Sheshnaag- Snake or Human?

The legend of Sheshnaag

Snakes are creatures that intrigue numerous individuals while terrifying others. Fortunate or unfortunate, a great many people have a solid feel about snakes, however, hardly any individuals stay nonpartisan.

The cobra’s sensational risk act makes for a one of a kind display as it seems to influence to the tune of a snake charmer’s woodwind. Snake charmers with their cobras in a wicker container are a typical sight in numerous pieces of India just during the Nag Panchami celebration. The cobra is hard of hearing to the snake charmer’s pipe, yet pursues the viewable sign of the moving funnel and it can detect the ground vibrations from the snake charmer’s tapping.

Snakes have assumed a conspicuous job in the religions of numerous societies, both as great and insidiousness. Some have just considered the snake as consecrated while others have to give them a celestial status deserving of love. In Christianity, the most renowned reference to the snake is that of the snake in the Garden of Eden. Take note of that the underhanded one is Satan who is utilizing the snake.

Further, the legend of the Nagas, found in both Hinduism and Buddhism, alludes to superb snakes, regularly with various heads.

Who is Sheshnaag

The Sheshanaga, likewise referred to just as the Shesha or Adishesha. This enormous snake is the Nagaraja or the King of the Naga (snake) race and one of the basic creatures of creation itself. Adishesha holds a significant situation in Hindu folklore, reasoning, craftsmanship, culture, and writing.

People believe that it is Sheshnaag who holds all the planets on his tremendous hoods. An enthusiastic lover of Lord Vishnu, he continually sings the wonders of his Lord from every one of his mouths. It is said that when Adishesha uncoils, time starts to push ahead and creation begins to happen. At the point when he returns to his wound position, time stops and the Universe stops to exist.


A huge curled snake, Sheshnaag is in the Ocean of Milk. On the Ocean, he shapes a bed on which Lord Vishnu leans back, with Goddess Lakshmi, the God of Wealth, at his feet.

Shesha is some of the time depicted either as a five-headed or seven-headed snake. All the more normally, however, he is portrayed as a thousand-headed snake, with every one of the heads (or hoods) wearing a luxurious crown.

His name originates from the Sanskrit root “sister”, which signifies, “the One which Remains”. This is because of the way that Shesha consistently stays regardless of all the Pralayas (Great Floods), every one of which Kalpas (ages) and yugas (times) before. Strangely, in Sanskrit writings; particularly in those identifying with numerical estimation; the expression “Shesha” suggests the “rest of” that which remains, while all else stops to exist.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Sri Krishna proclaims, “Anantaascha Asmi Naagaanam”. This is verification enough of Ananta’s significance in the Hindu pantheon.

Vishnu is frequently demonstrated leaning back on Shesha. As indicated by Hindu folklore, he had slid to Earth in two human structures, to be specific, Lakshmana (Lord Rama’s sibling) and Balarama (Lord Krishna’s sibling).

The legend of Sheshnaag

Shesha was destined to Rishi Kashyapa and his significant other Kadru, one of the little girls of Daksha. At the appointed time of time, Kadru brought forth a thousand snakes, of which Shesha was the oldest. A significant number of Shesha’s siblings were merciless essentially and enjoyed extraordinary dispensing hurt upon others. Kashyapa likewise sired Garuda through Vinatha, Kadru’s sister. Shesha’s siblings were harsh to him too.

Nauseated with the awful conduct of his siblings, Shesha left his family and chose to embrace serious severities and atonement. He lived only on air and reflected in various spots, including Gandhamadana, Badrikashrama, Pushkara, Gokarna and the Himalayas.

Satisfied with his commitment and dedication, Brahma showed up before Shesha and instructed him to request aid. The previous mentioned that he ought to have the option to monitor his psyche so he could proceed with his austere practices. Brahma happily offered help to him.

Brahma at that point solicited some help from Shesha – to go underneath Earth and settle it. The last was very much glad to be given a new obligation. He quickly went to Patala (the Netherworld), raised his hood and adjusted the Earth over it. It is accepted that he underpins the Earth even today.

These were the key aspects of how The legend of Sheshnaag. Also, you may like to read about Why Krishna did not kill the cruel Kaliya Naag?

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Posted On - November 9, 2019 | Posted By - Sandeep | Read By -


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