Cat’s Eye Stone- Astrological Benefits and How to Wear It

Cat's Eye Stone- Astrological Benefits and How to Wear It

Cat’s Eye Gemstone is a precious gemstone named after its resemblance to the eyes of a cat. It is a powerful gemstone with healing capacity, great intensity, heat, and energy. This enchanting stone has a very diverse appearance than the other gems and it comes from time immemorial. It is known as Balasurya and Vidur in the Sanskrit language. Whereas in the Hindi and Urdu languages, it is called Lehsuniya or Lahsunia. Commonly, experts suggest this precious stone to enhance spirituality, wisdom, and creativity of the wearer.

Cat’s Eye is the gemstone of planet Ketu. It eradicates the harmful impact of Ketu as well as Rahu. Generally, Astrologers suggest this stone to enhance intuitiveness and prosperity in your life. It is a turbid stone that doesn’t let the light travel through it. Cat’s Eye influences the positive impact of Ketu. Traditionally, it is beneficial stone for Taurus, Vigo, Gemini, Capricorn, Libra, and Aquarius natives. However, you must not wear a gemstone before you consult an expert astrologer.

Remedy for Ketu

Ketu denotes the south node of the Moon. It is a shadow planet. In Vedic Astrology, it is a headless planet. It is the significator of all the things that you have already earned in your past life. Thus, you will not be obsessed with those things. Along with this, it imparts spiritual and non-material tendencies. It detaches you from the worldly desires. It also denotes isolation, introvert behavior, and solitary confinement.

Ketu is a spiritual planet. It has different results in different houses of astrology. With a well placed Ketu in your Kundali, you can overcome any hurdle. It makes you follow the path of Dharma, obedience. On the other hand, an ill-placed Ketu invites diseases and distress. In such a case, expert astrologers suggest Cat’s Eye stone. People suffering from Rahu or Ketu Dasha can find it extremely helpful. There are many more benefits of this stone. Read them further-

Benefits of Wearing Cat’s Eye Stone

  • Cat’s Eye stone strengthens the position of Ketu in Kundali.
  • Ketu is the significator of spirituality. Wearing a Cat’s eye gemstone enhances spiritual instincts.
  • As Ketu represents misery and sorrows, this Gemstone helps to avert pain from your life.
  • It is a gem that attracts harmony within and around you. Along with this, it helps diminishing attachments with materialistic desires.
  • Cat’s Eye Stone can overpower the negative effect of other malefic planets in Kundali.
  • Alongside, if you have a strong Ketu, this stone can do wonders for you. In professional as well as personal life, this stone can help you have marvelous results. It can bring happiness & peace and prosperity.
  • In Vedic Astrology, Ketu signifies the South Node of the Moon, thus, it represents quick wealth, fortune, health, misery, and mental issues. With the help of Lahsunia stone, you can attain the positive of Ketu and prevent the negative.
  • Lahsunia gemstone helps bring good luck. Especially, for people in business, trading, and shares can take benefits of this stone.
  • Cat’s Eye is capable of warding off al the unhealthy desires, negativity, and stress. It can work as a great stress buster.
  • Medical Astrology also briefs many health benefits of Lahsunia stone.
  • It can help to cure mental illness like depression, stress, and anxiety. Also, it can recover mental peace caused by trauma and abuse.
  • This stone can heal emotional pain and boost creativity. Additionally, it has a healing capacity against terminal illnesses like cancer and paralysis.
  • For recovering lost finances, ill-luck, it is the best stone.

How to Wear Cat’s Eye Stone

This stone has plenty of benefits to offer. However, it is favorable only when you wear it in a correct way.

Before wearing the ring, make sure it is an authentic piece. Ideally, the weight of the stone should be 3 to 6 carats. Furthermore, the best metal to use in the ring is Silver. You may wear it on a Tuesday morning. Prior one night to wearing it, dip the ring in honey and milk for 10 to 20 minutes.

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Posted On - May 6, 2020 | Posted By - Deepa | Read By -


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