If this world ends right now, right here, how satisfied would you be with what you have accomplished for yourself, Capricorn? Wouldn’t you want to kiss your soulmate one last time? Or get the last head massage from your mom as you sit down to talk to her? Hopefully, the world is not ending today. So why not let this be the day you accomplish everything you want to before it’s too late. Virgo, being a superhero is a fun job. But thankfully, the Superoheros too have some limitations in life. And one needs to accept those with grace. You could do 100s things right but then there would always be one thing that you can’t. Try, but don’t get stubborn about it as you would only find yourself banging your head against a wall. And Scorpio, why does someone else’s accomplishment frighten you? Don’t you think of yourself as capable enough to achieve more than what they have on their plate? Hopefully, you do, and this week is the time to realise it for yourself.
Anxiety yet again seems to be looming and it is only to intensify this week with the transit of Rahu in Taurus on May 1. Thus to get the best of yourself, AstroTalk’s astrologers suggest that you stringently focus on your health and try to be more active than usual. The uncertainties of the time demand you to invest in confidence-building deeds (like an online internship) as such actions will help you tackle major career hurdles. Meanwhile, people in business will do good as there will be an enhancement in creative skills. Financially, this week will be more or less stable and you will not face any problems where money is concerned. Your love life will, however, face some issues, but as this is the Taurus month, you will have the talent to adapt to love-making mode faster than ever before. Again, exercise and eat better to safeguard yourself from skin, tongue and gum problems during the Rahu transition period.
The Taurus in you is feeling more jealous than usual this week. And we say, the bull must use this jealousy to motivate themselves as they always do. With Rahu transit in Taurus on May 1, in the coming weeks, you would see a surge in health issues, besides a surge in need for physical affection. Invest in a hobby to divert your mind from such cravings (if you are unmarried or single). By the end of the week and because of the high influence of Mars, you will be able to utilise your maximum potential. So if you have any important task to complete, try to finish it during the weekend for the best results. Rahu, as a teacher, will also motivate you to rethink and analyse what is wrong in your life. Any decision you take this week will determine the next ten years of your life. This is also an auspicious time to begin a new venture if you have been planning to.
The twins are bored of doing the same thing on a repetitive basis and are starting to realise their potential. However, before heading for something you can call – mine (career-wise), it is in your best interest to consult and not rush into something. With Rahu in Taurus, your expenses may see a surge, which is something you need to rein. You should also spend more time with your love as it will divert your mind and free up space for new ideas to pop up. Practice caution when it comes to telling something personal to your friend. If you are a college student, the time is good for you to take a part-time job as it will kill down your anxiety about your future. For those already at work, this is the best time to consider a new job. When doing so, you must not think of yourself as incapable of a so and so post, as if you do, you will never take the challenge and thus never learn.
Less is more this week for sensitive Cancer. In chasing the bigger things in life, we often tend to ignore the smaller ones. However, Rahu in Taurus is here to make you realise the worth of small things. Because honestly, as you grow older, it is not the big presentation you made on so and so day that you are going to miss, but what you would miss is simply sitting on the beach with your love’s head on your shoulder. Thus, take a moment to make such memories so you have a kitty-full of them to think of later. Career-wise, don’t take a task just for the sake of receiving applause. You will get yourself irritated. You are to experience moderate gains from your business. The ones in the tourism industry may see a surge in earnings in the coming 2-3 weeks. Singles should not hurry into a relationship just because everyone else is in one. Try to help anyone if you can as it will empower you in ways you couldn’t imagine.
A Leo is nothing but a combination of earnest spirit and a frank attitude. And these two qualities of yours will help you excel this week. Gods, Goals, Growing and Glowing should be the Leo mantra and it will mitigate the harmful influence of Rahu transiting in Taurus from May 1. In terms of love, you are to enjoy the company and support of your partner. You can think of ways to spice things up between you two as it would bring you even more closer. This week, you might also feel a bit materialistic. Nothing worrisome financially awaits you, thus surely you can give it a go. Rahu, however, can have a bad impact on your parent’s health so take better care of them. Moreover, the time is also good for travelling so you can make plans in this regard.
As Rahu enters Taurus on May 1, Virgos may experience a surge in skin-related issues like increased pimple problem, too dry or oily skin, etc. Try homely remedies to find a cure. A Virgo trying to accomplish something must rely on consistency. Singles may be drawn towards the opposite gender, which can deviate them from their goals. Try to manage your time in this regard. For people who are separated, this week you would feel the urge to meet new people. Careerwise, you might feel lazy at work, especially the ones who are working from home. Try to complete your tasks and don’t take things lightly as your financial security is at risk owing to the influence of Rahu. You might also bump into a creativity block, which you can tackle by diverting your attention off-work for some time, trying to find inspiration in your vicinity. Most importantly, be honest to yourself this week about all the aspects.
