December Monthly Horoscope 2023

December Monthly Horoscope 2023 November Monthly Horoscope 2023 October monthly horoscope

1. Aries December Horoscope 2023

The monthly horoscope of Aries zodiac signs people state that the planetary positions are in favour of them to help achieve their objectives in life. There will be resistance in your progress towards success. But with the help of Mars, the Sun, and Mercury you will gain confidence and reach your goals. 

Be careful with Venus in the seventh and eighth houses, especially after December 25, as it might bring some debts your way. If you have a business, you might face some losses, but don’t worry – new opportunities are coming, and you’ll make an okay profit.

Love & Relationship

For Aries, the love forecast says there might be some challenges in your love life after the first week of this month. But don’t worry, your December horoscope suggests that Venus will help you overcome these challenges and lead a happy life. Just be careful to avoid tricky situations and confusion that could affect your relationship.

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Health & Wellness

Good news about your health! Your health horoscope indicates an improvement in your physical health, especially with recurring illnesses. However, you might face stress-related issues due to a slowdown in your career. To tackle this, try relaxation techniques, stick to a healthy diet, and maintain your exercise routine for overall well-being.

Money & Finances

When it comes to your money, be cautious with decisions and investments as small mistakes can be costly. Maintain a good relationship with your financial partners to safeguard your wealth. It’s a good idea to consult with an astrologer or financial expert before making important financial decisions, according to your finance horoscope.


Your career horoscope doesn’t bring great news for career growth, with no expected promotions or monetary rewards despite hard work. Instead of job hunting during this tough time, focus on self-improvement and building better relationships with your colleagues. This will contribute to your career progress in the future.

Important Dates: 10 20, and 28

Tip of the Month: Every day, recite the Mangala Chandika Stotram and repeat “Om Hanumathe Namaha” 21 times.

2. Taurus December Horoscope 2023

December’s horoscope suggests a mixed month ahead for Taurus folks. Pay attention to your health, especially your back and legs, due to Venus’ position in the seventh and eighth houses. Mothers of Taurus individuals might face health issues because of Saturn in the tenth house.

For students, the month starts off okay academically, but after Mercury moves to the ninth house, focus on studies as distractions may arise. Career-wise, Saturn might bring challenges, possibly leading to unexpected job changes.

Love & Relationship

In your love life, things might get a bit confusing and tough after the first week of this month. You might feel like your relationship is going through a rough patch, but don’t give up. Towards the end of the month, thanks to Venus, things will start looking up.

Health & Wellness

Good news for your physical health! Any ongoing health issues should improve. However, your mental health might take a hit due to money concerns. Try meditation and yoga to help with that. Stick to your regular diet and exercise routine to keep your body healthy.

Money & Finances

Be careful with your money. It seems like risky investments might not go well, so consider talking to a financial advisor. Keep a good relationship with your money partners to protect your wealth. Hold off on big plans for expanding or risky investments for now.


Great news for those working! Expect promotions and rewards for your hard work this month. Your colleagues will support you in finishing your projects. If you’re thinking about changing jobs, take some time to think and maybe talk to an advisor before deciding.

Important Dates: 14, 19 and 22

Tip of the Month: Recite “Om Durgaya Namaha” daily 108 times and perform pooja for Rahu on Saturday.

3. Gemini December Horoscope 2023

The December horoscope of Gemini zodiac sign states that you will face hurdles this month in achieving your objectives. You might be stressed and frustrated because of these hurdles but practising the right methods and being focused will help you in the long run. You won’t be stressed even if it’s a slow process. 

Love & Relationship

Your love life will be harmonious during the first week of this month, as per your monthly horoscope. The love horoscope of the Gemini people states that you might feel pointless in your relationship because of the influence of Mars. But if you remain calm and patient, you will get a chance to understand the core reason for your problem to solve them. 

Health & Wellness

The health horoscope of Gemini people states that this is a great time to try all your favourite physical activities as you will see an improvement in your physical health. There will be minor health issues that can be cured with regular treatments. In addition, you should also take care of your mental health by following relaxing techniques. 

Money & Finances

The finance horoscope of Gemini people states that there will be good returns from all your regular investments. Your risky investments will also bring some good profits. This is the perfect time to execute your plans for venture expansion. But still consulting an astrologer and financial expert is suggested. Your harmonious relationship with your partners will also help increase your wealth. 


For working professionals, the career horoscope predicts some great improvements in your career graph. You will witness the outcomes of your hard work this month. Your harmonious relationship with your colleagues will also help you in improving your career. In addition, this is the perfect time to look for new jobs that fulfil your requirements.

