Check on the Shubh Muhurat 2023 for opening a new business

Shubh Muhurat 2023

The year 2023 is approaching, and many have aspirations for new businesses or expansion of the existing ones. It is important to look for a Shubh Muhurat 2023 to start a new business to turn it into a profitable and successful one. The timing of opening a new business is something that one should decide with much care. Before starting a new business, the owner has to make several decisions like proper location, direction, sufficient capital, skilled labor, and future strategies related to business plans.  

In Vedic astrology, we believe that if someone performs a task per the Shubh Muhurat, there are bright chances of success. On the other hand, a bad Muhurat may cause losses and failure of the business or other significant activities. If you start your work or business in a bad Muhurat 2023, then no amount of hard work and patience can turn things right. In that case, the business owner has to face difficulties and hurdles in business activities. There is always a lack of stability, and achieving the desired results becomes difficult. We often have noticed big firms failing and facing closure within a short span of their commencement of business. It happens despite them providing the best resources in business. Why does this happen? Probably, one should choose the Muhurat carefully. 

Why use Shubh Muhurat for business?

Starting any new business venture at the right time brings overall success to that business. How does this happen? We all know that energies surround us all. In astrology, we believe that by activating the right kind of energy at the initiation of any auspicious activity, we increase the chances of its success. This process usually applies to the activation of the favorable nakshatras. Things performed on the correct date and time help to attract divine blessings and positivity to the activity. 

The auspicious Muhurat fairly increases the chances of the success of the business. The Shubh Muhurat helps to remove negativity while reducing the possibilities of losses, theft, fire, and other unforeseen threats to the business. 

Do you know the biggest advantage of starting things at appropriate times is that it helps to remove all kinds of negative vibes and evil eyes from your business? Many are not happy with your success and give negative vibes to us. The right Muhurat doesn’t leave any space for an evil eye to enter our lives.  

The Nakshatras like Ashwini, Pushya, Chitra, Anuradha, and Revati bring success to the business of a native. These are progressing Nakshatras that help anything to progress. 

Similarly, certain fixed Nakshatras are considered while selecting the period to start a new business venture. Thus, choosing the right time to start something new is very important else, things may turn bad. 

Also Read: How to see a love marriage in Kundli?

List of Shubh Muhurat in 2023 for business

Knowing an auspicious date for starting a new business is essential as it decreases the business risks and increases the chances of making huge profits in the long run. With the help of astrology, one may know the auspicious timings to start a new business, and here we are giving information for all Shubh Muhurat 2023 for office or new business. Take reference from these dates and make your business flourish right from the day of its opening! 

Also Read: How to find your life partner by birth chart?

Shubh Muhurat in January 2023

January 1, 202304:47 to 07:00 PM
January 2, 202308:00 to 08:40 AM
January 9, 202308:11 to 12:40 PM
January 30, 202311:23 to12:58 PM

Shubh Muhurat in February 2023

February 13, 202307:35 to 09:00 AM
February 26, 202307:20 to 01:00 PM

Shubh Muhurat in March 2023

March 12, 202308:40 to 12:10 PM

Shubh Muhurat 2023 in April 2023

April 3, 202310:40 to 01:00 PM
April 21, 20239:30 to 02:15 PM
April 22, 202307:35 to 02:10 PM

Shubh Muhurat 2023 in May

May 1, 202308:55 to 11:00 AM
May 6, 202306:45 to 10:50 AM
May 15, 202306:05 to 10:18 AM

2023 Shubh Muhurat in June

June 02, 202307:20 to 01:15 AM
June 15, 202310:35 to 12:51 PM
June 16, 202308:09 to 10:35 PM
June 25, 202307:35 to 12:15 PM

2023 Shubh Muhurat in July

July 13, 202306:35 to 01:15 PM

 2023 Shubh Muhurat in August

August 18, 202307:20 to 01:16 PM
August 23, 202310:36 to 12:55 PM
August 27, 202310:30 to 12:42 PM

Shubh Muhurat 2023 in September

September 01, 202307:45 to 12:25 PM
September 06, 202307:25 to 09:40 PM
September 20, 202306:40 to 01:25 PM

Shubh Muhurat in October 2023

October 21, 202306:56 to 01:26 PM
October 30, 202307:02 to12:56 PM

Shubh Muhurat in November 2023

Date Time
November 08, 202310:10 to12:10 PM

2023 Shubh Muhurat in December

December 14, 202311:35 to 01:04 PM
December 15, 202307:35 to 09:14 AM
December 24, 202307:42 to 10:54 AM

Blog By: Astrologer Chandana

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Posted On - December 13, 2022 | Posted By - Astrologer Chandana | Read By -


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