Effects of Sun in different houses

sun in every house

Sun is not just a huge, spinning, glowing sphere of hot gases in the collection of heavenly bodies, it is the life-giver enlightening the whole world. Without its heat and light, we are nothing but an ice-ball. Read further to find out the effects of Sun in each house.

The ruler of all the planets and the source of energy is the true representative of the self, the soul, your appearance and exterior personality. It gives you the reverberance and playfulness but can also cause you to aggressive and egoistic behaviour too. 

It has a great significance in Vedic Astrology. According to which, Sun represents the Soul, the life-giving energy, will power, immunity power i.e., the ability to fight with diseases and stay healthy in general. It’s the illustration of your outer persona, of how you express yourself to the world. It stands for Authority, father figure and endows natives with the ability to lead, to rule the world and make a mark. Sun additionally represents the government, ego, self-esteem. It is your image out in the world, your soul.

In Vedic astrological terms, it spends a month in each sign and takes around a year to complete its circle of the whole zodiac and the 12 signs. Sun indifferent houses behave differently and every planet has the ability to give both auspicious and inauspicious results. And the results vary depending on the position and the state in your Kundali.

Effects of Sun in 1st House

  • If the sun is posited in the 1st house of the horoscope, it grants the native with a spark and vibrancy.
  • The native is filled with passion and positive energy. This is a good placement and confers decent health if there aren’t any diminishing factors.
  • The native may have a charming personality and people would look up to him. The native will be on good terms with the people in power and will be a respectful person, obedient to his father.
  • They are reckless with a raging temperament, and a little bit lazy at the same time, quite like a lion.
  • This position of sun grants the native with leadership qualities which sometimes may result in an aggression and superiority complex.
  • However, the presence of sun in the ascendant can also make the native self-centred.

Effects of Sun in 2nd House

  • When the sun is to be found in the second house in a horoscope, the chart-holder usually has a generous and warm nature.
  • Moreover, the native earns good money and spend most of it on costly materialistic things.
  • A pattern frequently observed is that a second house Sun person has a very melodious and heavy voice.
  • They make great singers. Individuals having such placement in their horoscope have an intense desire for power and a deep sense of self-worth.
  • They are always driven towards acquiring power in the form of possessions, bank balance and talent.
  • These people tend to be way too straight-forward.
Sun in Second House

Effects of Sun in 3rd House

  • Placement of Sun in the third house suggests that the native is fond of talking and is mostly a conventional speaker. He’ll have achievements in the field of editing and publishing.
  • This positioning, however, makes the connection with younger brother/sister along with other relatives. The younger brother, sisters, neighbours or co-workers may attain high positions in their life.
  • The native will be fortunate, great looking, well educated, successful in litigation, smart, brave and in an authoritative position.
  • They love travelling and might travel a lot as a part of their business.
  • The native devotes a lot of value to wisdom and cognition and believes in sharing it with others.

Effects of Sun in 4th House

  • The fourth house is the house of family, possessions, properties and so on. Placement of Sun in 4th house means that the native takes a lot of interests in matters concerning the domestic side of his or her life.
  • It’s about homeland, it’s about mother’s nourishment that you get in the home. They take good care of the family and family’s welfare and social status.
  • The native identifies himself by what he loves and feels like Home is where the heart is.
  • They are more of introverted personalities and love being inside the home.
  • Sun in the fourth house also gives the native increased energy and strength in the latter half of life.
  • These people usually find success later on in their life because Sun is the vitality of your soul, the engine that fuels you and it’s not there when you were born. But Sun rises and when it rises it brightens up your life.

Effects of Sun in 5th house

  • 5th house is the natural house of Sun because of the fifth sign i.e., Leo. This house represents creativity, academic education, the creation, joyfulness, speculation business like broking, cinema, being on stage, performing, artistic talent, learning cultural education.
  • So when comes into the fifth house it magnifies, it illuminates everything.
Sun in Fifth House
  • The native loves talking about politics, creativity, philosophy, ancient texts and would want to be involved in these creative aspects of life, to be able to perform them.
  • Sun here makes a person very bold when it comes to education, they want to be a centre of attention in their academic field.
  • This is where their ego lies, in learning and expressing themselves.
  • They love to express their knowledge, their creativity, their business ability. Also, they share a great bond with their father.

Effects of Sun in 6th House

  • 6th house is the house of conflicts, wars, diseases, enemies. Sun tries to take a centre stage in whatever house that it’s placed in, in your birth chart.
  • Sun, in the 6th house, would like to solve conflicts, win litigation, win over their enemies and basically creatively win over things in life.
  • As sun also represents bones and let’s say, if the sun is badly placed or debilitated, you might suffer bone defragmentation or fractures.
  • It represents politics as well because war and conflicts are a part of politics and even in everyday work life, you might have enemies or friends who are very competitive.
  • A lot of litigation attorneys are seen from the 6th house and as it’s also the house of diseases and sun is even though a malefic planet still wants to do good and provide life and solve others problems.
  • So physicians, advocates, people in the medical business or in safety divisions are usually seen from this house.

