Your Weekly Horoscope for June 6 – June 12, 2021

horoscope today

Taurus, the worldly responsibilities never end, and so won’t your urge to wrap up those responsibilities as soon as possible. It’s simply an endless cycle that bars you from trying new things like going on a date or a trip, and whatnot? Well, don’t let the world call you a boring soul this week by giving yourself permission to take a break. Aquarius, if changes are a constant truth of life and everything is nothing but temporary, then why do you keep holding on to the pain? The anxiety? Something you can give a thought to this week. And Sagittarius, every time you make a decision that supports your freedom, you will be charged with questions. Sometimes even from the inside of you. So is ignorance a bliss in such a situation? Absolutely not. Finding answers to the question is a must. It assures you about the decision you had to make. So try to answer all the questions this week, once and for all. 

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

Aries Weekly Horoscope Predictions

Blessing from the Moon will bring you joy this week. You are likely to analyse yourself and accept the mistakes in your personal life. Moreover, setting clear goals about life is of the utmost importance for you as of now. Your budget constraints are to heighten this week so you must try to save money as much as possible. This is not the best time for you to invest in buying a car or any electrical item but if you have been saving up for a house, you must find the chance to book it for yourself. However, try not to take a loan for down payment purposes. Relationship wise, personal life will be fulfilling and you will be able to enjoy the company of your spouse and children. You can consider gifting your spouse a little something. Singles or unmarried couples must refrain from taking love advice from their friends and instead use their intellect for the purpose.

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

Taurus Weekly Horoscope Predictions

You seem to have tasted the truths of “how life works” in the week bygone, Taurus. The realisation this week might prompt you to distance yourself from the rest of the world. The Moon in Pisces, however, will yet again inspire you to make brand new changes in your life that will set forth the actions for your long term goals. While married couples will enjoy their time together, the unmarried Taurus in relationship would better seek to give themselves some alone time and indulge in creative activities. This week is a blessing for you in terms of career prospects. You will be able to use your creativity to the fullest. So if you have been planning to go for an interview, now is the time. It is also a great week for travelling, and as you do so, you will be inspired to not run away from your problems, and face them headstrong. Take extra care of your eyes this week. 

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

Gemini Weekly Horoscope Predictions

People do say that looks don’t matter but do they believe in it? Do you believe in it? Or the person you have a crush on believes it? The tender age of yours spins around such questions that eventually make no sense after you cross a certain age. So worrying about how you look today should be ‘something‘ you must think about, and not the ‘only thing’ you must spend your day thinking about. What’s yours, will come. Also, this week, try not to overspend just to impress someone. If you have some extra hard-earned cash lying around, use it to travel somewhere as it is a great week for travelling. Unequal distribution of responsibilities at the workplace is showing up in the future-ball. Learn to say ‘No‘ in times like these. Dedicate your time and energy in helping others but don’t get involved in matters that don’t concern you. 

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

Cancer Weekly astrological Predictions

Lack of patience only brings unnecessary anxiety into your life. And where there is anxiety, lack of discipline is a guest. And once you misplace your discipline, you are to miss your goals eventually. Hence, this week, consider discipline and patience as two wheels of your life. And once you do, you will be able to bring out the productive best in you. Health and finance wise, this week is very insightful and serves many prospects that you can use to grow your profits and can use the same earnings to pamper yourself. However, we would suggest you not to involve in mutual funds and intra-trading on the stock market. In love, try understanding a person instead of getting instantly attracted to them for their physicalities. Career-wise, you might feel stuck because you don’t fully believe in your power. Address the unneeded syndrome. A great week to get a pet if you have been wanting one.

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

Leo Weekly Horoscope Predictions

We often fail to enjoy the old or the current to the fullest in the expectations of the new. This happens to all of us. When we were kids, we wanted to become adults, and now that we are adults, we wish to go back to our childhood. Why? Because we believe that as a kid, we didn’t enjoy life to the fullest. So, as an adult reading this, maybe you should start enjoying your adulthood so you have no regrets when you are in your old age. Moreover, this week you also might feel a bit confused about where your love life is heading. You will look out for assurance whether the other person is really into you and is here to stay? However, you may not find it. It’s better to not mull too much around the issue. Your health will improve this week. However, no significant change in financial status is expected.

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

Virgo Weekly astrology Prediction

Get-togethers will be the stress buster for you this week. If you really like someone, this is a great week to go somewhere amidst the mountains with them and express your feelings to them as you will see your luck shining on you. However, if on a trip, you need to be extra careful about your valuables. This week should be about relaxing and not allowing stressful situations to provoke your wits. The Virgo spouse has sensuality on their mind and can use the trait to enhance their relationship. If you can, try to cut your screen time and indulge in hobbies like gardening or painting for inspiration. You must also control your habit of multitasking and sort out the deeds based on priority. Pregnant women must always stay close to someone. If you invest in the stock market, you will see your profits growing this week and better than what you might have experienced to date.