Important Dates: 09, 18 and 25

Tip of the Month: Chant “Om Budhaya Namaha” 41 times daily and donate food to handicapped people on Wednesday.

4. Cancer December Horoscope 2023

In the December horoscope of the Cancer zodiac sign people predict that there are a lot of chances to succeed in your goals if you believe in yourself. You have the willpower to achieve things but your downfall begins when you start to doubt yourself. So never doubt yourself as it might hinder your chances of success. 

Love & Relationship

In matters of the heart, Venus is on your side, making couples more emotionally connected. However, Mercury’s influence may bring some challenges. To strengthen your relationship, steer clear of irritating moments. Consider a relaxing vacation with your partner to avoid uncomfortable situations in the future.

Health & Wellness

Good news on the health front! Chronic issues may see improvement, giving you the green light to enjoy outdoor activities. Be mindful of mental health concerns linked to career and finances – combat stress with meditation and yoga. Stick to your routine diet and exercise for overall well-being.

Money & Finances

When it comes to money, be cautious. The stars suggest some risks might lead to financial losses. Careful decision-making is key. Maintain good relationships with your financial partners – it could be your saving grace. Focus on keeping a steady flow of cash through your regular investments during these challenging times.


For those working, the career scene isn’t shining bright this month. You might face issues with colleagues affecting your work. The temptation to look for new job opportunities might arise, but resist it – it won’t bring long-term benefits.

Important Dates: 5, 12 and 23

Tip of the Month: Chant “Om Chandraya Namaha” daily 20 times and worship the planet Moon on Monday.

5. Leo December Horoscope 2023

The monthly horoscope of Leo zodiac sign states that the planetary positions are in your favour. This will help you overcome the struggles and achieve your goals. Still, there will be hurdles because of the influence of Jupiter and Venus. But, you will also get support from your loved ones to overcome those hurdles and witness the progress in your life. 

Love & Relationship

The love horoscope states that there might be problems between the couples this month because of the negative influence of planetary positions. The couples will also have disturbing moments this month. This can be solved by overcoming those problems together as a couple and by understanding the situation from each other’s point of view. 

Health & Wellness

Good news for your health this month! You’ll see improvements in your physical well-being, and any ongoing health issues are likely to get better. Keep an eye on your mental health, though, as stress from financial and career concerns may arise. To stay healthy, stick to a regular exercise routine, maintain a balanced diet, and practise relaxation techniques.

Money & Finances

The finance horoscope isn’t looking great this month. There might be losses in your risky investments, and the returns from your regular investments might not be impressive. It’s advised to hold off on any plans for expanding ventures. However, maintaining a positive relationship with your financial partners can help protect your wealth.


For Leo individuals, the career horoscope isn’t very promising this month. Unfavourable planetary conditions could lead to misunderstandings with colleagues, potentially hindering your career growth. While there might be a temptation to look for a new job out of frustration, it’s crucial to think things through. Consulting with an astrologer might provide valuable insights before making any major decisions.

Important Dates: 4, 13 and 21

Tip of the Month: Chant Aditya Hridayam daily and perform pooja with flowers for the Sun on Sunday.

6. Virgo December Horoscope 2023

The December horoscope of Virgo zodiac sign states that this month is great to work on your goals. You have good growth prospects as you will get opportunities to fulfil your dreams. But the planet Saturn might cause some problems but you can overcome them with your willpower and confidence. 

Love & Relationship

This month looks great for your love life! You and your partner are in for a wonderful time filled with love and happiness. Just remember, teamwork is key to tackle any issues that might pop up from external factors. Consider planning a vacation together to strengthen your emotional bond and prevent any potential problems.

Health & Wellness

Good news on the health front! You’re on the road to recovery from any lingering health issues. While there might be a few minor inconveniences, they can be easily treated with regular remedies. Keep an eye on your mental health, though, as work stress could take a toll. Combat it with relaxation techniques to keep your mind in a positive place.

Money & Finances

Financially, it hasn’t been the easiest time for Virgo due to some not-so-great planetary positions. Be cautious with risky investments, as even a small mistake could lead to significant consequences. Hold off on expanding your ventures for now. Maintaining good relationships with your partners can help safeguard your wealth. If in doubt, consulting with an astrologer might provide insights on the best time for business expansion.


For those working, the month brings some challenges in the workplace. Unfavourable planetary positions might cause issues with colleagues, affecting your productivity. If you’re thinking about changing jobs due to frustration, it’s worth reconsidering. Instead, put in extra effort and wait for better days ahead.

