With Valentine’s day bygone, what next? A walk down the memory lane? Or maybe it’s time to quote out loud the untold stories, secrets, mysteries. But is it the right time? Maybe for Scorpions, for it’s the week for them to realise how their personal decisions impact the lives of others. And what about Libra? Well, the cards have been laid, and so is your weekly horoscope for February 14 to February 20, 2021. We believe you will help yourself with the unraveling.
You are where you need to be Aries. Even if it doesn’t feel the same. For now, you must remember that you are the first sign of the Zodiac and thus naturally a leader. Try to harness that trait of yours but not before taking a couple of deep breaths for they would cast you with the spell of self-confidence. The week for professionals can be a tad bit tiring. Nevertheless, if you don’t use it as an excuse and say ‘Yes‘ to a date, you might get a positive response. For married couples, the week will return harmony into your relationship. So maybe you must plan to Monica-approved “somewhere nice“. On the financial front, your tireless efforts will lead you to success and bring in monetary gains.
Hang around. Forward and onwards.
The Venus in you, the ruler of the mushiest traits including love, must have showered you with a romantic date this valentine. However, as you take things forward, don’t forget how your ego, most of the time, is the bone of contention. This week, however, is different. You are feeling romantic and hence must put your best foot forward to make things work out. Venus on the 21st would be moving into Aquarius, which is a perfect placement for professionals and will help them gain financial improvements. There are chances that you have been thinking a lot lately. And the consequence of the same could be health woes, both physical and mental. The best advice is to stay in your centre and trust the foundation you have built.
It will all work out.
Gemini, you must understand that not paying heed to your problems doesn’t make them go away. This week, you may be inspired to tell a story and the hero of the story could be you if you are ready to take the chances. Though the week is best to plan what you want to do in the future, however, miscommunications and misinterpretations are likely. Geminis are more prone to weatherly changes this week. Thus make sure you take good care of yourself and also the elderly Geminis in the house. On the love front, the weekly horoscope tells us that you might not be in favour of disclosing the details of your new relationship just now. It is advised to give the two of you a little more time before you finally make it official to the world out there.
Better late than never.
For the time being, Cancer is suggested to avoid arguments with people in a position of authority. This also helps you hone your patience for the greater good. Also, this week, you are advised to spend money on your health. Though money can’t buy you happiness, but your finances can help you heal. Moreover, you might also want to rethink your romantic life as it could take some twists and turns. The stars tell us that you might miss the company of your partner. However, it’s temporary. So don’t indulge in arguments. Try to redirect your focus towards the long term vision. Certain decisions, like if you invest in the stock market, must be thought of well.
Give them their space.
Leo, there are high chances that you might bump into a friend or even a foe and have that slight discovery that they may be the one you have been looking for. We would advise you to take the chance even if you have the memories from the past fresh in your monkey mind. Remember, no one is perfect and nor they will take a step that benefits you unless you do it for yourself. Sleep-related woes are likely to affect your health this week. Avoid working long hours at all costs. Finally, invest in a good diet and find some sun.
The only forever is with yourself.
You can be a guider for someone that you love this week. This will also help you gain the much-needed appreciation. The stars tell us that your personal life will be stable and any problems that you have been facing lately will get resolved. Yoga and meditation practice is helpful to not just ward off the physical side of things but also to balance oneself both emotionally and mentally. On the financial front, the week will bring good news. A legal matter that has been pending for a while would get resolved. If you have been planning to buy a vehicle, not only the week, but the whole month is lucky.
Find your hollow and fill it with your presence.
The week for Libra has travel opportunities in the kitty. And also your romantic life is exciting as never before. So planning a long drive with your partner can allow you the much-needed emotional and mental detox. As more than natural love is on the card, chances are that an old heartthrob of yours will try to re-establish contact with you. Are you ready for it? As change ticks the boxes, you could be offered some exciting job positions. However, we would suggest you consider these offers carefully. If going through pain or trauma, we would advise you to share it with your loved ones. Bottling even makes water rot.
Blessed is your heart to have you.
You might have had hurt someone you didn’t want to and this is the right time to tell them that you messed up. Luckily, the stars tell us that they would happily pardon you for the charm in you is irresistible. As Sun moves into Aquarius, the ticks and tocks will pull your focus to the workplace. If you have been unemployed for a while, the week will help you with several opportunities. As far as health is concerned, you will have more or less an easy time and will not have to deal with any major health issues. Finally, remember that there’s more than one side to each story. So, instead of being so fixated on yours, maybe you want to think from their perspective as well.
Some mistakes are blessings.
Moon is moving into Sagittarius this week hence the arrival of joy is inevitable. Take the opportunity to plan a reunion, write a letter, rethink your plans or maybe catch up with friends or family members. On the career front, if you are considering leaving your job for something better, do it. Your leadership skills will be enhanced during this week, and this time, you might want to use that trait of yours to impress yourself. Do keep a close eye on your spendings as unexpected expenses are lurking around. Churning a friendship with someone who doesn’t expect much from you might be a good idea.
Some art is best seen with your eyes closed.
The week may find you under stress. Thus, it is advised to work hard but not before realising that you ain’t a machine. Another way to keep unwanted stress at bay is learning the simple mantra i.e. to stay in the present and do the best you can. Those of you who have gotten engaged recently must not pursue your career goals at the cost of your relationship. As stress is by your side, you must avoid spicy and oily food. Knowing when to hold on and when to let go is the lifestyle change that you must give a thought to.
Be patient with the process, life and humans.
The people-pleaser in you need to take the back seat because your personal life requires attention and literally lots of it to help you figure out the right path to tread towards. For youngsters in love, your weekly horoscope, advises you to leave a relationship the minute you feel suppressed or if you feel you have been explaining a lot lately. This week, coordinate with your colleagues for maximum efficiency at work. As far as finances are concerned, you can enjoy the luxury of thinking less before spending as your financial position is likely to stay stable. Skin problems due to bad fooding habits are likely.
Give up on toxic people, not people.
Expect nothing short of adventure this week. However, as you plan the week around, you should plan it wisely as on February 21, Venus moves into Aquarius, which can trigger unnecessary expenses. The week is excellent for love life so if planning a date, it probably would lead you and the one on the other side of the table somewhere. However, getting into a hasty relationship will not work out. Professionals engaged in sales and marketing will have to undergo a hectic schedule. Some losses seem to be lurking around despite your uncompromising attention.
Chain your feelings, but also take them out for a walk.
Choose your and your partner's zodiac sign to check compatibility