Vivah Muhurat 2024: Auspicious Dates & Time In 2024 To Get Married

Shubh Vivah Muhurat 2024 in astrology

In Hinduism, people attach great significance to performing auspicious deeds, especially at an auspicious time. Therefore, they choose auspicious timing for important events such as marriages and a child’s first shaving ceremony (Mundan). This tradition has been ongoing for centuries and is still observed today. People believe that performing any work during an auspicious time guarantees success and eliminates obstacles. Hence, here is the Vivah Muhurat 2024, according to the Hindu Panchang.

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Vivah Shubh Muhurat for January 2024

The marriage Shubh Muhurat for January 2024 are:

Day and DateMuhurat TimingNakshatraTithi 
16 January 2024, Tuesday20:01 to 17 Jan 07:15 Uttara-Bhadrapada, RevatiShashthi, Saptami
17 January 2023, Wednesday07:15 to 21:50RevatiSaptami
20 January 2024, Saturday 03:09 to 21 Jan 07:14Rohini Ekadashi
21 January 2024, Sunday07:14 to 07:23Rohini Ekadashi
22 January 2024, Monday07:14 to 23 Jan 04:58 MrigashiraDwadashi, Trayodashi
27 January 2024, Saturday19:44 to 28 Jan 07: 12 MaghaDwitiya, Tritiya
28 January 2024, Sunday07:12 to 15:53MaghaTritiya
30 January 2024, Tuesday 10:43 to 31 Jan 07:10Uttara Phalguni, Hasta Panchami
31 January 2024, Wednesday07:10 to 1 Feb 01:08 Hasta Panchami, Shashthi

Vivah Shubh Muhurat for February 2024

The Shubh Muhurat for Vivah in February 2024 will be as follows:

Day and DateMuhurat TimingNakshatra Tithi 
4 February 2024, Sunday07:21 to 05 Feb 05:44 AnuradhaNavami, Dashami
6 February 2024, Tuesday 13:18 to 07 Feb 06:27 Mool Ekadashi, Dwadashi
7 February 2024, Wednesday04:37 to 08 Feb 07:05 Uttarashada Trayodashi
8 February 2024, Thursday07:05 to 11:17Uttarashada Trayodashi
12 February 2024, Monday14:56 to 13 Feb 07:02Uttar BhadrapadaTritiya, Chaturthi
13 February 2024, Tuesday14:41 to 14 Feb 05:11 RevatiPanchami
17 February 2024, Saturday08:46 to 13:44RohiniNavami
24 February 2024, Saturday13:35 to 22:20Magha Purnima, Pratipada
25 February 2024, Sunday01:24 to 26 Feb 06:50 Uttara Phalguni Dwitiya
26 February 2024, Monday06:50 to 15:27Uttara PhalguniDwitiya
29 February 2024, Thursday 10:22 to 01 Mar 06:46Swati Panchami

Vivah Shubh Muhurat for March 2024

The Vivah Muhurat for March 2024 will be as follows:

Day and DateMuhurat TimingNakshatraTithi 
1 March 2024, Friday 06:46 to 12:48Swati Shashthi
2 March 2024, Saturday20:24 to 03 Mar 06:44AnuradhaSaptami
March 3, 2024, Sunday06:44 to 15:55Anuradha Saptami, Ashtami
4 March 2024, Monday22:16 to 05 Mar 06:42MoolNavami
5 March 2024, Tuesday06:42 to 14:09MoolNavami, Dashami
6 March 2024, Wednesday14:52 to 07 Mar 06:40 Uttarashada Ekadashi, Dwadashi
7 March 2024, Thursday06:40 to 08:24Uttarashada Dwadashi
10 March 2024, Sunday01:55 to 11 Mar 06:35Uttar Bhadrapada Pratipada
11 March 2024, Monday06:35 to 12 Mar 06:34Uttar Bhadrapada, Revati Pratipada, Dwitiya
12 March 2024, Tuesday 06:34 to 15:08RevatiTritiya

Also Read: Akshaya Tritiya 2023: Date, Shubh Muhurat, Puja Rituals & More

Vivah Shubh Muhurat for April 2024

The Shubh Muhurat for April 2024 will be as follows:

Day and DateMuhurat TimingNakshatraTithi 
18 April 2024, Thursday00:44 to 19 Apr 05:51MaghaEkadashi
19 April 2024, Friday 05:51 to 06:46 MaghaEkadashi
20 April 2024, Saturday14:04 to 21 Apr 02:48Uttara PhalguniDwadashi, Trayodashi
21 April 2024 Sunday03:45 to 22 Apr 05:48Hasta Chaturdashi
22 April 2024, Monday05:48 to 20:00Hasta Chaturdashi

Vivah Shubh Muhurat for May 2024

There are no favorable Vivah Muhurat 2024 in May to marry.

