13 Reasons Why is a series based on the novel written by Jay Asher. This Netflix series revolves around the life of a high school student, Hannah Baker, who experiences a series of terrible events. Hannah commits suicide but leaves behind a series of tapes for her friends. Each tape explains what each person in her circle did to hurt her and ultimately lead to her suicide.
The final season i.e. fourth season of the series was released on Netflix recently and has created a stir among youngsters. The show is highly watched and liked by young people. The varied characters in the series catch people’s attention. We can relate to a character’s traits or personality depending on various factors. One of these factors is the Zodiac Sign. Each of us has similarities with a character of 13 Reasons Why on the basis of Zodiac Sign.
Let’s discuss which character are you in 13 Reasons Why based on your Zodiac Sign!
Aries is one of the most aggressive signs and are fiery in nature. In 13 Reasons Why, Monty seems to be naturally violent and gets into many fights. When Monty doesn’t get what he wants, he gets mad. This is observed in the finale of Season 2 when Monty smashes Tyler’s head against a mirror in the boy’s bathroom. He has difficulty controlling his anger, which is a typical Aries trait.
They are the most trustworthy friend in all the zodiac signs. Taurus is a strong person and always wants to help or assist others. In 13 Reasons Why, Tyler often puts himself in difficult situations for the sake of others. He wants to be accepted by his friends. Above all, Taurus is very reliable. Tyler is always there for his friends.
Gemini’s are people’s people. They are always liked by the people surrounding them but tend to have two different sides. Similarly, Jessica seems to have it all i.e. cheer-leading, dating the jock, organizing extravagant parties. But, deep down, she is insecure and shy. Initially, she seems like a cool, shy girl. But eventually, she becomes the girl one can’t relate much to.
Cancers are very loving and nurturing. Clay Jensen is a compassionate friend. He does struggle while expressing his emotions. Cancers are always in their shell. Similarly, Clay felt things deeply but sometimes to protect himself, he kept pressing down his emotions in the series.
Leos are the life of every party. They are very generous with their loved ones. Bryce was very generous – he offered his home to his homeless friends. Leo always needs to be the center of attraction. Bryce was very egotistical. He always thinks very highly of himself. He thinks he is the best. These are the typical traits of a Leo.
Virgo’s are perfectionists and so is Courtney. We can see that Courtney is very articulate about even how she dresses. She is very organized and an overachiever. Virgo’s tend to feed lies to themselves to remain peaceful. Courtney could never admit that she is wrong about anything to anyone, especially to herself.
Libras are very charming. Zach is very flirtatious. Libra’s always carefully observing the people around them and their surroundings. Zach is always seen to spend time reading the people around him rather than revealing anything about himself.
Libras aren’t very good and comfortable with emotional confrontations. In the series, Zach lashes out when Hannah rejects him after he admits his feelings for her. Rather than opening up and responding to her, he internalizes his emotions.
Scorpio is the most loyal zodiac sign. In 13 Reasons Why, Justin is very loyal to Bryce and Jessica. Another common trait of Scorpios is that they have a very hard time processing emotions. Justin was seen constantly struggling with how to handle his emotions and treat people due to his situation at home.
Sagittarius are care-free people and have a very loving nature. Like Ani, they are liked and appreciated by everyone they meet. Ani is good at making first impressions due to her family moving a lot.
Sagittarius doesn’t like sugar-coating stuff. Similarly, Ani has a habit of being blunt and honest, and could sometimes get under people’s skin. She makes friends quickly and lives in the moment. This is a typical Sagittarius trait.
Capricorns are full of courage. They love expressing their emotions to others. Tony is shown to be a kind and caring friend. Tony often expresses his feelings about his friends openly – even if they might not want to hear it.
Capricorns are extremely remorseful individuals. Tony is very regretful for what he did by ignoring Hannah. Therefore, he is a little too dedicated to fulfilling Hannah’s last wishes to deliver the tapes to all those on the list.
Aquarius care a lot about what others think of them. They will always desire to change someone’s negative opinion on them. They always want to present the best version of themselves. Hannah always takes opportunities to change people’s opinions about her. First, she writes a letter to Zach in an attempt to get him to understand how she feels. She takes a chance again while making the tapes.
Pisces struggle with controlling their emotions. They bottle up their anger and sadness inside them. As a result, they tend to lash out on other people when they feel very emotional. They over-think everything and regret the mistakes they have made for a long time. Alex always bottles up his emotions. He is very sensitive and strikes out in unexpected ways, which ends up hurting those around him.
Further, you may like reading Zodiac Signs as Money Heist Character- Which One Are You?
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