Depression Battle- We’ve got your back

Depression Battle- We’ve got your back

Introduction to Depression

Depression, a mental status that medical referred to as a condition where a persistently miserable mood and loss of interest in pursuit, result in dire disability every second of every day. We often hear people complaining about being sad for common reasons like professional imbalance and relationship difficulties. They might also use the term Depression to clarify their reason for complaint.

However, the reality of Depression draws an extremely diverse impression on people who actually go through this disease. How? Read on to know-

Commonship of Depression

As shocking as it may sound but the truth is, a great number of people battle depression all by themselves. If you ever hear someone saying “I wish to leave this character of myself and begin to live a different life” don’t settle to crack jokes with them and forget this impactful sentence. In Depression, often a person feels like quitting on their present character and leave everything behind. They are ready to pay any cost for a minute of peace because they realize the value of peace.

In addition, they lack the feel for joy, they begin to run away from the activities they once loved unconditionally. In this state, the body of a person doesn’t support to fulfill the basic needs like walking, sleeping, and eating. Also, they go for a hand to hand combat with the uncountable thoughts of suicide and self-harm. Thus, it is a status of mind where a person looks at themselves with a broken point of view.

Commonship of Depression

As a matter of fact, the state of Depression is more common in women than men across the globe. The causes of depression are still not completely known. Nevertheless, situations like childhood trauma, fragile history of the family, certain medical conditions and excessive use of drugs.

However, there are a good number of initiatives taken by authorities and responsible people to help people accept the condition of Depression and battle it with their support.

Astrology Suggestion

With a pessimistic frame of mind, you can’t live happily. We all know that there are two sides to a coin, equally we face joy as well as sorrows side by side in our life as it is part of our life.

The problems that come from the outside world can be easily addressed by our efforts and help from our family and friends, but it is not easy to deal with anything that is related to our inner heart and emotions. Once asked for certain ways to deal with such a situation, a powerful WILL POWER is a key answer. I believe “Everything and everything we face is a solution”

If you are undergoing a tough time and are looking for guidance & help, connect with the best Astrologer Karan Manchanda for help.

A person can deal with all the types of problems that come in their way from the outside world. On the other hand, problems that reside withing ourselves are often disturbing. Moreover, if we don’t deal with them in time it can result in severe emotional aches that eventually transform into depression.

Depression that is nowadays a growing problem in every part of the world and interestingly, the majority of people under the age of 40 are facing this and it is a very serious topic to be discussed.

Astrology Suggestion

One mostly consults their doctor but the real problem occurs in most cases is because of afflicted Moon which can lead to anyone to any extent, as bad Moon will lead extreme emotions and that can lead to miserable trouble in one’s mind.

Moon if conducted with any negative planet or in enemies sign and with weak positions then this problem occurs. No doubt there are certain remedies which can certainly help someone to overcome this problem.

If you are looking for these solutions and want to overcome them then you are only a message away to get the consultation from me anytime.

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Posted On - November 12, 2019 | Posted By - Astrologer Karan Manchanda | Read By -


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