Vastu Tips That Help Reduce Visa Rejection Chances


Obtaining a visa for international travel is a crucial step in fulfilling your dreams of exploring new destinations or pursuing higher education abroad. However, visa applications can sometimes face rejection, leading to disappointment and delays in your plans. Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian architectural science, offers valuable insights into harmonizing energies in your living space. By applying Vastu tips to your home, you can potentially reduce visa rejection chances and increase the positive flow of energy for successful visa applications. In this article, we will explore Vastu tips that can enhance your travel prospects and improve the likelihood of visa approvals.

The Northeast Direction: The Key to Positive Energy Flow:

According to Vastu, the northeast direction is considered highly auspicious, as it is associated with positive energy and opportunities. Create a clean and clutter-free space in the northeast corner of your home. You can place a small puja altar, fresh flowers, or a water feature to promote positive vibes and attract favorable outcomes for your visa applications.

Also read: Astrological Remedies to Enhance Your Chances of Studying Abroad

The Power of Color:

Colors have a significant impact on our emotions and energy levels. Incorporate Vastu-friendly colors in the areas where you prepare and submit your visa documents. Shades of green, blue, and white are considered beneficial for promoting positivity and success. Avoid using dark or aggressive colors that may create stress or negativity.

The Ideal Study and Workspace:

Designate a study or workspace in the northeast or north direction of your home. This space should be organized and well-lit, providing a conducive environment for focused preparation of your visa documents. A clutter-free and organized workspace can help enhance your efficiency and confidence in the visa application process.

The Sacred Space of Prayer:

Create a sacred space or altar in your home for daily prayers and meditation. This space can be in the northeast direction or any area that feels spiritually significant to you. Regular prayers and meditation can infuse positive energy into your intentions and aspirations for successful visa approvals.

The Impact of Main Entrance Direction:

The main entrance of your home plays a crucial role in influencing the energy flow within the house. Ideally, it should face an auspicious direction, such as east or north, to attract positive energy. Avoid main entrances facing the south or southwest direction, as they may create obstacles in your travel plans.

The Significance of the Northwest Direction:

The northwest direction is associated with travel and journey. Place a globe or a symbol of travel in this direction to activate positive energies for your travel aspirations. Keep this area clean and clutter-free to allow smooth energy flow.

The Abundance of Fresh Air and Natural Light:

Proper ventilation and natural light are essential for a Vastu-compliant living space. Ensure that your home has windows that allow fresh air and sunlight to enter freely. Natural light and fresh air promote positivity and vitality, enhancing your overall well-being and travel prospects.

visa rejection

The Harmony of Five Elements:

Vastu emphasizes balancing the five elements—earth, water, fire, air, and space—in your living space. Incorporate these elements in your home decor to create a harmonious environment. For example, you can place indoor plants (earth element) and a small water fountain (water element) to promote balance and positive energy flow.

The Auspicious Entrance Rituals:

Before submitting your visa application, perform a simple Vastu-approved ritual at the entrance of your home. Sprinkle some holy water or place fresh flowers at the entrance to attract positive energy and blessings for your travel plans.

The Power of Positive Affirmations:

Use positive affirmations and visualize successful visa approvals. Train your mind to focus on positive outcomes and avoid dwelling on negative thoughts or fears of rejection. Positive affirmations can uplift your spirits and attract good energy towards your travel goals.

Applying Vastu tips to your living space can create a harmonious and energetically balanced environment, potentially reducing visa rejection chances. By incorporating Vastu-friendly colors, designing an organized workspace, and enhancing positive energy flow through prayers and rituals, you can enhance your travel prospects and increase the likelihood of visa approvals. Remember that Vastu is a guide to harmonizing energy, and individual intentions and efforts also play a significant role in achieving your travel aspirations. Embrace these Vastu tips with a positive mindset, and may your visa applications be met with success, opening doors to exciting journeys and enriching experiences around the world.

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Posted On - August 1, 2023 | Posted By - Bhavini Ohri | Read By -


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