Effects of Sun in 7th House

  • When Sun goes down, things go down in the seventh house. 7th house is the house of legal bindings like marriage, business partnership, sexual relationship, laws.
  • It also represents other people, like your public life. This house, the house of Libra which is the sign of justice, balance and harmony debilitates the Sun. That further results as a lack of confidence and self-esteem in the native.
  • In case, Sun is exalted in this house, the native is of very authoritative and fearful nature and tries to instil so much authority on the other people because he wants to be heard, he wants to be respected.
  • People with Sun in the seventh house in their birth chart may even end up with more than one marriage.
  • However, an excelled Sun would make a good manager in any creative field, it could be a lawyer or judge and even a good politician because they’ll have that leadership quality and authority to gather people, to make people work around them.

Effects of Sun in 8th House

  • 8th house represents occult knowledge, knowledge of the deep, secretive things, confidential information, major ups and downs, drastic changes.
  • It also signifies assets, joint assets from your partner, your in-laws family.
  • So, what happens when the sun is in 8th house, It signifies and illuminates the qualities of the 8th house.
  • Sun and Saturn are the only two planets that actually works really well and strong in 6th, 8th and 12th house. In here, Sun feels welcomed here as it’s in the house of his actual friend, Mars (lord of Scorpio).
Sun in Eighth House
  • Native usually doesn’t need to express their ego, they just recognize themselves as better than others.
  • People are naturally drawn to their aura as they have magnificent personality. They are always curious about the darkness, things behind the curtain, mysteries and occult.

Effects of Sun in 9th House

  • Sun is your soul, your ego, self-esteem, the vitality in you, father figure and authoritative. And, 9th house is the house of religion, spirituality, house of your teachers, law and the house of your father.
  • It also signifies long journeys like pilgrimage, fortune and luck. So, when Sun comes into the 9th house, Sun’s ego heightens.
  • This is where the native’s father and his teachings have a great influence on him. And your ego and self-esteem will solely depend on what your father has taught you, what your teacher has taught you.
  • So this person is constrained by what he has learned in his life.
  • Lawyer, judges, Professors, religious priests are seen from this house. They love to make people follow certain rules.
  • It is really hard to break this person’s ego and because of which, they might get into ego battles with their fathers.
  • These are the people when they travel they want to have an end meaning to their journey, they want to get some wisdom out of it.

Effects of Sun in 10th House

  • The 10th house represents government work, authority, career, executive work, the way you present yourself to the outer world, the way you want others to perceive you as.
  • It’s the house of your father. So when Sun comes into this house, it’s the brightest and the hottest in the house.
  • Native is usually in an authoritative position either in the government or in an executive position.
  • Sun feels much better when there’s nobody to point the finger against them or question them which is the reason why these people can not stand a managerial or supervisory position.
  • This is the house of Presidency, Athletes and fighters. Soldiers and CEOs are seen from this house.
  • And no matter how hard situations they had to go through early on in their lives, Sun still has enough power to bring himself up, why? Because Sun! Duh! It rises and bring himself up and overshadows everybody.
  • This is one place where no matter how much opposition you face, you will come out of it.

Effects of Sun in 11th House

  • 11thhouse is the most important house when it comes to Wealth. It’s the house of Gains and is a strong indicator of income, sudden profits and prosperity.
  • This house includes your professional networks including your friends.
  • So, when the sun comes into this house, it’s not very comfortable as it’s the original house of Saturn. They don’t get along very well because they both are kinda opposite energies.
Sun in Eleventh House
  • However, This position gives strong inclination towards positions of being a representative and group leader.
  • Natives with this placement in their horoscope also have strong recognition tendencies.
  • If the sun is excelled in this house, that’s when the things with father go chaotic. Native’s relation with his father may get unsteady and bitter but gets better towards the end, especially in case of women with the sun in 11th house.
  • It is also said that the sun in the 11th house blesses the native with long life and a lot of wealth.

Effects of Sun in 12th house

  • It’s the house that represents Hospitals, Permanent foreign settlement, Foreign relations, Relations across the sea, Asylum, Jails.
  • It corresponds to charity, hidden talents, hidden enemy, hidden treasure, spirituality, connection to the divine. When Sun comes here, it illuminates the12thhouse meaning, the native’s ability to see their hidden enemies, hidden talents.
  • This position is, nonetheless very good for imagination, like for an artist to make Art as imagination is a dark place but Sun lights it so much that the art just flows and words just come out.
  • Directors, Scriptwriters, Spiritual leader are seen from this house. This house helps the native make political international relations with other countries or business in foreign lands.
  • So, if you go to the foreign lands your image, your personality would be far better than what it is in the homeland.

The analysis here offers just one portion of the entire image. We also got to see the position of other planets in the horoscope.

Each planet has a distinct impact on you, depending on which house and sign they reside in. So as to seek out where they are located in your natal chart, you can use our free Kundli Maker and if you wish to know what each planet represent in detail, click here

Click here to find out how the planet of mysteries, detachments and hardships- Ketu affects your life.

If you fancy reading about astrology and want to learn more about how to read a birth chart in order to make predictions. Click here.


Posted On - June 17, 2019 | Posted By - Deepika Tomar | Read By -


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