“Vastu for north-facing house”

Vastu tips for house

In Vastu Shastra, the orientation of a house holds great significance as it determines the flow of energies within the living space. A north-facing house is considered favorable as it receives ample sunlight and is associated with positive energies and prosperity. In this blog, we will explore essential Vastu tips for a north-facing house to enhance well-being, positivity, and abundance in your home.

1. Entrance and Main Door vastu

  • The main door of a north-facing house should ideally be placed in the north or northeast direction. This attracts positive energies and prosperity into the home.
  • Ensure the main door opens inward to invite positive energies and opportunities.

2. Interior Arrangements

  • Place the living room and dining area in the northeast or northwest direction for a harmonious and inviting ambiance.
  • Position the bedrooms in the southwest or south direction for restful sleep and stability.

3. vastu for Kitchen and Pooja Room

  • The kitchen is best located in the southeast direction of a north-facing house to enhance prosperity and positive energies related to nourishment.
  • Designate the Pooja room in the northeast or east direction to promote spiritual harmony and devotion.

4. Staircase and Windows

  • If there is a staircase in a north-facing house, it is best located in the west or south direction to maintain a harmonious flow of energies.
  • Ensure windows in the house are larger on the northern side to allow ample natural light and positive energies to enter.
vastu for house

5. Exterior Elements for vastu

  • Plant trees or shrubs in the northern part of the house to create a positive and welcoming ambiance.
  • Avoid placing heavy structures or obstructions in the north, as it may hinder the flow of positive energies.

6. Colors and Decor

  • Use light and bright colors in the interior decor to enhance the north-facing house’s natural brightness.
  • Decorate the house with vibrant and cheerful artwork and decor to create a lively and positive environment.

7. Mirrors Placement vastu

  • Place mirrors on the northern walls to reflect and enhance natural light, creating a brighter and more positive atmosphere.

Also Read ; “Vastu for Pooja room”

8. Regular Maintenance

  • Regularly maintain the north-facing house by fixing any leaks or damages promptly.
  • Keep the house clean and clutter-free to allow positive energies to flow freely.

Conclusion: Attracting Abundance with Vastu-Aligned North-Facing House

By following these Vastu tips for a north-facing house, you can harness positive energies and prosperity in your living space. The orientation of a house plays a vital role in Vastu, and aligning it with positive energies can bring numerous benefits to the occupants. Embrace Vastu principles with an open mind and enjoy the abundance and well-being it brings to your north-facing home.

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Posted On - August 4, 2023 | Posted By - Vidhi Hooda | Read By -


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