Vivah Shubh Muhurat for June 2024

There are no favorable or propitious Muhurat this month to marry.

Vivah Shubh Muhurat for July 2024

In July 2024, the Shubh Muhurat for Vivah will be as follows:

Day and DateMuhurat TimingNakshatraTithi 
9 July 2024, Tuesday 14:28 to 18:56 MaghaChaturthi
11 July 2024, Thursday13:04 to 12 Jul 04:09Uttara PhalguniShashthi
12 July 2024, Friday 05:15 to 13 Jul 05:32 Hasta Saptami
13 July 2024, Saturday05:32 to 15:05Hasta Saptami
14 July 2024, Sunday22:06 to 15 Jul 05:33SwatiNavami
15 July 2024, Monday05:33 to 16 Jul 00:30Swati Navami, Dashami

Vivah Shubh Muhurat for August 2024

There are no favorable or propitious Muhurat this month to marry.

Vivah Shubh Muhurat for September 2024

There are no favorable or propitious Muhurat this month to marry.

Vivah Shubh Muhurat for October 2024

There are no favorable or propitious Muhurat this month to marry.

Vivah Shubh Muhurat for November 2024

The Vivah Shubh Muhurat for November 2024 will be as follows:

Day and DateMuhurat TimingNakshatraTithi 
12 November 2024, Tuesday16:04 to 19:10Uttar Bhadrapada Dwadashi
13 November 2024 Wednesday15:26 to 21:48Revati Trayodashi
16 November 2024 Saturday23:48 to 17 Nov 06:45RohiniDwitiya
17 November 2024, Sunday06:45 to 18 Nov 06:46 Rohini, Mrigashira Dwitiya, Tritiya
18 November 2024, Monday06:46 to 07:56 Mrigashira Tritiya
22 November 2024, Friday23:44 to 23 Nov 06:50 Magha Ashtami
23 November 2024, Saturday06:50 to 11:42Magha Ashtami
25 November 2024, Monday01:01 to 26 Nov 06:53Hasta Ekadashi
26 November 2024, Tuesday06:53 to 27 Nov 04:35 HastaEkadashi
28 November 2024, Thursday 07:36 to 29 Nov 06:55 SwatiTrayodashi
29 November 2024, Friday 06:55 to 08:39SwatiTrayodashi

Vivah Shubh Muhurat for December 2024

The marriage Shubh Muhurat for December 2024 will be as follows:

Day and DateMuhurat TimingNakshatraTithi 
4 December 2024, Wednesday17:15 to 05 Dec 01:02 Uttarashada Chaturthi
5 December 2024, Thursday12:49 to 17:26Uttarashada Panchami
9 December 2024, Monday14:56 to 10 Dec 01:06 Uttar BhadrapadaNavami
10 December 2024, Tuesday22:03 to 11 Dec 06:13 Revati Dashami, Ekadashi
14 December 2024, Saturday07:06 to 16:58Mrigashira Purnima
15 December 2024, Sunday03:42 to 07:06 Mrigashira Purnima

Significance of marriage and Shubh Muhurat in Hinduism

In Hinduism, there are 16 samskaras, with especially the marriage Samskaras being the most significant. Hinduism believes that marriage represents a second birth for individuals, and it additionally symbolizes the union of two families through the bride and groom. To determine an auspicious time for a Hindu marriage ceremony in 2024 (also known as Vivah Muhurat 2024), the first step is to perform Panchang Shuddhi. This process not only identifies an auspicious day for the wedding but also determines the auspicious timing for the various marriage rituals. 

Using the Hindu Panchang, solar and lunar months, and also purifying Nakshatra, Yoga, and Karana, we can determine auspicious marriage days and times for the entirety of 2024. Marriage creates a bond between two individuals and especially two families, establishing new relationships that are significant for everyone. Thus, Hinduism considers it an auspicious and crucial act to perform at a propitious time to ensure the happiness of the couple and their families. Being married at an auspicious time is also believed to be an important factor in achieving long-lasting happiness in life.

