Best Things to Eat according to your zodiac signs

Best Things to Eat according to your zodiac signs

Zodiac signs can tell everything about your personality, compatibility, likes, and dislikes. They can also tell your food adaptabilities. How do you think your taste bud differs from those of people around you? It is your stars and planets making you like that particular favorite food of yours. Not just your favorite food, your astrological chart can also decide your healthy and favorable food recipes. Ever felt that your food made your day? This article will make you relate more to that thought.

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Aries is ruled by fire elements and they tend to get heat burns easily. They should try eating food that will help their body cool down. They should consume calcium daily making diary products necessary for them.
Their favorite food is the Quesarito. If you want to make Aries happy then you can offer them a quesadilla and a burrito.

They should avoid having an intake of spicy food.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus is governed by earthy elements and this makes them want to take care of their thyroid. They should eat balanced salt food. Gaining fat is a clear stress for them so they should avoid consuming food that can make them fat.

Taurus is known for conservative and introvert nature. They are very selective about their friends and so are they with food. Their favorite food item is Mac & cheese. Macaroni products can never disappoint them.

They should avoid having an excessive amount of carbohydrates.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This zodiac sign is an air sign. Gemini might face problems with their lungs and nervous system hence they should eat food helping them with curing these health issues. They should include green products in their diet beans, broiled fish, shellfish, peaches, plums, wild rice, and spinach that help them to take care if there nerves.

Gemini is known for their intelligence and they know how to live a healthy life. Their go-to food is steel-cut oats with fresh blueberries. Blueberries are considered great brain food making it the most suitable choice for a Gemini.

They should reduce the intake of coffee, yeasty foods, root vegetables (e.g. potatoes), and refined sugar.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Crabs can easily attract issues like digestive and gas problems. They should not inhale things making them go through digestive problems. High calcium food is mandatory for them ie yogurts, egg yolks, oysters, and watercress. They should also cut on their consumption of alcohol and sugar. Diet of Cancerian should compromise food items like Wheat, rice, oats, whole-grain rye, fruits, broccoli, bananas, steamed vegetables, etc.

Their favorite food is Sushi. They get a bit impulsive in deciding the food and Sushi is their easy-to-go option.

Cancer should avoid salt, Oily foods, refined sugar, and sweets.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo is a fire element and they need food to keep them energized every time. They need a diet like goat milk which is full of proteins so that it can keep them charged. They should be extra careful about their liver. Lemons, peaches, bread, figs, egg yolk, and asparagus can make their nervous system work best. Must food items for their diet is Whole grains, rice, spinach, broccoli, bitter greens, peaches, root vegetables (potatoes) citrus fruits and apples.

Their favorite food is mashed potatoes. It is a perfect dish to refuel their vivacious energy.

Avoid eating spicy food, and dairy products for a healthy lifestyle.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Lower intestine and nervous systems are areas of concern in the life of a Virgo. They should consume a good amount of fiber and Omega fat like present in avocadoes, canned fish, eggs, and fresh seafood. They should avoid taking excessive diary products. Their diet must be based on products like Oats, fruit salads, whole grains and cereals, fruit juices, lemon juice, leafy greens, vegetables with spices, sprouts, soups, bananas, and oranges.

The food that makes them happy is Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They spend their money wisely. They always save their money for something big and special. Additionally, they should avoid Chocolate, rich and heavy foods.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Their mood swings can cause you enough trouble. Their diet should specifically be made to balance their mood swings and check their nervous system. Libra need to keep their blood pressure balanced so they need a high alkaline vegetarian diet that includes foods like raisins, peas, spinach, almonds, corn, oatmeal, and brown rice.

Their favorite food is every packed snack like Chips and waffles. They are a lively personality and tend to see good in everything. Packed snacks are easily available and they make Libra happy and joyful.

They should avoid consuming Yeasty foods, alcohol, carbonated beverages, and refined sugar.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio is a water sign and this calls them to take care of their water intake. They should consume at least 8-9 glasses of water per day. They should avoid having alcohol. Also, they enjoy food with healthy cholesterol like figs, oysters, snails, and avocados. Blackberries and cheese can help them control their mood.

Nothing can make them happy like Alaskan King Crab. Scorpions are stubborn and want perfection in everything.

Food items like Oily foods, salt, yeasty foods, sweets, and refined sugar should be avoided to stay healthy.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius should specifically avoid overeating. They should eat a high protein diet with plums, chicken, beets, tomatoes, and fish. Balancing their diet is important for them to tackle overconsumption. Their necessary food item should include pears, apples, figs, oranges, whole grains, whole-grain cereals, strawberries, root vegetables (e.g.carrots, and radishes), onions, olives and garlic.

Their favourite food item should be transportable and full of energy like a freeze-dried ice-cream sandwich. Scorpio likes experimenting with food choices.

They should avoid consuming spicy food, refined sugar, sweets, and alcohol.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricon is governed by earthy elements so they need to be careful about their bones and teeth. Calcium-rich food is crucial for healthy living. They should include fresh raw salads and fresh fruits as their part of the meal.

A Capricorn will never say no to deep dish pizza. They can completely dominate at things especially food.

They should avoid spicy foods, and chocolate, Rich and heavy foods.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius is ruled by the air element. This supports their circulatory system. They should reduce their sugar intake. Their favorite food like cake and doughnuts can be very harmful to their health. They should include food items like Oranges, apples, pears, cabbage, steamed vegetables, celery, corn, etc.

They always lack time for things and this will make Aquarius stay happy with spaghettis and last night’s food. Additionally, they should avoid consuming coffee, refined sugar, and yeasty foods.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces should eat food that will help their blood, liver, and brain functions. Their body demands food rich in iron and proteins like lamb, oysters, kidneys, egg yolks, barley, dried beans, whole-grain cereals, onions, lettuce, beet tops, spinach, raisins, and dates.

They are very indecisive about food. Pisces can eat burgers mixed with various ingredients when they struggle to eat something.

To maintain a healthy body, they should avoid consuming Coffee, oily foods, salt, sweets, yeasty foods, asparagus, and refined sugar

Further, you may like reading about Most Magnificent Feature of Zodiac signs


Posted On - May 30, 2020 | Posted By - Haasil | Read By -


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