7 Astrological Tips To Sleep Better

7 Astrological Tips To Sleep Better

The biggest pleasure after a hectic day is sound sleep. It is perhaps one of the best satisfaction in the world. Not just for physical but for good mental health, every person requires certain hours of sleep to rest and recharge their system. However, not everyone is blessed with sound sleeping patterns. To help with it, here will tell you 7 Astrological Tips To Sleep Better.

If you sleep well then many problems of life are automatically removed. So before sleeping you must take care of some things. The first of these essential things is that you should clean your bed thoroughly before sleeping. Along with this, before sleeping you have some things in front of your bed that you should not keep. Remove these things from your bed and see how good changes come to your way.

Do not keep money under the head

Before sleeping you should check that there is no money, wallet, or purse somewhere under your pillow. It is believed that money is the symbol of Lakshmi Mata and should be kept in a cupboard or someplace where you keep your wealth most of the time. Keeping money under the headrest is considered an insult to Goddess Lakshmi and Kubera and this can lead to financial crisis, so never keep money under your head before sleeping.

Do not keep sharp things near the head

Keeping sharp things near the head is also harmful, it can harm your body as well as it is not considered good for your future.

Do not keep the chain or any kind of rope near the head

Before sleeping, check that there are no chains or rope near your bed or near the headrest. According to Vastu Shastra, keeping such things near the head brings difficulties in life and one gets success only after many difficulties. So if you want to succeed, then keep these things away from the headrest.

Do not keep mobile laptop watch etc. near the head

Scientists also advise not to keep any modern gadget near the head. At the same time, according to Vastu, it is not considered auspicious, these gadgets are constantly moving, due to which it can have an effect on your sleep, as well as your mental state can also get worse gradually. Therefore, these things should not be kept near the bed and should be away from you during your sleep.

Do not keep the newspaper etc. near the headrest

If you have a habit of keeping any kind of newspaper, magazine, etc. under your head, then change this habit immediately. According to Vastu Shastra, placing these things around the headrest can lead to negative changes in your life. Instead, place some kind of religious book under your head, it is considered auspicious.

Do not keep the Mortar and pestle close to the head

Mortar and pestle or Okhli in Hindi is one of many essential things of daily use but keeping it around the head can be quite fatal. According to Vastu, if the Okhali is around your bed, it can cause negativity in the family and relationship. It can severely hinder your sleep. Thus, you should never keep it around your headrest.

Water Around Your Bed

If you want to sleep well, keep water around the headrest of your bed.

If you want to keep something around your head, keep water. It is believed that if a vessel filled with water is placed around the head during sleep, it brings deep sleep and there is no disturbance in sleep.

So, these were some of the best Astrological Tips To Sleep Better. For more such remedies, you may connect with the best Indian Astrologers on AstroTalk.

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Posted On - September 30, 2020 | Posted By - Deepa | Read By -


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