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Marriage Muhurat and the birth sign of the couple

After matching the Gunas according to the Kundli of the Jatak, the Vivah Muhurta is especially determined based on the birth signs of the bride and groom. Once the process of matching the qualities in the horoscope is complete, the Pandit or an astrologer determines a specific date, time, constellation, and duration for the wedding ceremony according to the birth sign of the couple. Additionally, the Pandit or the astrologer fixes the date of marriage according to the moon sign of the bride or groom, specifically the moon constellation in which they were born. The matching of the zodiac signs of the boy and girl results in the selection of a suitable date for marriage, which is also commonly referred to as Vivah Muhurta. Moreover, the Vivah Shubh Muhurat in 2024 will help people to plan their wedding dates better.

Auspicious Dates, Nakshatras, Yogas, & Karanas for Vivah Muhurta 2024

Vedic astrology indeed regards marriage as an exceptionally propitious event. Therefore, in addition to an auspicious time, selecting an auspicious date for marriage is also of great significance. Out of the 27 constellations in astrology, only 11 are otherwise considered propitious for marriage. It is therefore essential to determine which day, Yoga, Tithi, and Karan are considered auspicious for marriage. Here’s how we can know the Shubh Vihivah Muhurat in 2024: 

  • Karan: Kikinstughna Karan, Bawa Karan, Balavi Karan, Kaulav Karan, Taitila Karan, Garo Karan, as well as Vanija Karan are considered very auspicious for marriage.
  • Muhurta: Abhijeet Muhurta as well as Godhuli Bela Muhurta is considered the most auspicious for getting married.
  • Date: Dwitiya, Tritiya, Panchami, Saptami, Ekadashi, as well as Trayodashi dates, are considered auspicious for marriage. Also, getting married on these dates is auspicious for the native.
  • Nakshatras: Rohini Nakshatra (Fourth Nakshatra), Mrigashira Nakshatra (Fifteenth Nakshatra), Magha Nakshatra (Tenth Nakshatra), Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra (Twelfth Nakshatra), Hasta Nakshatra (Thirteenth Nakshatra), Swati Nakshatra (Fifteenth Nakshatra), Anuradha Nakshatra (Seventeenth Nakshatra) ), Mool Nakshatra (nineteenth Nakshatra), Uttarashada Nakshatra (twenty-first Nakshatra), Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra (twenty-sixth Nakshatra), as well as the Revati Nakshatra (twenty-seventh Nakshatra), are auspicious for marriage. 
  • Yoga: Preeti Yoga, Saubhagya Yoga, along with Harshan Yoga is considered very good for marriage because these yogas prove to be beneficial for the native.

How many Gunas matching indicate successful marriage? 

In Hindu Panchang, a Pandit or an astrologer specifically matches the horoscopes of the groom and bride, considering the 36 gunas present in each of their horoscopes. The decision to proceed with the marriage is simultaneously based on these 36 qualities. However, it is imperative to have a minimum of 18 gunas for a successful marriage. Typically, having 18 to 25 gunas is undoubtedly average.  However, a score of 25 to 32 is deemed exceptional. Moreover, individuals with a horoscope possessing 25 to 32 qualities do have an outstanding horoscope. Furthermore, having a horoscope with 32 to 36 Gunas is considered the most favorable. Individuals also possessing a horoscope with this score will experience a more content and joyous married life. However, it is a rare occurrence for a person to have a horoscope with 32 to 36 Gunas.

Favorable Jupiter for Bride and favorable Sun for Groom 

Astrology suggests that for the bride, the presence of Jupiter in the second, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh house in her zodiac sign is deemed propitious, while Jupiter in the fourth, eighth, and twelfth house is considered unfavorable. Similarly, for the groom, the presence of the sun in the third, sixth, tenth, and eleventh houses in his zodiac sign is believed to be favorable, while its presence in the fourth, eighth, and twelfth houses is deemed unfavorable.

Importance of the Lagna Bhav in marriage

As per astrology, when determining the auspicious time for marriage, astrologers consider the time of ascendant. Moreover, the time of rounds taken by the bride and groom around the sacred fire is referred to as Lagna, which is determined after the date of marriage is finalized. Moreover, a slight error in fixing the Ascendant may cause defects in the life of the native. Tithi is considered the body, Moon is also considered the mind, Yoga and Nakshatras as parts of the body, and the ascendant is the soul in marriage. When deciding the Ascendant, one should consider that the lord of the eighth house in the birth chart is not situated in the Marriage Ascendant. Additionally, Moon, Venus, and Mars should not be afflicted by Lagna and should not be situated in the eighth house.

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Posted On - March 20, 2023 | Posted By - Kasturi Chaudhari | Read By -


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