Astrotalk’s tarot reader correctly predicted Pushkar Dhami’s fate in UT election

Pushkar Singh Dhami in Uttarakhand elections

While BJP returned to position and power in Uttarakhand with a majority of two-thirds. However, Pushkar Singh Dhami in Uttarakhand elections 2022 lost his seat in Khatima. This apparently raised doubts as well as uncertainty over the fact that who shall become the next CM of Uttarakhand.

A few days prior to the election results of Uttarakhand in 2022, I predicted that Pushkar Singh Dhami in Uttarakhand elections would definitely shine. He will become the next Chief Minister, despite the fact that he lost his own seat. Personally, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami is one of those people who take healing sessions from me. Not only does he believe in astrology also, follows remedies that help him in times of need.

As much as Bharatiya Janta Party’s win was expected by everybody in Uttarakhand, doubts arose when Pushkar Singh Dhami didn’t win from the place he was representing himself from. Seeing the horoscope of Pushkar Sigh Dhami, it was pretty evident that some ups and downs shall surround him, but his position will still be secure as the CM of Uttarakhand.

My predictions were accurate about him— He might see ups and downs during election times. But, the CM position of Uttarakhand will be in his favour for sure.

Tarot Manas

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Posted On - April 1, 2022 | Posted By - Tarot Manas | Read By -


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