Astrological Remedies for Nightmares

Astrological Remedies for Nightmares

Many times a person has nightmares while sleeping at night, and once they wake up from sleep they are unable to sleep for hours. Although sometimes this can happen to anyone, which is considered normal. However, you are always having problems with nightmares and if they keep you up at night, then it may emit many other problems. Today in this article, we are going to tell you some best Astrological remedies for nightmares.

These remedies from Vastu Shastra will help you overcome the problem of sleepy dreaded dreams. Also, these measures can help you to overcome many other problems. Dive ahead to learn more and get rid of nightmares to enjoy sound sleep.

Keep a Knife on the Head of the Bed

Sleeping with a knife on the head of your bed will keep you away from the trouble of scary dreams.

Those who are troubled by the problem of having nightmares in their sleep, they should sleep with a knife on the head of their bed. Apart from this, you can also take advantage of any other sharp thing instead of a knife. For example, you can use a fork spoon, scissors, or nail cutter. With these measures, you can get rid of the dreaded dreams in sleep.

Use of Yellow Rice

While sleeping at night, tie some yellow rice in a cloth and keep it under your pillow. To turn the rice yellow, mix it in turmeric water or sprinkle turmeric on it. The problem of having nightmares can also be overcome with this remedy.

Get Rid of Nightmares Using Small Cardamom

To get rid of the problem of nightmares, tie five small cardamoms in a cloth and keep them at the head of your bed. This is one of the best astrological remedies for nightmares. You can get rid of the problem of frequent nightmares.

Put Water in a Copper vessel

To remove the problem of improper sleep and dreaded dreams at night, keep water in a copper vessel near your bed. Later, put the water in a pot or plant in the morning. With this remedy you can get rid of nightmares and sleeping problems.

Additional Astrological Remedies for Nightmares

  • You should never put shoes or slippers under the bed. It attracts negativity in your area.
  • Do not use dark-colored sheets. Light colors are for prosperity and peace. Use light shades bed sheets.
  • Your bed should be cleaned after sleeping regularly. Also, you must wash your feet with water before going to bed. Dirt attracts negative energies around you.
  • Women should not sleep with their hair tied at night. You must free your hair to attain a sound sleep.

With the above Astrological Remedies for Nightmares, you can be successful in getting rid of bad dreams and also avoid many other problems.

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Posted On - August 18, 2020 | Posted By - Deepa | Read By -


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