Important Dates: 7, 13 and 28

Tip of the Month: Chant “Om Kalikaye Namah” daily 41 times and “Om Kethave Namaha” daily 41 times.

Also Read: Top 6 Zodiac Signs Who Are Good Kisser

7. Libra December Horoscope 2023

The monthly horoscope of Libra zodiac sign people indicates that this month will be good because of the favourable planetary conditions. You will be passionate about anything you do and will gain the ability to make the right decisions quickly. In addition, you will be surrounded by good people who support you. 

Love & Relationship

For Libras, December might not be the most exciting month for love. It could feel a bit dull, with not much emotional spark between you and your partner. But don’t worry too much. Just be patient and try to express your love to your partner. Help them understand how much you care. This can boost their confidence in the relationship, and better times are on the way.

Health & Wellness

Your health horoscope has some good news in terms of your physical and mental health for December. You will witness improvement from your recurring ailments which means you can enjoy your favourite outdoor activities. To keep your mental health stable you need to follow some relaxing methods like yoga, meditation, etc. 

Money & Finances

Your finances are expected to grow this month. While you might be tempted to make speculative investments, be cautious. It’s a good idea to consult with an astrologer and financial expert before making big moves. Also, maintain good relationships with your business partners to secure your wealth.


The career horoscope of working professionals states that you can expect some growth in your career graph. You will maintain a good relationship with colleagues which will help you to complete the projects. If you are planning for a job change, then you need to think twice about that as December is not the right time for a job change. 

Important Dates: 4, 12 and 21

Tip of the Month: Chant Hanuman Chalisa daily and perform Yagya-Havan for Rahu-Ketu on Tuesday.

8. Scorpio December Horoscope 2023

The December horoscope suggests that Scorpios are in for a pleasant month with the positive influence of Mercury and Venus. As the month unfolds, you’ll find ways to tackle life’s challenges, with Mercury helping you focus on long-term goals and bringing about a positive change in your perspective.

Love & Relationship

In matters of love, December advises Scorpios to boost their partner’s confidence, fostering emotional compatibility. Letting go of past issues and concentrating on a future together can prevent relationship problems. Open communication about your needs is key for a healthy and happy marriage.

Health & Wellness

The health horoscope predicts improvements in both physical and mental well-being. Recurring health issues will subside, allowing you to engage in outdoor activities you enjoy. Despite personal and professional challenges, your mental health will remain good, thanks to your relaxation methods. Maintaining a routine of exercise and a balanced diet is recommended for overall well-being.

Money & Finances

In terms of your finances, you need to be careful in making important decisions as a small mistake might cost you a fortune in your wealth. According to your finance horoscope, you should also be careful about your risky investments and venture expansion at this time because of unfavourable planetary conditions. All you can do is wait for the right time to make investments but before that, it is advised to consult an astrologer. 


For professionals, December may not bring significant career growth, but maintaining positive relationships with colleagues is essential. Despite unfavourable stellar positions, hard work and dedication will pay off in the long run. Job changes are discouraged during this period, as they may not bring the desired benefits. Persevere in your current role and look forward to better opportunities in the future.

Important Dates: 5, 10 and 20

Tip of the Month: Chant “Om Hanumate Namaha” daily 27 times and “Om Kethave Namah” daily 108 times

9. Sagittarius December Horoscope 2023

This month looks promising for Sagittarius folks as it brings opportunities for new beginnings, thanks to the positive vibes from the Sun, Mars, and Mercury. However, Saturn’s influence reminds you that success often follows some challenges.

Love & Relationship

In the love department, Sagittarians might face some misunderstandings with their partners. It might even make you think about ending the relationship, but it’s crucial to stay patient. As the month progresses, positive changes are likely. Planning a vacation together could strengthen your bond.

Health & Wellness

On the health front, consulting a doctor and adopting a proper diet and exercise routine can do wonders. Chronic issues may improve, and taking care of your mental health with relaxation techniques can help manage stress better. 

Money & Finances

Unfortunately, the financial outlook isn’t too bright this month for Sagittarians. Regular investments may not yield profitable returns, and risky ventures could lead to significant losses. Building good relationships with financial partners is advised to safeguard your wealth.


Career-wise, this month is expected to be average. Maintaining a harmonious relationship with colleagues is crucial to avoid workplace issues. Instead of hastily searching for a new job, focus on identifying and resolving the root causes of problems.

Important Dates: 4, 12 and 21

Tip of the Month: Donate food to the needy on Thursday and chant “Om Gurave Namaha” daily 108 times.

