Jupiter Transit in Capricorn 2020- Effect on Each Sign

Jupiter Transit in Capricorn 2020- Effect on Each Sign

Jupiter Transit in Capricorn 2020 Dates

Jupiter Transit in Capricorn – Monday 29 March 2020 at 19:08 hours

Jupiter Transit in Capricorn – Friday 20 November 2020 at 06:26 hours

Jupiter or Brahaspati or Guru is the planet of wisdom and spirituality. Similar to its gigantic importance in the Solar system, Astrologically, it has a significant role in our life. According to Vedic Astrology, it rules over the psychic of a person. It makes you generous and contributes to making you humble, practical, wise, & rich. On November 20, 2020, Friday at 14:55 Jupiter Transit in Capricorn will take place. In the following paragraphs, you can read its impact on all the 12 Signs.

Considerably, Jupiter rules over the aspect related to the mind. When Jupiter is in a strong & benefic position, it helps you achieve professional designations like a Teacher, Professor, Manager, Doctor, and Lawyer. The planet is also regarded as the Teacher of the Devtas. With the two signs i.e. Sagittarius and Pisces under its rule, Jupiter is exalted in the Cancer sign and Debilitated in Capricorn sign.

In addition to this, owing to the speedy motion from March 30, 2020, to May 14, 2020, Jupiter will be in retrograde motion in Capricorn Sign.

Read here all about Jupiter Retrograde 2020 and how it will affect you.

Further, it will transit in Sagittarius on June 30, 2020, and shall remain there till November 20, 2020, Friday. On September 13, 2020, it will get back in direct motion. And again, Jupiter Transit in Capricorn will take place on 20th November.

What changes this coming transit will bring in the life of the 12 signs? Read on-

Effect of Jupiter Transit in Capricorn on Aries

During the Jupiter Transit, the majestic planet Jupiter will be your 9th House and 12 House lord. In addition, it will be in your 9th House. The 9th House signifies fortune in life, mentors or teacher, travel, Dharma, knowledge, and pilgrimage.

By the grace of Jupiter, you will be in fine shape and form. As this yearn begins, Jupiter in your 9th house will give you phenomenal results in terms of learning. You can expect good physical and mental health. During this transit, harmony will prevail in your life. You will do extremely well in the educational aspect.

This time will bring stability in your life. Especially in your career, you will receive great changes. It will make you happier than in recent times. Also, your superiors seem to be extremely happy with your work and effort. Eventually, it will add good to your life. In case you are thinking to change your job, now is the best time to receive a great offer. However, if you are interested in your current job, it will also give you fruitful results.

Effect of Jupiter Transit in Capricorn on Taurus

During Jupiter Transit 2020, the noble planet Jupiter will rule over your 8th house and 11th house. Additionally, it will be in your 8th house. It rules over sudden loss and gains, death and longevity.

In the first phase of the year, Jupiter will give you tasteful fruits rewarding for your hard work. The result will be considered good for you. Especially if you are in the field of research and sciences. In addition to this, if you are planning to visit a foreign land, you can expect great opportunities. You will overcome all the obstacles on your way.

Furthermore, if you are thinking to restore contacts with your old professionals, you can do it now. It is a favorable time for it. During this transit, you will meet intelligent people. You will appreciate their traits. Also, these highly experienced intellectuals will make you learn several new things.

Thus, a lot of positivity is coming your way.

Effect of Jupiter Transit in Capricorn on Gemini

For Geminis, the imperial planet Jupiter will rule your 7th House and 10th House. Additionally, it will be in your 7th House. The 7th house represents your partner or spouse. It is the house of former life events, potential opportunities, kin, ingenuity, spiritual practices, etc.

During the transit, the position of Jupiter will be quite advantageous for you. It will perk your health and make you feel better about yourself. Further, you will get back on completing the pending tasks. If you own a business, it will be fruitful. You will have great monetary gains.

In addition to this, you will feel stable financially. You will walk out of your tough time with the help of a female friend.

Effect of Jupiter Transit in Capricorn on Cancer

The transit will offer you mixed results. So, be ready for challenges.

For Cancerians, the grand planet Jupiter will rule over your 6th House and 9th House. Additionally, it will be in your 6th House. It signifies debts, health, wellbeing, and sickness.

Therefore, Jupiter transit 2020 will significantly draw focus on your health. You may be able to get rid of your current health problems. In order to keep it the same way, avoid the intake of fry, oily and heavy food. Eat healthy food. Take more water and fruit. It will save your digestive system from suffering.

If you are married or in a relationship, take care of things. Especially, don’t initiate a fight. However, don’t overlook issues. It may turn your relationship sour.

Effect of Jupiter Transit in Capricorn on Leo

For Leos, Jupiter will rule over your 5th House and 8th House. Additionally, it will be in your 6th house. It represents wellness, sickness, and daily routine.

