Vastu Tips For Designing Bathroom For Positive Vibes


Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural science, emphasizes the importance of creating spaces that align with the natural elements and energies of the universe. Bathrooms, being essential spaces in our homes, also play a significant role in maintaining positive energy and promoting well-being. By incorporating Vastu principles into bathroom design, we can create a harmonious and energetically balanced space. In this article, we will explore Vastu tips for designing bathroom that radiates positive vibes and contributes to a sense of overall wellness.

The Ideal Location of the Bathroom:

Vastu recommends placing bathrooms in the northwest or southeast corners of the house. The northwest direction is associated with air, and the southeast direction is associated with fire, making them suitable for housing a bathroom. Avoid locating the bathroom in the northeast corner, as it is considered inauspicious and may lead to health and financial issues.


Balancing the Elements:

Vastu advocates incorporating the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space) into bathroom design. To achieve this, use earthy tones for the bathroom walls (earth element), have a water source like a basin or shower (water element), use proper lighting and candles (fire element), ensure proper ventilation (air element), and leave some open space (space element) to maintain energetic balance.

Positioning of Bathroom Fixtures:

The positioning of bathroom fixtures is crucial for Vastu compliance. Place the washbasin in the northeast or north direction to attract positive energy. The shower or bathtub should ideally be in the east or northeast direction. Avoid placing the toilet in the northeast, as it can lead to financial and health issues. Position it in the northwest or south direction.

Also read: Vastu Tips for Creating a Harmonious Work Environment

Ventilation and Light:

Proper ventilation and lighting are essential for any Vastu-compliant bathroom. Ensure that the bathroom has windows or exhaust fans to allow fresh air to circulate and remove stale energy. Natural light is preferred, but if that’s not possible, ensure adequate artificial lighting to brighten the space.

Colors and Finishes:

Choose soothing and neutral colors for bathroom walls, such as light shades of blue, green, or pastels. These colors promote relaxation and create a calming ambiance. Avoid using dark or aggressive colors, as they can create a negative impact on the energy of the space.

Mirror Placement:

Mirrors in the bathroom should ideally be placed on the north or east walls. Mirrors represent the water element and can enhance the sense of space. Avoid placing mirrors on the south or west walls, as they may reflect negative energies.

Storage and Clutter Control:

Keep the toilet organized and clutter-free to maintain positive energy flow. Adequate storage solutions can help in tidying up toiletries and personal items, reducing clutter and promoting a clean environment.

Crystals and Plants:

Vastu encourages the use of crystals and indoor plants to enhance positive energy. Crystals like amethyst or rose quartz can be placed to attract positive vibrations. Indoor plants, such as bamboo or aloe vera, can help purify the air and add a natural touch to the space.

Water Flow and Drainage:

Ensure that the water flows freely in the bathroom without any leakage or blockage. Proper drainage is crucial to prevent stagnant water, which can attract negative energies.

Bathroom Doors:

The bathroom door should open inward to the bathroom and not outward, as per Vastu principles. Avoid positioning the bathroom door directly in front of the main entrance door or bedroom door.

Designing a bathroom in alignment with Vastu principles can significantly impact the energy and ambiance of the space. By considering the ideal location, proper positioning of fixtures, colors, and finishes, and incorporating elements like proper ventilation, lighting, and crystals, we can create a space that radiates positive vibes and enhances overall well-being.

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Posted On - August 1, 2023 | Posted By - Bhavini Ohri | Read By -


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