The zodiac signs hardest to break up with

hardest to break up

Getting dumped is hard. However, it’s harder to be on the other side when you genuinely care and love someone. They will have space for resentment since you broke their heart. But, who are you going to blame? Even if you are in control, there is always the feeling of grief, angst, or guilt which can eat you up inside. Here we have the zodiac signs who are the hardest to break up with.

You know that the love for them was real and true. Maybe you still love them but had your valid reasons for the split. It can be awfully depressing at times. Although breaking up is hard for everyone, it is many times harder for some and not at all easy to move on. Simply telling them that it’s not working anymore is not sufficient for them, especially if their feelings have changed. So here are some zodiac signs that are hardest to break up with.

1. Cancer

Many recognize Cancer men and women for their loyalty and protectiveness. Commitment for life is their life’s motto— friendship or relationship. These natives love to have someone to take care of as they love to nurture. So, if they do not have someone to take care of, they feel lost and empty.

Being in a relationship with this zodiac sign can be very fulfilling and one of the greatest experiences ever as they are very sentimental people and love deeply. Because of that, they are more likely to get stuck on their exes and find it very hard to move on. So, for their partner to be away from them could be utterly challenging. Thus, these are on the top of the zodiac signs and hardest to break up.

Letting go of the past is not an easy task for Cancer men and women. Therefore, they often find themselves reminiscing and wondering what may have happened. They will try to convince the same to their ex-partners via long text messages and late-night drunk calls long after the breakup.

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2. Pisces

Emotions and feelings are very important when it comes to Pisces. They know how to make someone feel special and put their whole heart and soul into a relationship. Because of their idealist nature, these natives create a beautiful world in their heads, where everything is perfect or nothing is amiss. So when their partners try to break up with them, they feel like their world is falling apart.

Because of their sharp intuition, they already sense the breakup long before its arrival and plan ways to save their relationship. Thus, these natives are one of the few signs that are the hardest to break up with. Moving on is not easy for them.

And they try to latch on to their partners as long as possible along with being in denial. They will try their best to save the relationship with impromptu date nights and long text messages expressing their love. Not just this, they even show how grateful they are for their partners, making it extremely hard to create distance.

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3. Scorpio

People know Scorpio for their determination, and if they want something, they get it. They are very goal-oriented and will rarely stray away from their path. Relentless in nature, they will go after what they want without stopping. Their stubbornness knows no boundaries. Hence, these are one of the zodiac signs hardest to break up with.

Accepting the fact that there is no more love between them and their partners and moving on is not acceptable for them. Like everything, they will relentlessly try to convince their partner that they can still work it out and that it is not over yet. Moreover, these natives are also very loyal people and will never intentionally hurt someone. Because of that, it is equally hard for them to forgive.

Scorpio men and women love with passion, and they hate with their all. So, if they ever feel that they have been wronged in their relationship, they hold resentment for a long time and even try to take revenge.

4. Gemini

Gemini has a strong sense of individuality and likes to dictate their own life. They are smart and intelligent and always have something witty to say on every occasion. Because of that, they are very likable in social settings. Being in a relationship with them can be extremely fun and eventful as they never fail to have a good time. But they can also be very possessive of their partners, making it hardest to break up with them.

Gemini men and women love to be the dominating ones in the relationship and will want to be in control of the relationship. Thus, they will not make it easy for their partners to break up with them because they can’t let them have the last laugh. Moving on is very hard for them, and you can expect a Gemini to still be in love with their first partner.

Also, Geminis can be very persuasive, to the point of being manipulative, and they will surely use that to change their partner’s mind. Because of this, keeping up with a Gemini can be very hard.

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5. Libra

Libras are known to be fair and are always ready to stand for justice. They believe in equality and will give away love as much as they receive. Because of this, these natives can be very understanding in certain situations. But when it comes to breaking up and moving on, they struggle quite a bit. Because they believe in equality and justice, they feel like they did all the right things in the relationship and can’t fathom any reason for the breakup.

Libra men and women are passive-aggressive in nature. Therefore, they will try to reason with their partners and try to convince them to make the relationship work no matter what. Moreover, they might also try to create an argument trying to defend themselves, and this argument may turn into a bigger fight.

Also, Libras are also known to have anger issues and might end up punching the wall when the breakup occurs. Because they don’t like things away from them, so are one of the signs hardest to break up.

Also read 4 zodiac signs who hate change and 6 zodiac signs that are easily manipulated


Posted On - May 16, 2022 | Posted By - Sneha Mahato | Read By -


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