What does your Zodiac Sign say about Your Style?

What does your Zodiac Sign say about Your Style

Astrological Zodiac Sign, they say a lot about us. They describe our personality traits, behavior, traits to respond and also our appearance. Here’s what your Zodiac sign has to tell you about your style-

Aries (21st March to 19th April)


Aries, the master of etiquette and styling. These fiery Ram are close to the art of slaying with their dressing.

Aries is a bold and blunt zodiac sign. Therefore, the wardrobe is not one of their constant tensions. They go shopping once in a while and make sure enough accessories and current trends stock in their Almira.

In addition to their chameleon traits for trends and style, they run with the generation of fashion. Cloth from another generation? No that’s a big No-No from an Aries. Celeb face like Lady Gaga is the perfect example of a divine bold looking Aries.

Taurus (20th April to 20th May)


Taurus personalities are kind, mild and sweet. They reflect what they feel at the very core of themselves. However, they’re quite so Fashion-forward kind of people. A Taurus wears what they possess and possess whatever is best in the stock of the shops.

These extremely mature people pick the mature-looking clothes for their everyday and sizzling outfit for parties.

Gemini (21st May to 20th June)

zodiac Gemini

Geminis are born blunt, bold and witty people. Their risk-taking attribute gives them courage to try new things every day. Regardless of how off-season and offbeat outfit it is, if a Gemini likes it, they’ll wear it anyway. There’s no stopping.

In a crowd, one may spot them from a distance but couldn’t disagree with their flawless fashion sense. A Gemini may convince even their weirdest looking for clothes to flaunt like Angelina Jolie, Natalie Portman, and Tom Holland.

Cancer (21st June to 22nd July)


Cancerian= Comfortseeker with eternal love for cozy long sleeves.

These people master the ability to wear white, black, blue and grey on a repeat. For a Cancerian, a wardrobe begins with off-white long sleeve tee and ends with casual white shoes & blue denim. They don’t wish to even gaze at the other bright colors.

These bright heart colorful people are commonly under the wrap of black-white-grey and you can’t help them out of it. They love basics and neutrals. And a Cancerian doesn’t skip on what they love.

Leo (23rd July to 22nd August)


Honestly, a Leo is a weirdest dresser among all the Zodiac signs.

On a casual office day, one may spot them in a checkered shirt, plain trousers, and colorful socks. They love their own kind of fashion. For Leo, when it is a blue shirt, there have to be blue pants and blue shoes as well.

They either go to work like a beggar or a complete trendsetter. For Leos, there is no in-between. These people are never afraid to try something new or look eccentric.

Virgo (23rd August to 22nd September)

zodiac Virgo

Virgos are observant Zodiac. With a great grip on fashion, they never fail to appear in the right frame of cloth in public.

A Virgo woman loves comfort offered by short clothes, a tank top with a grippy short-denim is her ideal choice. On the other hand, a Virgo man is over fond of formal wear. Even on a casual Sunday outing, he can wear a black formal shirt with grey trousers.

Libra (23rd September to 22nd October)


Librans and their clothes are as colorful as their souls.

Denim, retro bellbottoms are too old for their vibrant personalities. Colors like mustard, violet and navy blue are the new basics set by Librans. They transform their style quickly from days to nights. All the shades of brown, black, white, blue and yellow are for the day, on the other hand, beige, violet, and neon goes for the night.

As a matter of fact, one may see them in green more than the other colors. Libras have an everlasting affection towards both nature and green.

Scorpio (23rd October to 21st November)


Scorpions, the over-the-top dresser Zodiac. Shades like pink, red, dark blue, yellow, golden, silver, and copper are favorite of a Scorpion.

For them, online shopping begins with setting the filters on these colors. Also, they are a fan of ancient era. They can’t get over the wardrobe from The Favorite of Emma Stone.

To these people, going to market is no small affair that they could finish in basics. They’ll wear their brightest clothes for that too. After all, these people are selfie freaks.

Sagittarius (22nd November to 21st December)


Sagittarius is passionate about everything. However, maintaining a wardrobe is not a matter of stress for a Sagittarian. They are chill more than they should be. So on a casual sunny day, a Sagittarian translate their love for the neutral-comfy piece through their long tees and skinny jeans.

Despite the place, their prime goal is to stand out from the crowd. Thus, they are are not afraid to look different.

Capricorn (22nd December to 19th January)

zodiac Capricorn

Oh, a Capricorn can cry for comfortable cloth from your wardrobe.

Even the basics of the cupboard make this mountain Goat all happy on a holiday and a busy office day. The comfortability of the clothes amalgamating with a soothing appearance is what your style demands. Similar to their own nature, they require determined, sophisticated and simple outfits. One may often find them in different shades of black, white and grey. Specifically, grey pleases them A LOT. Thus, the current clothes from trends 2020 and recent 2019 trends were the best that could occur for their stock.

In addition, they have a distinct type of love for cozy- soft clothes.

Aquarius (20th January to 18th February)

Aquarius zodiac

Aquarians are calm and gentle personalities. Well, what if I tell you, Bollywood’s colorful man Ranveer Singh is an Aquarius?

Read Ranveer Singh’s Birth Chart Details here to know what makes him this energetic.

Typically, Aquarians hold an element of surprise ALWAYS. They can be a shy & giggling person at the meeting. However, when it comes to styling, these people are rebellious, trendy and vibrant. An Aquarius silent love for the creative outfits, bold & offbeat colors, and experimental wardrobe stay forever with them. One day they might wear a neutral outfit and the next day may appear in a neon shade with fancy shoes. Thus, don’t underestimate their crazy vibes.

Pisces (19th February to 20th March)

Pisces zodiac

Old souls with undying affection for retro. Am I Right or Am I Right?

For Pisceans, summer with loose pants along with a pastel shade t-shirt with comfortable sneaker changes in winter into a long black boot with loose jeans (body warmer is life though) with a grey sweater inside a long black coat.

Similar to Cancerians, these colorful people compose color inside their heart, however, cover their skin with the most neutral colors. Well, on the off chance, in parties at 11 you may find these same people in bold colors with whimsical looks.

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Posted On - January 2, 2020 | Posted By - Deepa | Read By -


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