Difference between Vedic Astrology and Tarot Card Readings

Tarot Cards

Astrology is basically a science which was developed ages back by Sadhaks who used to observe and study the movement of stars and planets to gauge the map of a person’s life. However, it not only gives the outline of life’s graph but also provides a way of reaching your ultimate goal or destiny. Over the years, Astrology has played a very vital role in changing the lives of people all across the globe. So, in this context lets talk about main differences between Vedic Astrology and Tarot Cards.

Vedic Astrology and Tarot Card’s

Vedic Astrology gives a holistic picture of what exactly the motive of your life is. However, no one can really predict the course of energies, that’s where Tarots work best. Tarots are based on the synchronicity of events, the decisions you make, the words you use, the energies around you and many other factors. Moreover, Tarots relate to your subconscious mind and help you in making the right decisions for yourself. On the other hand, Vedic Astrology has no relation with your subconscious mind. However, it can give you an idea to choose a proper path of life.

Vedic Astrology

Ideally, Astrologers use Tarots for guidance and choosing what is right for you at the moment. However, it not necessary that you will get the desired results all the time. The method of Tarot involves picking a deck that a reader personally connects with, identifying the questions and answering them correctly, and being approachable to patrons comment.

Astrology vs Tarot Cards

Astrology needs longer visions which comes with a lot of calculations which need to get solved. However, Tarots are more intuitive and based on the our thoughts and practical knowledge. The interpretation of Tarot readers may vary as everyone has different intuitive power and may guide us as per the view of their cards. Moreover, if a tarot reader says anything positive, it’s important that the seeker believes in it. However, if someone tries to cross-verify it with another Astrologer it can leave a negative impact on your life.

Astrology vs Tarot

Astrology uses your birth detail like date of birth, time of birth and location of birth to interpret the future. However, Tarot contains 78 cards with its own intuitive figure and story. The 22 Major Arcana cards stand for life’s karmic and spiritual instructions. While the 56 Minor Arcana cards signify the trials and tribulations that one may experience in their lifetime.

Astrologer Readings and Impacts

An Astrologer is a person who has all the knowledge of Astrology. Moreover, he is the person who can provide you with detail about yourself. However, different Astrologers have different opinions of guiding people and their readings can also differ from each other. However, every time when you consult a new Astrologer, you might confuse yourself and disperse your energies.

Astrologer readings

Astrologers can only provide you with a guiding light, but you have to find your own path in order to reach the destiny. Although every Astrologer is well learned and skilled. However, in order to get the desired results you need to provide them with the exact information. Otherwise, there are chances that predictions might turn against you which can leave a very negative impact on your lives.

These were some of the major details regarding Vedic Astrology and Tarot cards. Also, you may like to read about: Major Arcana: Tarot cards connotation

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Posted On - December 13, 2019 | Posted By - Poonam Dutta (Satyamshakti) | Read By -


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