During the transit, you may get in touch with health issues. Also, your rivals and enemies will try to bring you down. However, you will get over it soon. If you are thinking to switch a job, take a halt for a while. It is not the right time for switching.

In personal life, your relationship with your partner or spouse will improve. It will receive benefits in numerous aspects. You will be happy in your personal life. Besides, keep a good distance from arguments and conflicts. Soon, all your problems will come to an end.

Effect of Jupiter Transit in Capricorn on Virgo

During the transit, the mighty Jupiter will rule over your 4th House and 7th House. Besides, it will be in your 4th House. It signifies your roots, mother, happiness, property, and feelings.

The transit will help you expand your limits. Especially in the business field, your efforts will help you grow. There will be a bag of opportunities for you. You will enjoy your current salary and your efforts will be appreciated by everyone around you. There are chances of financial gains. Thus, you may soon receive a promotion or a bonus.

Furthermore, the transit will make you eager for love as well as love-making. Irrespective of your previous years, this transit will generate a proverbial honeymoon period.

Effect of Jupiter Transit in Capricorn on Libra

For Librans, Jupiter will rule over your 3rd House and 6th House. Additionally, it will be in your 3rd House

At the beginning of the year, you enjoy the bliss of your life. Especially in your married life, joy and pleasure will be boosted. You will be loyal and committed to your spouse. It will set an example for the others around you. They will follow your habits.

During this time, some great success is predicted in the life of your soul mate. During Jupiter’s transit, you will possibly become closer to your mother. Her encouragement and teachings are crucial to your growth. At the parent’s house, there will be peace and harmony.

Effect of Jupiter Transit in Capricorn on Scorpio

During the transit, Jupiter will rule your 2nd House and 5th House. In addition, it will be in your 2nd house. It represents gain, income, and monetary benefits.

During this period, you will attain richness. It is a golden period for you. At your workplace, you might receive great advice from your colleagues. Besides, in business, it is a bright period to invest money and gain profit. However, if you are thinking to join a new business, halt for a while.

By the grace of Jupiter, you will get several new projects in your lap. So, be ready for the boom.

Effect of Jupiter Transit in Capricorn on Sagittarius

For Sagittarians, Jupiter will rule your 1st House and 4th House. Additionally, it will be in your 2nd house. It signifies profit, wealth, and gain.

During the transit, you will drift your interest in studies and spirituality. Also, the planet of wisdom, Jupiter will draw your interest in seeking knowledge. You will be interested in the fields of education, faith, spirituality, and knowledge. At this time, you are fit as a fiddle.

Jupiter is commonly generous to Sagittarians Thus, during the transit, you will get a hike in your income. It is going to be your golden period.

Effect of Jupiter Transit in Capricorn on Capricorn

During Jupiter Transit, it will govern your 3rd House and 12th House. Additionally, it will be in your 12th House. It represents secret feelings, comfort, spiritual learning, occult learnings, foreign trips, and travel.

This position will fetch you fair chances to visit a foreign country. You may travel for joy and bliss. It will boost your feelings. You will connect with your partner and generate a new level of understanding.

Soon, on March 30, 2020, Jupiter will transit in your own sign. As an outcome, you will get curious to learn and seek education. You will work hard according to your basic nature. Thus, it will lead you to gain both name and fame. However, the Jupiter Retrograde will cause a little trouble in your life. Especially, if you have a partner or if you are married, you need to focus on them.

Further, do not intend to invest money. It certainly is not the best idea for now. In financial matters, you need to be extra careful.

Effect of Jupiter Transit in Capricorn on Aquarius

For Aquarius, the mighty Jupiter will rule your 2nd House and 11th House. Additionally, it shall remain in your 11th House during the transit. It represents fame, money, wealth, and gain.

During this time, you will receive huge profits. You will receive income from more than one source. You will be able to conclude your unfinished tasks. Your social circle will expand as you will befriend a number of people.

Furthermore, you will have a great time with your friends. They will take you to hangouts more often. Jupiter will add great opportunities for you to travel abroad. Also, if you have any pending legal matters, you will win that too. There is a higher chance for you to get sick soon. Thus, take special care of your health.

Effect of Jupiter Transit in Capricorn on Pisces

During the transit, Jupiter will rule over your 10th House. Additionally, it will be in your 10th House. It signifies career, profession, prestige, and reputation. It is your own sign lord, thus, the transit will impact you more than any other sign.

At business, you will grow a significant point of view. It will reward all your efforts at your workplace. Your work will be visible and appreciated by all. If you are planning to commence a business, it a fine time. Presently, you have great energy to perform in your profession. The transit of Jupiter in Capricorn will offer you a blooming surprise in your salary package.

The fluid motion and the rapid progress in this process will be signaled for sure. In a much more relaxed and joyful mood, you would also be. People around the world can be more friendly and helpful whenever necessary.

Read here Mars Transit in Capricorn 2020- Effect on Each Zodiac Sign

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Posted On - March 18, 2020 | Posted By - Deepa | Read By -


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