10. Capricorn December Horoscope 2023

In December, Capricorns might face some challenges in their plans, but Mercury and Venus will lend a hand in overcoming them. By tapping into your social connections, you can finish the year on a successful note. So, even though there might be bumps along the way, your friends and connections can help smooth things out, making it a good end to the year for you.

Love & Relationship

The love horoscope of Capricorn has some good news in terms of your life this month. Initially, there will be friction between you and your partner and it will be solved in the upcoming months. There is no need to prove your love to your partner after that because they will understand your love and commitment to the relationship. 

Health & Wellness

The health horoscope predicts that there will be improvements in your physical health this month. You can enjoy your favourite outdoor activities with good physical health and this can be maintained through proper diet and exercise. Your mental health can be kept balanced with yoga and meditation. If you face any minor inconveniences, it is advisable to consult a doctor to avoid problems in the future. 

Money & Finances

December seems to be a great month for the Capricorns in terms of finances as they will get good in their existing investment plans. Your risky and speculative investments will also bring some good returns and your relationship with your partners will also increase your finances. Even though this is a great time, you should consult an astrologer before implementing your venture expansion plans. This will help you secure and increase your wealth, according to your finance horoscope.


Your career horoscope tells you that this month is going to be an average one for the Capricorns because of the unfavourable planetary conditions. The only good for working professionals is that they will maintain a harmonious relationship with their colleagues which will help them in unexpected ways. Focus on working hard and improving yourself, good days are within reach. 

Important Dates: 8, 16 and 27

Tip of the Month: Recite “Om Mandaya Namaha” daily 108 times and “Om Namashivaya” daily 21 times.

11. Aquarius December Horoscope 2023

Aquarius folks, this month might bring a feeling of having fewer projects for you, influenced by Venus and Jupiter. But worry not! By concentrating and choosing the right projects, you can find success. Thanks to the Sun, Mars, and Jupiter, you’ll not only secure projects but also zip through them at a faster pace.

Love & Relationship

Love life might hit a bump due to Venus, causing issues. The key to overcoming them is spending quality time with your partner and understanding their needs. This effort will lead to a more harmonious and compatible relationship, triumphing over any challenges.

Health & Wellness

On the health front, good news prevails. Your physical and mental health is set to improve, with relief from recurring illnesses and chronic ailments. To maintain this well-being, stick to a routine of balanced diet, exercise, yoga, and meditation. Additionally, keeping an eye on your family’s health is essential, and consulting a doctor for even minor health concerns is advisable.

Money & Finances

Financially, good news awaits! The stars predict profitability for Aquarius this month. Existing and even riskier investments could yield great returns. While expansion plans for your ventures look promising, it’s wise to consult with an astrologer before taking big financial steps. Social connections and positive partnerships will also bring financial benefits.. 


For working professionals, it might feel like a rollercoaster ride due to unfavourable planetary conditions. Despite hard work and good relationships with colleagues, promotions and monetary rewards might not come your way. Job changes could have long-term effects on your career, so think deeply before making any decisions.

Important Dates: 10, 13 and 26

Tip of the Month: Recite Shani Chalisa every Saturday and chant “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” daily 108 times.

12. Pisces December Horoscope 2023

December brings positive vibes for Pisces individuals, especially with the support of Venus. This positive energy will drive you to pursue your goals in both personal and professional aspects of life. Despite challenges from Mars, your optimistic surroundings will help you overcome hurdles.

Love & Relationship

In matters of the heart, you may face challenges due to your partner’s struggles. To navigate this, focus on letting go of trivial issues, and express your love and commitment. This will strengthen your relationship, supporting your partner in overcoming difficulties for a healthier life together.

Health & Wellness

Your well-being may encounter some hiccups, both physically and mentally. To maintain good physical health, adopt a balanced diet and stick to an exercise routine. Address minor health issues promptly by consulting a doctor. For mental well-being, consider practising yoga and meditation to experience positive changes.

Money & Finances

The financial outlook for Pisces is promising this month. Existing and risky investments are expected to yield favourable returns. It’s a favourable time for business expansion, but consulting with an astrologer before taking major steps is advisable. Maintain harmonious relationships with business partners as it can contribute to securing your wealth.


Career-wise, growth may not meet your expectations this month, leaving you feeling like your hard work has gone unnoticed. However, focus on identifying the root causes of the issues and work towards resolving them. Despite these challenges, maintaining positive relationships with colleagues will prove beneficial for future opportunities.

Important Dates: 5, 14 and 20

Tip of the Month: Recite “Om Hanumate Namaha” daily 108 times and perform Pooja for Rahu and Ketu on Tuesdays.

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Posted On - November 30, 2023 | Posted By - Jyoti | Read By -


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