Satish Kaushik, a seasoned Bollywood actor, and director passed away on March 8 following a heart attack. He aged 66. Anupam Kher sent a heartfelt message and a photo of the two stars on social networks to verify Satish Kaushik’s passing. When Kaushik had a heart attack, he was in Delhi and a moving vehicle. One of the gravest losses to Bollywood came with the death of the veteran actor. In the memory of Satish Kaushik, let us look at his journey and the wonderful Yogas that made him the humorous king.
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Name: Satish Kaushik
Date of Birth: April 14, 1956
Place of Birth: Mahendragarh, Harayana
Moon in Kendra with Jupiter
Gajkesari Yoga suggests that the native had a large family during his lifetime. He had a kind and considerate disposition and cared about the people around him. He carried out developing work and managed people with affection and fun. This Yoga assures that his reputation will live on long after his passing.
The 6th, 7th, and 8th houses from the Moon are where the benefics are.
Adhi Yoga shows that he was a kind and reliable person. Because he was a positive and upbeat person, people loved being around him. He was successful in life and amassed a sizable amount of riches. Moreover, according to Satish Kaushik Kundli, he frequently leads a lavish, prosperous life. Moreover, his life filled with delight and love for the people around him.
Benefics occupy the Upachayas— 3, 6, 10, or 11— either from the ascendant or the Moon.
Vasumathi Yoga suggests that he was a diligent worker. He became someone who attained respect from society as a result of his diligence and talent for accomplishing what was essential to him. His tenacity also offered him fame and fortune and the opportunity to live independently and spend lavishly. His fortune also enabled him to assist those in need, which gave him his life purpose.
Other planets are two positions away from the Sun.
Vesi Yoga highlights a few intriguing traits in a person. He frequently had great luck because everything came to him with ease, and he was not susceptible to unfortunate events. Also, he had a reputation for being happy and attempting to make others around him happy. He preferred to be moral and ethical given your characteristics. Moreover, it indicates that he upheld his morals and didn’t promote skepticism. He became become extraordinarily famous and aristocratic over his lifetime.
Mercury and the Sun come together.
According to Budha-Aditya Yoga, he possessed exceptional intelligence. He persevered in developing his abilities, and people highly regarded the quality of his work. Also, he had high self-respect and a positive self-concept. Those around him and his peers held him in high regard. He had access to all the conveniences he could think of for his way of life. Most of the time, his living was comfortable, and he had contentment the entire time.
Mars exalted in his own sign’s Kendra or occupied one.
Ruchaka Yoga overpowers many regal and outstanding qualities. He was a fantastic leader with a really funny demeanor. For a very long time, he enjoyed great fame. He also frequently had a natural fluency with some legends from long ago. Moreover, he ensured trying to follow all the customs and conventions. Also, he was known for his generous nature, good body, and reddish complexion. Hence, it helped him become extremely wealthy and a person with the funniest outlook.
Any benefic planet must be in the tenth house from the Moon or Lagna.
The presence of Amala Yoga in a person portends long-lasting success and repute. Hence, Satish Kaushik was completely moral. Moreover, he was a successful and healthy person with all these other things.
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