Stress Trigger of All Zodiac Signs – What’s Yours?

Stress Triggers of All Zodiac Signs

What is the one thing that gets on your nerves for real? Each of us has a severe personal gripe or stress trigger. However, if you read about the phobia factors that rely on your zodiac sign, this may correlate. So starting now, you can learn more about the causes of the stress of all the zodiac signs. You will definitely resonate, depending on your sign, with one or more of those stress factors.

Aries (21st March to 19th April)

Aries stress trigger – Fear of failure

Filled with fire to overwork and rule the world, Aries is the most ambitious zodiac sign. These are the innovative people in the workplace. They believe in the initiation, expansion, and gratification of things. Not just on their workstation but also in their life, the biggest stress trigger for Aries is fear of failure. When they know they can make things better and they somehow are unable to do so, it rises up the level of stress.

Taurus (20th April to 20th May)

Stress trigger of Taurus- Fear of fumbling

Taurus, a zodiac sign so much popular for its special ability to put a full stop to issues. These people are problem solvers of all kinds. Practical, smart, kind, and diplomatic Taurus makes the best management sparkle. However, if a slight sight of chaos appears, they start questioning their ability. At that time, all their self-confidence could just go to hell. Even the thought of fumbling gives Taurus chills down the spine.

Gemini (21st May to 20th June)

Gemini stress trigger – Fear of responsibility

Though Gemini literally gets stressed out over anything and literally everything. The biggest fear of this twin sign is fear of too much responsibility. Geminis plan their lives to go smooth, joyous, and free from responsibility. Especially, when someone is close to them and Gemini has to fulfill their needs, they would just ghost on them instead of facing accountability.

Cancer (21st June to 22nd July)

Cancer stress trigger – FOMO

As good as they are with people, Cancer can’t take when people don’t give them enough attention. Cancer is a Social Introvert. They don’t step out easily. However, when they do, they want people to acknowledge their presence. After a while, Cancerian will get grumpy and be willing to return to their shelter anyway to recharge their soul. So, as long as they are outside, they face the fear of missing out.

Leo (23rd July to 22nd August)

Leo stress trigger – Fear of lack of power

Represented by Lion, Leo is the most cheerful, sophisticated, and amusing zodiac sign. Nonetheless, they are not happy when they receive a lesser amount of attention that they want. Leo is a zodiac sign that does not share their limelight with anyone at all. Besides, if anything related to them goes out of their hands, they freak out. Leos are control freaks and want everything to go in perfect order as they want. A lack of control or power gives them a stress attack.

Virgo (23rd August to 22nd September)

Virgo stress trigger – Fear of imperfection

There’s nothing that scares a Virgo more than the imbalance of situations. These people are management freaks. Thus, everything has to go in their lives in accordance with their plans. Otherwise, they will go berserk for themselves. From the meeting they scheduled to the movie night they planned, everything has to go as per the plan.

Libra (23rd September to 22nd October)

Stress trigger of Libra – Fear of inequality/imbalance

Libra is a sign of harmony. These people check for their balance meter every now and then. The biggest stress trigger for Libra is unfair treatment. It is so easy for them to dive into their ocean of guilt trip. Even if they were right and used a slightly high pitch, they will regret it forever.

Scorpio (23rd October to 21st November)

Scorpio stress trigger – Fear of lack of privacy

Typically a water sign, Scorpio is popular for a messy attitude. It is often impossible to track what a Scorpio actually wants. But what they don’t want is pretty obvious. A Scorpio is hella secretive. They would sacrifice but their privacy. Be it their partner or friends or family everyone has to stand a hand distance from Scorpio’s line of privacy.

Sagittarius (22nd November to 21st December)

Sagittarius stress trigger – Fear of intimacy/involvement

Sags, the seeker of knowledge and wisdom. With the shelter of fortune planet Jupiter, these people become the most remarkable wanderers. A Sagittarius’s life revolves around fun, insight, adventures, and new experiences. They are the most enjoyable company. However, even if they get a spark of intimacy or emotional involvement, they panic. Sagittarius analyses a lot before spending even a small piece of their heart for someone.

Capricorn (22nd December to 19th January)

Stress trigger of Capricorn – Fear of shortcoming

Capricorn is a zodiac sign well known for its hunger for excellence & virtue. These people make intense readers, analysts, and observers. Capricorns are self-critic and self-enthusiast. They pretty much don’t need anybody else to tell them where they and what they lack both on the personal & professional front. Thus, the fear of shortcoming is their biggest stress trigger.

Aquarius (20th January to 18th February)

Stress trigger of Aquarius – Fear of overwhelming and underwhelming situations

Aquarius is a phenomenal zodiac sign. These people are rare. Thus, it is often tough to break out their casual expressions and habits. As rare as it can be, Aquarians have a diverse management issue. However, the lack of management is also their biggest stress trigger. Alongside this, an Aquarius can go absolutely crazy in an overwhelming or underwhelming situation.

Pisces (19th February to 20th March)

Pisces stress trigger – Fear of feeling too much

It is in all the Water signs. They all fear feeling and expressing too much. However, Pisces tops the level of anxiety when it comes to overstimulation. Pisces is the 12th zodiac of the zodiac circle, thus, it comprises a bit of good, bad, and stress factor of all the other 11 zodiac signs too. These people are introverts. After every few meetings, they need their own time to get back on track. Along with this, they also fear being left alone. A Pisces is also an attention seeker from time to time. They can’t stand being left out. It is necessary for them to be a part of the crowd.

Also, you may also like reading Horoscope for November 2020 These Zodiac Signs Will Be Lucky

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Posted On - November 6, 2020 | Posted By - Deepa | Read By -


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