Astrologically or scientifically, all the planets draw an impact on our lives. Each of them, govern the singular aspect of our life. Further, bestow us with both positive and negative effects. Some planets change every month and some planets take more than a month to change. Let’s know briefly which planet changes when it gives auspicious and inauspicious effects. Read ahead if you want to understand Planetary movement-
This planet stays in one zodiac sign and after another month, travels to another zodiac sign. The sun sign of a native is determined on the basis of whatever amount it is in. It is afflicted when it is in the signs of Saturn like Capricorn, Aquarius.
Sun, the lord of the Leo sign, gives auspicious results in the third, sixth, tenth and eleventh house from the transiting Ascendant sign in our horoscope, while in the remaining houses the Sun gives inauspicious results.
This planet passes from one zodiac sign to another zodiac every two and a half days. The lunar sign of a person is determined on the basis of whatever amount it is in. This planet also gives bad effects when Saturn is in zodiac signs.
The transit of the Moon, the lord of Cancer, is auspicious in the first, third, seventh, tenth, and eleventh house in the horoscope, while the transit of the Moon in the fourth, eighth and twelfth house is inauspicious.
Mars stays in one zodiac for about one and a half months and travels to another zodiac sign. Sometimes it lasts for three months. The transit of Mars, the lord of Aries and Scorpio, has auspicious results in the third, sixth and eleventh house from the ascendant sign of the native and its inauspicious results in the remaining houses.
Mercury lives in a zodiac for about 14 days. It lasts for 27 days after being sold. The transit of Mercury, the lord of Gemini and Virgo, gives auspicious results in the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth and eleventh houses from the ascendant horoscope in the horoscope and inauspicious in the remaining houses.
Jupiter ie the planet Guru stays in a zodiac for a year. The transit of Sagittarius and Pisces lord of Jupiter in the second, fifth, seventh, ninth and eleventh house from the ascendant sign results inauspicious and inauspicious results in the remaining houses.
The planet Venus stays in a zodiac for about 23 days. Venus is retrograde and lasts for one and a half to 2 months. The transiting Venus of the planet Venus, the lord of Taurus and Libra, gives auspicious results in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, eighth, ninth, eleventh and twelfth house of the zodiac and inauspicious results in the remaining houses.
Saturn takes 30 months or two and a half years to enter from one zodiac to another. The transit of Saturn, the lord of Capricorn and Aquarius, gives auspicious results in the third, sixth, eleventh house from the natal zodiac and inauspicious results in the remaining houses.
Rahu is the shadow planet that stays in one zodiac for one and a half years. The transit of Rahu is auspicious in the third, sixth, eleventh house from the natal zodiac and inauspicious results in the remaining houses.
Ketu is also a shadow planet that lives in one zodiac for one and a half years. The transit of Ketu gives auspicious results in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth and eleventh house of the ascendant and remaining inauspicious in the remaining house.
Among the nine planets, the Sun and the Moon are the only two planets that are never retrograde (opposite motion), while Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde
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