Everything You Need To Know About Neech Bhang Raj Yoga In Astrology


Neech Bhang Raj Yoga is a rare and auspicious yoga in Vedic astrology. Thus, individuals with this yoga in their birth chart have extraordinary intelligence, creativity, and leadership qualities. They can overcome obstacles and challenges in life and achieve great success. Know in detail about the Neech Bhang Raj Yoga in astrology.

Neech Bhang Raj Yoga in astrology

Neech Bhang Raj Yoga is a combination of two Sanskrit words: “Neech” meaning debilitated, and “Bhang” meaning cancellation. It is a powerful astrological combination that has the potential to uplift an individual from a state of debilitation to a state of power and success. This combination forms when a debilitated planet is present in a Kendra (quadrant) house and its disposition, i.e., the planet that rules the sign where the debilitated planet is, is also present in a Kendra house.

However, it is important to note that the formation of this Raj Yoga does not guarantee success or prosperity. It is just an indication of potential. Moreover, the individual still needs to work hard and make the most of their abilities to achieve their goals. Additionally, the placement and strength of other planets in the birth chart will also play a significant role in determining the overall effects of this combination.

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What makes this Neech Bhang Raj Yoga in the horoscope?

The combination of planets that can create this Yoga is as follows: 

Debilitated Planet

The first and most crucial condition for this Yoga is a debilitated planet. A planet is debilitated when it is weak and powerless in a particular zodiac sign. For example, if Mars is in the Cancer sign, it debilitates, and its energy is weak. When a planet is weak, it can cause negative effects related to its significance. 

Exalted Planet

The second condition for Neech Bhang Raj Yoga is the presence of an exalted planet in the birth chart. An exalted planet is a planet that is in a zodiac sign where it is considered strong. For example, if Jupiter is in the Cancer sign, it is exalted. Moreover, its energy is highly beneficial. An exalted planet can cancel out the negative effects of the debilitated planet and create a highly auspicious yoga. 

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Mutual Relationship

The third condition for Neech Bhang Raj Yoga is a mutual relationship between the debilitated and exalted planets. Two types of mutual relationships can create this Yoga: 

Exchange of Signs- When the debilitated planet and exalted planet are in each other’s zodiac signs, it creates a powerful exchange of energy that can nullify the ill effects of the debilitated planet. For example, if Mars debilitates in the Cancer sign, and the Moon exalts in Capricorn, and both are in each other’s signs, it creates a highly beneficial yoga. 

Aspect- When the exalted planet aspects the debilitated planet, it can also create this Yoga. For example, if Mars debilitates in the Cancer sign, and Jupiter exalts in the same and aspects of Mars, it forms a highly auspicious yoga. 

Benefic Aspect

The fourth condition for this Raj Yoga is a benefic aspect on the debilitated planet. If a benefic planet, such as Jupiter or Venus, aspects the debilitated planet, it can reduce the negative effects and enhance the positive impacts of the planet.

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The fifth condition for Neech Bhang Raj Yoga is the strength of the exalted planet. If the exalted planet is weak, it may not be able to nullify the ill effects of the debilitated planet, and yoga may not be as powerful. 

House Placement

The sixth condition for it is the placement of the debilitated and exalted planets in specific houses. If the debilitated and exalted planets are in the Kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th) or Trikona (1st, 5th, and 9th) houses, it can create a highly auspicious yoga. Hence, it can bring tremendous success and prosperity. 

Effects of Neech Bhang Raj Yoga

Here are the effects of Neech Bhang Raj Yoga in astrology:

  • Individuals with Neech Bhang Raj Yoga are known for their exceptional intelligence and sharp intellect.
  • This yoga bestows excellent communication skills and the ability to articulate thoughts and ideas effectively.
  • Individuals with this yoga have strong leadership qualities and inspire and motivate others.
  • This Yoga can bring fame and recognition in the individual’s chosen field of work.
  • Moreover, it associates with financial stability and prosperity.
  • Individuals with this yoga may be successful and rise to positions of power and authority in their careers.
  • Neech Bhang Raj Yoga is also associated with artistic talents, and individuals with this yoga may excel in fields like music, dance, or writing.
  • Individuals with this yoga have a positive outlook on life and can maintain a calm and composed demeanor even in challenging situations.
  • It bestows resilience and the ability to overcome obstacles and challenges in life.
  • This yoga can contribute to an individual’s spiritual growth and help them connect with their inner self.
  • Individuals with this yoga may excel academically and be successful in fields like science or mathematics.
  • In addition, it enhances an individual’s intuition and helps them make sound decisions based on their instincts.
  • Moreover, it is also associated with good health and longevity.
  • Individuals with this yoga may incline towards philanthropic activities and social causes.
  • It can bring harmony and stability to an individual’s relationships and personal life.

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In what manner this yoga can affect you negatively?

Neech Bhang Raj Yoga is generally a highly beneficial yoga in Vedic astrology, and it can bring several positive effects to an individual’s life. However, in rare cases, it may have some ill effects. Here are some potential negative effects of it:

  • Individuals with this yoga may become overconfident and take unnecessary risks, leading to potential failures and setbacks.
  • It can also make individuals arrogant and egoistic. Hence, it can affect their relationships with others.
  • Moreover, this yoga can make individuals aggressive and prone to conflicts. Moreover, it can create problems in their personal and professional lives.
  • Ahead, natives may lack humility and may not be receptive to feedback or constructive criticism.
  • This yoga can make individuals impulsive and may lead to hasty decisions that may not be well.
  • In some cases, this Yoga may make individuals complacent and lead to a lack of effort to maintain their success.
  • The negative effects of this Yoga are not very common. Thus, they usually outweigh due to the positive effects. Additionally, the strength and placement of other planets in the birth chart can also play a role in determining the overall impacts of this yoga.

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Puja and rituals to get rid of Neech Bhang Raj Yoga ill effects

If an individual is experiencing malefic effects due to Neech Bhang Raj Yoga, they can perform certain pujas or rituals to reduce or eliminate its effects. Here are some pujas you can do to get rid of it.

  • Navgraha Puja: Navgraha Puja is to appease all nine planets, including the debilitated planet causing Neech Bhang Raj Yoga. Do it by reciting the Navagraha Mantra and offering flowers, fruits, and other puja items to the deities.
  • Shani Puja: Shani Puja is to appease the planet Saturn, which is associated with Neech Bhang Raj Yoga. Perform it on Saturdays by reciting the Shani Mantra and offering black sesame seeds, black clothes, and other puja items to Lord Shani.
  • Hanuman Puja: Hanuman Puja is to appease Lord Hanuman, the destroyer of all evils and obstacles. Perform it on Tuesdays by reciting the Hanuman Chalisa and offering red flowers, sweets, and other puja items to Lord Hanuman.
  • Rudra Abhishekam: Rudra Abhishekam is to appease Lord Shiva, the lord of all planets. Do it by reciting the Rudra Mantra and offering milk, honey, and other puja items to Lord Shiva.
  • Gayatri Mantra Japa: Gayatri Mantra Japa is a powerful ritual to purify the mind and body and to reduce the ill effects of Neech Bhang Raj Yoga. Chant it 108 times in the morning or evening.

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Posted On - April 5, 2023 | Posted By - Shimona Jain | Read By -


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