Hello January- 5 Promises That are Better Than New Year resolution

Hello January- 5 Promises That are Better Than New Year resolution

Post all the new year quotes on New Year’s Eve and morning, it is a perfect time to take the New Year resolution and say Hello January. But wait! can there be something better than resolutions? Yes, promises. They’re not meant to be broken like the rules and resolutions. Promises are meant to be kept. So, here are 5 promises you should make to yourself this year-

Offer Love and Warmth

Offer Warmth

Why is everyone so rude to everyone for no reason? We, the youth hold the capacity to offer a lot. However, we end up treating people badly which eventually pulls us sadness only. Love attracts love.

Therefore, not just on the New Year’s Eve but through the year, make a promise to offer affection, respect, and warmth to one all that cross your way. After all, New Year 2020 is the beginning of a new decade, it shall begin with all the happiness, positivity and love.

Also, your past life and past experiences are lessons. Thus, learn from them and let go off them. Choose your relations wisely and remember you can not always control the consequences.

Quit Bad Habits

Quit Bad Habits

Humans don’t like to compromise. Well, as a matter of fact, as we smoke we compromise a few minutes of our life. How fair is that?

Quitting bad habits and getting healthy is one prime promise that a person should make to themselves. As the voyage of life fastens its pace, the consequences of bad habits start taking a horrific shape. Thus, if you are young and have time, with the beginning of 2020, start reshaping your health routine. It is never too late to take care of yourself. s

Take Yourself to New Places

Hello January

Remember the promise you made to yourself in previous years? It’s okay if you couldn’t manage to give yourself enough attention earlier. Perhaps you may reconstruct the bridge between your wanderer soul and real life now. With the New Year, don’t just say Hello January but also hello freshness and adventures.

Not that one shall become a frequent traveler but real-life growth rely upon real-life experiences. Therefore, take yourself close to unknown and unseen places, learn new culture and their values.

Learn a New Skill

Hello January Learn a new skill

When was the last time you learned something new? Life is all about learning new & exciting things and growing.

Our busy schedules do not offer much time for self-care. However, can there be a better time to commence learning something new than on the occasion of the New Year? No.

Everyone has a keen interest in something. Track your fascinations and follow them. Dreams and aspirations are what keep a human vibrant inside out. So, choose something new that you find stimulating, be it cooking or a foreign language and join the classes or take an online tutorial for the same.

Be Nice to Yourself

Hello January- Be Nice to Yourself

Take a moment, sit back and think, when was the last time you praised yourself for whatever good you to do to yourself? Our hectic work culture, stressful routine do not allow us much time to sit and think about emotional & personal progress.

We often overlook the deep inexpensive requirements that limit to us. The need for affection, happiness, and praise begins from within. A feeling you couldn’t find in yourself, wouldn’t be found anywhere. Thus, as a new year resolution, promise to treat yourself nicely.

What is your ideal promise for 2020? Tell us in the comment section and win a FREE session with Expert Astrologer.

These were some suggestions for you to say Hello January in different ways. Also, you may like to read about What does your Zodiac Sign say about Your Style?

Wish to explore untold truth about your personality? Click here and ask the experts.


Posted On - January 2, 2020 | Posted By - Deepa | Read By -


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