Which Direction is Right to Place Mandir According to Vastu?

Which Direction is Right to Place Mandir According to Vastu?

When setting up a mandir (a place of worship) in your home, aligning it with Vastu principles can have a profound impact on the energy and ambiance of the space. Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural science, emphasizes the significance of proper orientation and placement of structures to promote harmony, health, and prosperity. One of the key considerations when designing your mandir is determining the right direction for its placement. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of choosing the right direction for your mandir according to Vastu.

Understanding the Importance of Direction in Vastu:

In Vastu Shastra, the cardinal directions—North, East, South, and West—are believed to be influenced by different deities and cosmic energies. Each direction carries its unique qualities and influences, making it crucial to align your mandir in a direction that resonates with its purpose.

Choosing the Optimal Direction for Your Mandir:

  • East:
    According to Vastu principles, the East direction is considered highly auspicious for placing a mandir. The sun rises in the East, symbolizing the beginning of a new day and the triumph of light over darkness. This direction is associated with Lord Indra, the ruler of the heavens, and placing your mandir here is believed to attract positive energy, spiritual growth, and enlightenment.
  • North:
    Placing your mandir in the North direction is also considered favorable. This direction is associated with Lord Kuber, the deity of wealth, and is believed to bring financial prosperity and abundance to your home. Additionally, North is said to enhance the meditative and spiritual aspects of your worship space.
  • Northeast:
    The Northeast corner is considered the most spiritually charged direction. It is associated with Lord Shiva and is believed to channel divine energies into your mandir. Placing your mandir here can foster a sense of peace, tranquility, and enhanced spiritual connection.
  • South:
    While the South direction is generally not recommended for placing a mandir, it can still be used with caution. If space constraints make it necessary, ensure that the mandir faces North, and idols are not placed too close to the Southern wall. This approach can help maintain a positive atmosphere while adhering to space limitations.
  • West:
    Placing a mandir in the West direction is generally discouraged, as it is believed to disrupt the flow of positive energies. However, if you have no other option, ensure that the idols face East to mitigate potential negative effects.

Creating a Harmonious Mandir:


To enhance the positive energy and sanctity of your mandir, consider the following Vastu guidelines:

  1. Idol Placement:
    The main idol should ideally face East or West, allowing you to offer your prayers while facing the rising or setting sun. This aligns with the natural flow of cosmic energy and brings positivity to your worship.
  2. Cleanliness and Order:
    Keep the mandir area clean and clutter-free. A well-maintained space attracts positive energy and enhances the spiritual ambiance.
  3. Colors and Décor:
    Choose soothing and calming colors for the mandir area. White, light yellow, or pastel shades are recommended to create a serene atmosphere conducive to meditation and prayer.
  4. Lighting:
    Proper lighting plays a crucial role in the vibrancy of your mandir. Natural light is preferable, so if possible, position the mandir near a window. Use warm, soft lighting for evening prayers.
  5. Materials:
    Opt for natural materials such as wood or marble for the mandir structure. These materials resonate with positive energies and contribute to a sacred environment.

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Incorporating Vastu principles while choosing the direction for your pooja room can significantly impact the energy and spiritual atmosphere of your home. While the East, North, and Northeast directions are highly recommended, it’s essential to consider the available space and make adjustments accordingly. By aligning your pooja room with the right direction, you invite positive energies, spiritual growth, and harmony into your living space.

Incorporating Vastu principles while choosing the direction for your pooja room can significantly impact the energy and spiritual atmosphere of your home. While the East, North, and Northeast directions are highly recommended, it’s essential to consider the available space and make adjustments accordingly. By aligning your pooja room with the right direction, you invite positive energies, spiritual growth, and harmony into your living space.

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Posted On - September 2, 2023 | Posted By - Vani Sharma | Read By -


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