Chaitra Navratri 2020- Impact on Each sign

Chaitra Navratri 2020- Impact on Each sign

Chaitra Navratri 2020 auspicious time to get blessings of the goddess Durga.

Chaitra is the auspicious month for the Hindus. It marks the beginning of the new year for the Hindus. The month starts with Pratipadaand and brings time to celebrate the auspicious festival of Navratri i.e Nine days for the worship of the Nine Specific Goddess. This can also be said to Devote some time specifically for the Maa Durga. The whole Hindu community follows the tradition to appease the Mother of the world to get the blessings of the Goddess Durga.

The Bhaktas or devotees of the Goddess Durga do follow the rituals of the generations. They worship different forms of Goddess Durga including Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Kaalratri, Katyayani, Mahagauri, and Siddhidhatri.

This year Pratipada is starting from 14.28 hrs on 24 March 2020 (New Delhi). This is the precise time for the start of the Tithi. Although, as Udaya Tithi i.e the Tithi at the rising time is taken so Ghatsthapana is suggested on the 25th of March 2020.

Chaitra Navratri 2020 and Its Impact on Each Sign or Rashi:-


Chaitra Navratri 2020 is not very good for you. Be a little bit cautious. Take care of health issues. You may have to face some problems. You can expect uncertainties in the profession. It is advisable not to go for any changes in the profession. Also, unnecessary Expenditure may increase. Therefore, it is not a good time to invest. Thus, it is advisable to stay from any-kind of speculation. Also, avoid debit-credit in this duration.


Chaitra Navratri 2020 is auspicious for you. This time, fortune will result in your favor. You can expect a rise/grow in your profession. Your Business will give good results. Also, it will get appreciation. The opportunities for the job changes as per your wish may come to you. Also, there is an indication of an increase in earnings and sources. There are chances to get back the money which is stuck with people. Take care of health issues. Elderly people and siblings will support you.


Gemini sign people should follow the ethical nature and behavior. All types of efforts will give good results. In addition to this, it is a good time for the profession. There are chances for an increase in earnings and sources of income. A check on the expenditure might occur. Thus, do not spend on unnecessary things or people. If you are a salaried person then chances of promotion are also there. To achieve success you have to put extra effort. Some problems in the family may occur.


This Navaratri will bring a lot of happiness to you. You can expect a hike in your economical independence. Business and/or professional growth chances are there. The expansion of work is also expected. New plans will fructify in the future. You will be appreciated for your work. Seniors/Bosses will be happy with your work. There are chances of promotions. There are chances of an increase in earnings. Increase in family pleasures or getting pleasure from the family. This is expected to more results with fewer efforts. You will get family support.


For Leo Rashi natives, it is advisable to have control over the anger during Chaitra Navratri 2020. Problems in the profession are expected. If you are in the job or employed, then it is advisable to have good terms with Boss otherwise that may hinder or give problems in the job and in getting the promotion or increase in salary.

You will not get the desired results as per the efforts you have made. There are chances of facing an economical crisis. You have to spend the money without your wish. Be careful about health issues as that may give problems.


In this Navratri, Virgo Rashi natives should avoid hurriedness in any and every work as that may spoil things. You will succeed in the works. There are chances of getting more than one source of money. It will be good to go for the changes in the profession and job. You have to face unnecessary problems. Unnecessary long journeys will make you tired and unhappy. In addition, there can be reduction in economical sources. You might have to face illness so be careful.


This Navratri will bring you goodness and happiness from family and family-like people. To make earnings you have to put hard work and extra-efforts. To get good returns you have to put more effort and do hard work. Problems may be there in the profession but it is expected that you will handle that wisely and come out of it.

Do not do anything which is against the norms of the Government. This is good for the profession in overall terms. Also, a good time as per the financial prospect. You will get desired things if proper efforts for the same is made.


This Navratri will bring you a lot of success but do give importance to the relationships. This is a favorable time for finances. You may get profit from the wealth and/or succeed in acquiring more wealth. New profession/Business opportunities are expected to be good for you.

Also, if you are in the Job then there are chances of getting promotion and chances of an increase in the earnings are also there. If you are a business person, you can expect good returns. Young people searching for a job is can find a job.


Sagittarius people have to control themselves for good prospects. The problems regarding your profession will come to a solution i.e chances of getting the desired job. It is advisable not to ignore the life-partner and family. In Business, you may find new resources which will be good for you. There are chances of an increase in tangible and intangible assets. You may have to face the problems related to the profession.

A partnership may give a lot of losses to you so, be careful. It is advisable not to go for the partnership in any way.


This Navratri will bring a lot of courage for you in overall terms. There are chances of expansion in the business/profession. You will get the solutions to the problems coming into your profession. You will find more peace in the profession with some ups and downs. There will be an increase in braveness and courage. You will get good returns in the profession but do not change the profession or work.


This Navratri you should be more careful. You may have to take the support or advice of the elders or elderly people or seniors will be good. Profit in the Business and chances of increase in the sources too. You will be more economically efficient. The opportunities to get a new job or profession will be there and good chances to grow in the profession.

You have to work harder and put more effort into the profession. There might be some problems that you will have to face. You may not get family support. There might be a reduction in marital bliss or martial pleasure. Too much overconfidence may give a lot of losses so be aware and do not be overconfident over the issues.


This Navratri will give a lot of luck and fortune support to you but you should support your family and friends first then other things should be done. The business prospect will be expected to be good. Assets will increase. There are chances of promotion in the job.

You will get good support from your friends. Also, you can expect the completion of pending incomplete work. You should stay away from the speculation and share market. There are chances of sudden gains too. You may get a new business partnership although advisable to choose them wisely. Your previous business/professional tours will give good returns.


Above are only the prediction although results are somewhat reduced as the Global Economy is facing a problem.

Remedy– Do the Path of the Saptashati and the rituals your family follows. As most of us are at home so best to do the pooja in the proper way with Path.

For new starters, I would suggest Durga Kawach and Bajrang Baan in this Navratri along with Durga Chalisa.

My Ishta is Mayee (Maa Kaali). She has the power to destroy the demon which others can’t so do worship Mayee daily and pray to her to kill this demon (Corona) and save humanity. Again, Kshama for the known and unknown mistakes that I have done is the ultimate Mayee that controls all.


Also, you might like reading Chaitra Navratri Kalash Sthapana Muhurat 2020


Posted On - March 24, 2020 | Posted By - Jyotishacharya Amrita | Read By -


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