may lie within the mystical realm of tarot cards. In this blog, we will explore the insights and guidance offered by tarot cards to unveil the top 10 signs that indicate your ex still likes you. By delving into the symbolism and messages of the tarot, we can gain a deeper understanding of the emotions that may be hidden beneath the surface. So, let’s embark on this divinatory journey and uncover the signs that reveal your ex’s lingering affections.

The Two of Cups

Emotional Connection The Two of Cups signifies a deep emotional connection and mutual affection. If this card appears in your tarot readings, it suggests that your ex still feels a strong bond with you. They may long for the emotional intimacy you once shared and have genuine feelings that extend beyond the breakup.

The Ace of Cups

Love and Renewal The Ace of Cups represents new beginnings and the renewal of love. If this card surfaces, it indicates that your ex still harbors feelings for you. They may desire a fresh start or the opportunity to rekindle the love that once existed between you.

The Lovers

Soul Connection The Lovers card embodies a profound soul connection and romantic harmony. If this card appears, it suggests that your ex still views you as their ideal partner. They may yearn for the love and unity you shared and desire to reconcile or maintain a close bond.

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The Knight of Cups

Romantic Gestures The Knight of Cups signifies romantic gestures and emotional expressions. If this card emerges, it indicates that your ex may continue to show signs of affection. They might reach out with thoughtful messages, surprise gifts, or heartfelt acts that reflect their lingering feelings.

The Page of Cups

Emotional Presence The Page of Cups represents emotional presence and vulnerability. If this card appears in your tarot readings, it suggests that your ex still values your emotional support and seeks solace in your presence. They may turn to you for comfort and understanding during challenging times.

The Six of Cups

Nostalgia and Fond Memories The Six of Cups symbolizes nostalgia and fond memories. If this card surfaces, it indicates that your ex frequently reminisces about the happy times you shared. They may express sentimentality and a desire to relive those cherished moments.

The Ten of Pentacles

Long-Term Connection The Ten of Pentacles represents a long-term and stable connection. If this card appears, it suggests that your ex values the history and foundation you built together. They may still see a future with you and hold on to the hope of re-establishing a lasting bond.

The Wheel of Fortune

Fated Encounters The Wheel of Fortune signifies fated encounters and destined connections. If this card emerges, it suggests that the universe may be orchestrating opportunities for you and your ex to cross paths again. It indicates that there is a higher force at work, potentially guiding you back into each other’s lives.

The King/Queen of Cups

Emotional Depth The King or Queen of Cups embodies emotional depth, empathy, and understanding. If either of these cards appears, it suggests that your ex still holds you in high regard and respects your emotional intelligence. They may seek your advice or confide in you about their deepest emotions.

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Intuitive Hints in Other Readings While specific tarot cards provide insights, it’s essential to consider the overall message from multiple readings. Pay attention to subtle hints and intuitive feelings that arise during your tarot sessions. Trust your instincts and listen to the subtle cues from the cards, as they may provide further indications of your ex’s lingering affection.

Breakups are complex, and deciphering your ex’s true feelings can be challenging. By using tarot cards as a divinatory tool, we can gain a deeper understanding of their emotions and uncover signs of lingering affection. The Two of Cups, Ace of Cups, Lovers, Knight of Cups, Page of Cups, Six of Cups, Ten of Pentacles, Wheel of Fortune, and the King/Queen of Cups all point to the possibility that your ex still likes you. However, always approach these insights with an open mind and consider them alongside your own intuition and personal experiences. Tarot can provide valuable guidance, but ultimately, you hold the power to navigate your own path of healing and growth.

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Posted On - June 28, 2023 | Posted By - Kasturi Chaudhari | Read By -


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