How To Remove Shani Dosha At Home

Shani Dosha शनि साढ़ेसाती और ढैय्या

Shani Dosha, also known as Saturn Dosha or Saturn affliction, refers to the challenging influence of the planet Saturn in a person’s birth chart. It is believed to bring about various obstacles, delays, and hardships in life. However, there are several remedies that can be practiced at home to alleviate the negative effects of Shani Dosha. Here are 12 tips to help remove Shani Dosha:

Regular Worship

Worship Lord Shani regularly to appease Saturn’s malefic effects. Set up a dedicated shrine or altar at home and offer prayers, incense, and flowers to Lord Shani. Recite the Shani Mantra (“Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah”) with devotion.

Light a Lamp

Light a sesame oil lamp (diya) in front of Lord Shani’s picture or idol every Saturday evening. This practice is believed to pacify the planet Saturn and reduce its malefic influence.

Chant Mantras

Apart from the Shani Mantra, recite other mantras dedicated to Lord Saturn, such as the “Shani Gayatri Mantra” or the “Shani Mahamantra.” Regular chanting can help alleviate the negative effects of Shani Dosha.

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Engage in acts of charity to mitigate Shani Dosha. Donate items like black sesame seeds, black clothes, mustard oil, iron utensils, or black gram (urad dal) to the less fortunate or at Shani temples. This practice can help reduce the intensity of Saturn’s affliction.

Wear Black

Wearing black clothes on Saturdays is believed to appease Lord Shani and lessen the malefic effects of Shani Dosha. Additionally, wearing a black thread or black gemstone jewelry, such as black onyx or black tourmaline, can help counteract Saturn’s influence.


Observe fasts on Saturdays to pacify Saturn and remove Shani Dosha. Fasting can help purify the body and mind, and foster discipline. Consume a simple vegetarian diet or consume only fruits and milk on this day.

Recite Hanuman Chalisa

Reciting the Hanuman Chalisa, a devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman, can help mitigate the effects of Shani Dosha. Lord Hanuman is believed to protect devotees from the malefic influence of Saturn.

Meditation and Yoga

Practice meditation and yoga regularly to calm the mind, reduce stress, and enhance spiritual growth. This can help individuals develop a positive outlook and deal with the challenges posed by Shani Dosha.

कुंडली में शनि शनि के उपाय

Saturn Transit Remedies

During Saturn transit periods, which occur approximately every two and a half years, perform specific remedies based on your birth chart. These remedies may include fasting, reciting mantras, performing homa (fire ritual), or seeking guidance from an experienced astrologer.

Worship Navagrahas

Worship the Navagrahas (nine planets) regularly to seek their blessings and balance the planetary energies in your life. You can offer prayers and chant mantras dedicated to each planet to reduce the malefic effects of Shani Dosha.

Recite Shani Stotram

Recite the Shani Stotram, a hymn dedicated to Lord Saturn, to alleviate the negative influence of Shani Dosha. This powerful prayer is believed to protect individuals from Saturn’s malefic effects.

Seek Astrological Guidance

Consult an experienced astrologer to understand the specific impact of Shani Dosha in your birth chart and receive personalized remedies. An astrologer can provide valuable insights, suggest gemstone recommendations, and guide you through challenging periods.

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Remember, the effects of Shani Dosha can vary for individuals, and these remedies are not one-size-fits-all solutions. Implementing these practices with faith, devotion, and consistency can help reduce the malefic effects of Shani Dosha and lead to a more balanced and harmonious life.

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Posted On - July 20, 2023 | Posted By - Jyoti | Read By -


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