Libra (23 September – 22 October)

Libra Weekly astrology Prediction

This week, the Libra might find themselves stuck in their lives, and it is not because you are limited by your circumstances but solely because you don’t fully believe in your power and capabilities. The Moon in Pisces is bringing positive impacts in your life. All you need to do is start your engines. You will also experience peace and harmony in your personal and love life, hence use it as an opportunity to enhance your relationship. Financially, partnership deals will work out to be fruitful for your business growth. You will also see monetary gains from more than one source for yourself. Maybe you like to spend time alone away from all types of gossip, but if you indulge in one this week, you will end up receiving the information or insight you have been looking for. New love prospects seem to be brewing for many of you. Just be mindful of your actions and you will escape the shyness without too much hassle.

Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope Prediction

You try so much to keep them in your life when all they do is try to find excuses to getaway. Sounds like the situation you are dealing with right now? The thing is that when we are personally attached to someone, our perception of them is usually coloured by our feelings. This week, try to analyse their feelings as well, only to learn what percentage you both are contributing to what you call love. Moreover, as you work on your life, you must give up on your 24/7 serious attitude. While love wise it may not be the best of weeks, but you will enjoy an enhanced bond with your family. This is also not the best week to interact much with your boss so maybe, keep your distance. You are very punctual about your schedule but must not use it as an excuse to side-away your loved ones. In anything you do this week, you must remember to not judge the book by its cover in any situation whatsoever.

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope Prediction

It’s a fun week in the Sagittarius headquarters. Your endless materialism and seeing money as a source of happiness will enhance this week. However, our astrologers recommend that the Sags must save up their bank balance for future uncertainties as they are inevitable from where we see. In terms of business, it is a good week for retailers, wholesalers and jewellery businesses. Good time to invest in the stock market but not when it comes to property or anything that is land. Not giving time to important tasks and passing your time over useless things can prove fatal for you this week as work will pile up. The fact that Scorpio is your neighbour, you too have the sensuality smeared with shyness. Well, if being good for so many years has got you nothing, then we recommend that you try being a bit naughty this week and see where it gets you.

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope Prediction

When we see the truth yet fail to acknowledge it, it becomes almost impossible to move ahead in life. As the Moon hovers around Pisces, you may feel exhausted and frustrated. In such situations, it is better to take a day off and work to analyse your current status for better future progress. If you have cream coloured clothes lying around at home, wear them often this week. Taking suggestions, especially from your loved ones, wouldn’t do much good for you but only stress you further. In love, you feel you don’t deserve the cute relationship, and all the couple selfies, but in reality, it is exactly the opposite. Singles must look close and would find the one they love in a friend of theirs. However, don’t go all boost, and better try to analyse if they too have the same feelings for you. Careerwise, the leadership skills you exhibit are stronger than usual, and those who matter will notice these at last.

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

Aquarius Weekly astrology Prediction

There is one who focuses on what’s inside, aka the quality of the product, and then there is one who falls for the aesthetics of the packaging. And the same philosophy works when we choose a person to spend our life with. So, having said that, it is time to ask yourself what is more important to you, Aquarius? And if it’s the former (aka the package), then analyse if you are getting yourself what you deserve. However, we wonder how are you going to make time for all this judgment as we sense excessive workload awaiting you at the workplace. Also, this week, any negligence at the workspace will bring financial loss. You will also struggle at fulfilling any promises that you had made with your loved ones. However, to ward off the wrath that could possibly come as a reaction, you can plan a trip or a picnic as this is a great week for travelling for you.

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

Pisces Weekly Horoscope Prediction

A fun week in terms of love awaits the Pisces. The single Pisces will see for themselves the magic of a long-distance relationship. However, it is better to not get carried away and indulge in uncomfortable scenarios. The Moon in Pisces demands you to be a little more cautious about your health. Don’t overeat or diet aggressively. Some of you might have chosen a professional field that has your parents worried. It’s better to leave the situation as it is and not try to do much but work hard for what you believe in. Envisioning what your life will look like a year from now will give you the strength to show up consistently despite the fluctuations in your current reality. Financially, open yourself to making new investments as luck is on your side. However, you must not interact much with people in control of the authority.


Posted On - June 6, 2021 | Posted By - Kushagra Gupta | Read By -


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