The Significance Of Drawing Swastik As Per Astrology


The Swastik, an ancient and revered symbol, holds immense significance in various cultures and belief systems. In Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, it is considered highly auspicious and is often drawn during religious ceremonies and festive occasions. In astrology, the Swastik also plays a vital role, as it is believed to bring positive energy, good luck, and protection. In this article, we will explore the significance of drawing the Swastik as per astrology, delving into its historical background, symbolism, and astrological importance.

Understanding the Swastik:

The Swastik is a sacred symbol with a cross-like appearance, often adorned with four arms bent at 90-degree angles. It is derived from the Sanskrit word “Swasti,” which translates to “well-being” or “auspiciousness.” The symbol is found in various ancient civilizations across the world and has different interpretations in different cultures.

The Historical and Cultural Background:

The symbol holds a rich historical and cultural background. It has been discovered in archaeological artifacts dating back thousands of years in various regions, including India, Europe, Asia, and the Americas. In India, the Swastik is associated with several deities and is used extensively in religious rituals, architecture, and arts.

Symbolism of the Swastik:

The Swastik carries multiple layers of symbolism. In Hinduism, it is often associated with Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, and Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. The four arms of the Swastik represent the four directions, and the rotation of the symbol signifies the cyclic nature of life, evolution, and eternity.

Astrological Significance:

In astrology, it holds special importance due to its positive energy and association with auspiciousness. Drawing the Swastik during certain astrological ceremonies or auspicious occasions is believed to invoke divine blessings and attract favorable cosmic energies.

Protection and Positive Vibes:

Drawing the Swastik at the entrance of homes or in sacred spaces is believed to act as a protective charm. It is thought to ward off negative energies and bring in positive vibrations, creating a harmonious and auspicious environment.

Auspicious Occasions and Festivals:

During festivals and celebrations, it is commonly drawn as a decorative element. For instance, during Diwali, the Festival of Lights, Swastik symbols made of rice paste or vermilion are drawn on the floor of homes to welcome prosperity and happiness.

Drawing the Swastik Correctly:

The proper way of drawing the Swastik is essential to harness its positive energies fully. It is traditionally drawn from right to left, with the arms bending clockwise. When drawn correctly, it becomes a potent symbol of auspiciousness and cosmic harmony.


Astrological Remedies:

Astrologers often recommend drawing the Swastik as a remedial measure to counteract malefic planetary influences. When specific planets are afflicted or causing challenges in an individual’s birth chart, drawing it with devotion is believed to appease the cosmic forces and bring relief.

Spiritual Practices:

In spiritual practices, the Swastik is considered a powerful tool for meditation and concentration. Many practitioners use it as a focal point during meditation to enhance their connection with higher consciousness and inner peace.

The Swastik, with its ancient roots and profound symbolism, holds immense significance in astrology and various belief systems. As a potent spiritual symbol, it fosters a connection with the divine and promotes positivity and unity. Whether drawn during auspicious occasions, as astrological remedies, or as a tool for meditation, it represents the timeless desire for universal peace, prosperity, and happiness.

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Posted On - August 1, 2023 | Posted By - Bhavini Ohri | Read By -


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