Recent studies have shown that the monetary costs of obtaining new experiences are more likely to lead us to a stable positive state of mind than the cost of material goods.
A concert ticket, an evening with friends in a cafe, a picnic outdoors lift our spirits, as they elevate us above the routine of life and satisfy our more complex needs for social contacts and stimulate our cheerfulness. So we feel really alive!
What were your most satisfying purchases? Studies show that for most people, these are purchases related to gaining new experience, and they and the people around them received satisfaction from such expenses.
Getting new impressions and new experiences is a reliable treasury of our good mood for many years. They will not let us get bored for a long time. This is our initial capital for a full-blooded, happy life.
People still believe that more money will make them happier, despite the fact that all the results of serious psychological research suggest the opposite. Maybe this belief is based on the fact that more money will give us more freedom of choice. The key thing is to make the right decision.
The role of holidays and new experiences in our life is really great. But, if the pleasure of a well-spent holiday is more important for us than buying the right thing, then the sadness of a failed holiday is more painful for us than buying an unsuccessful sofa. Therefore, it is reasonable, when planning a holiday or new training, it is good to learn everything in advance and prepare in order to avoid unnecessary stress.
Pamper yourself. In order for life to treat us well, we must value and love it ourselves. After all, even the situation in our house affects the way we feel. Create an atmosphere that will cheer you up as soon as you cross the threshold. Make repairs, update furniture, at least just paste new wallpapers and hang beautiful curtains – and life will sparkle with new colors.
Rejoice at what you have! Do you know how many people use old ugly dishes, while beautiful dishes are locked in the buffet? Do not deny yourself a little joy! If you have a beautiful thing, the way it will serve you for a good mood!
Everything in the world is interconnected. Your manner of moving affects your manner of speaking. The way you dress affects the way you feel. Your attitude towards yourself determines your attitude towards others. Pamper yourself at least occasionally.
Feeling happy, we attract good luck!
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