Despite the fact the journeys are usually more beautiful than the destination, you can never behold everything that falls on both sides of the road. The same concept is for life. The journey to the self is not an easy one. There are many things that you could lose in the process — jobs, friendships, and relationships, etc. So, don’t get disheartened about what you have lost. Believe that whatever happens, happens for good and let it be the motivation you need. With Rahu’s entry in Taurus on May 1, ahead, you will enjoy the enhanced luck of intellect that will help you in making the right decision for yourself. As the month of Taurus is upon us, many of you will fall in love (not attraction) for the first time. This is a good time to adopt an animal. Financially, make new investments in saving schemes but not in any new venture. The time is favourable for investing in the stock market. However, bar away from intra-trading.
As Rahu and Mercury conjunct together in Taurus, Scorpions will be affected the most emotionally. Taurus and Scorpio are like the Adam and Eve of the zodiac cycle. Thus any good or bad that Taurus feel, Scorpio too will feel the slightest impression of the same. The time is an absolutely delightful time for any Taurus and Scorpio couple as intimacy will see a surge. Thus, if you have been planning a baby, now is the ideal time. Careerwise, your silly mistakes can get you in a bad place, so try to avoid them. If you feel disturbed due to some reason, spirituality can help you here. If you have any Muslim friends, try to observe or be a part of Ramdam festivities as it will uplift you. The influence of Rahu will surely plunge your health, and you will have to deal with asthma and urinary related issues. Finances will remain fluid, consider being a bit materialistic if it satisfies you.
Very giving week for the Sagittarius if you are on a work-related or religious trip as it will go better than you expected. However, the health aspect will need some attention; as during Rahu’s transit in Taurus period, the health of the children is supposed to take a backseat. Meanwhile, the good news is in terms of your business as you could possibly be getting yourself new contracts despite the uncertainties looming. If you have been feeling uneasy due to any reasons, it is due to the negligence of me-time. Practise a self-care session, and on the weekends, try to indulge in activities like gardening, decorating or painting. Cut screen time as much as possible. If you do so, you will experience a surge in your thinking capabilities, and you won’t feel irritated. Try to not come in contact with any person with authority.
As Rahu transits in Taurus, parents need to take extra care of their children as their health may worsen. The week is great for natives who are preparing for a government exam or filing for a foreign job or admission. In love, if you are experiencing a plagued relationship with your spouse, it’s probably your own fault. You may feel hard-done-by but, to be perfectly blunt and honest, you are no saint, yourself. This time, and any time you are wrong, take the initiative to make things right. Financially, the monetary prospects are to uplift in the coming days. As you head towards the end of the week, you will feel lighter and more youthful and will be able to captivate an entirely new audience. Altogether, you need to realise that change is always happening and you are a part of it. If you accept it, you would grow, if not, then others will.
Aquarius natives may have to deal with problems around their chest and stomach areas amidst the Rahu and Mercury conjunction in Taurus. These health issues, however, only makes the base of the pyramid. As you climb further up, AstroTalk’s astrologers recommend that you need to be careful about the decisions you make or you could fall into the trap of people with a position. You might also feel materialistic this week, which is a trap on the top of the pyramid. Try to counter all three problems with preventive actions. To control the urge to spend more, try to distract yourself. Get a pet, or cook something new. Students who are preparing for the government need to sort out what to study and what to ignore for better time utilisation. Allow your imagination to wander and it will lead you to pastures new. But don’t feel obliged to push your unusual ideas to their logical conclusion.
Pisces is one of the few signs for whom the Rahu Transit in Taurus would be full of opportunities. The Pisces native will see an enhancement in their urge to travel. However, looking at the situation, we recommend that you drop such plans until you have a personal vehicle to use and are ready to take the best precautions. The presence of Rahu will also enhance your child’s fluency in studies. However, the parent-child time together is to lessen. If you like someone, this is the best time to tell them about it. In terms of career, your financial security might slightly be at risk. However, you are not the culprit. Try to not invest but rather save money. If you have a drinking and smoking habit, the exposure to covid would be catastrophic for you. Try to cut your screen time if you are dealing with mental stress. Try to listen to music and take a new hobby.
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