4 Signs You’re NOT Over Your Ex

Signs Your Ex Still Loves You and Might Want You Back 4 Signs You're NOT Over Your Ex

Are you constantly finding yourself reminiscing about your past relationship? Do you catch yourself comparing every potential partner to your ex? It might be a sign that you’re still carrying emotional baggage from your previous romance. Let’s explore four unmistakable signs that indicate you’re not over your ex yet.

1. You Can’t Stop Stalking Them on Social Media

One of the clearest signs that you’re not over your ex is if you find yourself constantly checking their social media profiles. Whether it’s scrolling through their photos or reading their latest posts, this behavior indicates that they still hold a significant place in your mind and heart.

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2. You Keep Bringing Up Your Ex in Conversations

Do your friends and family members roll their eyes whenever you mention your ex yet again? If so, it might be a sign that you’re not fully over them. Constantly bringing up your ex in conversations, whether intentionally or unintentionally, shows that they still occupy a prominent space in your thoughts.

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3. You Compare Everyone to Your Ex

Every time you meet someone new, do you find yourself comparing them to your ex? Whether it’s their sense of humor, personality traits, or even physical appearance, constantly measuring potential partners against your ex is a sign that you haven’t moved on yet.

4. You’re Reluctant to Let Go of Mementos

Do you still hold onto gifts, letters, or other mementos from your ex? While it’s natural to cherish memories from past relationships, if you find yourself unable to part with these reminders, it could indicate that you’re struggling to let go emotionally.

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Posted On - April 17, 2024 | Posted By - Jyoti | Read By -


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