Karva Chauth 2020 Pooja Vidhi and Muhurat

Karva Chauth 2020 Pooja Vidhi and Muhurat

Karva Chauth’s fast falls on the Chaturthi of Krishna Paksha of Kartik month. The festival of Karva Chauth appears to be celebrating more enthusiastically mainly in the regions of North India, Rajasthan, and Punjab. The festival of Karva Chauth is celebrated with many names. This festival is celebrated in the name of Karak Chaturthi and Karak Chauth.

Karva Chauth 2020 Muhurta

Sandhya Pujan auspicious time – Wednesday, November 4, 05, 34 minutes to 06, 52 minutes

Celebration of Karak Chaturthi to Achieve Marital Happiness

The Chaturthi of Krishna Paksha of Kartik month is celebrated, this festival is mainly celebrated by the fortunate women. The festival begins in the morning in the shadow of the stars and ends with worshipping Moon. The fast of Karvachauth is celebrated with reverence and gaiety. The auspicious results of the fast observed on this day are good luck and longevity of the husband.

Sankashiganesh Chaturthi fast

The festival of Lord Shri Ganesh Sankashti Chaturthi is also celebrated on this day. Lord Ganesha is worshiped on the occasion of this festival. Sri Vidhanaharta Ganesh Ji is worshiped for the attainment of a long life of husband and happy married life, Shri Ganesh is worshiped while observing the fast whole day.

Fasting method

In the worship of Karva Chauth, this fast begins in the morning under the shade of stars. Further, women observe fast without eating and drinking anything the whole day. They observe fast throughout the day keeping in mind the strict rules of fasting. Women fast all day and then worship in the evening. At this time, the women of the house worship together and then listen to the Karva Chauth Katha. In some places, women worship in groups and listen to the story, in some places women gather in temples to worship.

The women fasting during the Chauth puja listen to the story and move the plates with each other.

Women see the moon at night after worshipping in the evening. They worship Moon with incense, lamp, smell, etc. and offer raw milk and water. Finally, their husbands feed their wives with special offerings for the occasion.

Karva Chauth Katha

There are many religious narratives available about Karva Chauth. Some show the links of this story from the time of Mahabharata. Apart from this, another story is as follows. In ancient times there used to be a moneylender, that moneylender had seven sons and a daughter. The girl’s name was Veeravati who has seven brothers. They loved their only sister very dearly, they all had a lot of affection for their sister.

After Veeravati’s marriage, she comes to her in-laws’ house at the time of the Chaturthi of Krishna Paksha of Kartik month. The sister observes fast with her sister in law but she gets angry due to hunger.

When Brothers Lie to Veeravati about Moon

The brothers do not see the status of their sister, and they light a lamp on a peepal tree at a distant place for the sister and keep it in the carpet Because of which it looks like it is like a moon.

All seven brothers call their sister and see that your moon has come out, now you can quickly complete your fast by worshiping it. Sister tells the sisters that the moon has come out, but the sisters say that it is your moon, you have not yet come to worship our moon, She does not understand anything and worships the fake moon made by the brothers and starts eating. When she eats the first grass to eat, she sneezes, hair comes out in the second grass and as soon as the third grass starts eating, she gets the message of her husband’s death.

On hearing the news of the husband’s death, she cries a lot, then the brothers tell her that it happened because of not worshipping the Moon. Her husband’s age declined due to the break of the fast. Veeravati does not perform the last rites of her husband, she takes care of her husband by sitting near his body for a whole year. Keeps every Chaturthi fast for twelve months and when the Chaturthi of Kartik month comes, then on that day, she worships the moon with full rituals and fulfills the rule of fast, due to the effect of her tenacity, her husband becomes alive again and She gets the blessings of being lucky.

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Posted On - November 3, 2020 | Posted By - Astrologer Rani | Read By -


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