Lakshmi aarti, Lakshmi chalisa & Lakshmi mantra – Benefits & right way to do

Lakshmi aarti

Goddess Lakshmi, as per the legends, is the consort of Lord Vishnu. Lakshmi as a deity is the God of wealth, prosperity and purity. Goddess Lakshmi, in the world of the divine, set an example of feminine brilliance. To highlight, it is a belief among people that it is because of Lakshmi that the world was and continues to be protected from the wrath of the demons. In this context, the importance of Lakshmi aarti, Lakshmi Chalisa and Lakshmi mantra becomes more significant.

The rebirth of Goddess Lakshmi 

You all must have heard of Samudra Manthan as a tale. However, fewer people know is that the story of Samudra Manthan is also about the rebirth of the Goddess Lakshmi.

As per Hindu mythology, Lord Indra was given the responsibility of protecting the world from demons. Indra, excelling in his duty, was able to protect the world from the demons with Goddess Lakshmi by his side.

As the time passed, to celebrate the excellency of Indra, a sage came to visit Indra. The sage offered a garland of sacred flowers to Indra, which Indra, in disrespect, threw away. This display of arrogance hurt Goddess Lakshmi. She left the adobe and Gods and to take shelter in the milky ocean. Without her presence, the Gods were no longer powerful and began to lose against the demons.

As a result, the world donned darkness and no offerings were made to the Gods thereafter. The worst happened as Gods began to lose and the asuras took control.


Thus to find a solution to the woe, Indra then went to Vishnu seeking help. There, Indra was told by Vishnu that he must churn the milky ocean to regain Lakshmi’s blessings. Moreover, Vishnu also made Indra aware of the other fortunes that hid in the milky ocean, including the elixir of immortality.

Thereafter, the Gods and the demons (in the hope to acquire immortality nectar) together churned the milky ocean. After a while, along with the nectar also came out a beautiful woman standing on a lotus. The woman was Goddess Lakshmi. And this is how Lakshmi was reborn.

The story teaches us that the ones who work hard in life are likely to be blessed with an abundance of luck and wealth. The story also teaches us that one should not become arrogant in life when they are bestowed with success and must use their success as a means to make others lives better.

Why you must worship Goddess Lakshmi?

Worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and reciting Lakshmi Chalisa or Lakshmi aarti on a regular basis ensures the flow of wealth and prosperity in the native’s life. The best day to worship Goddess Lakshmi is Friday.

Goddess Lakshmi is best pleased when you work hard and also indulge in her worship through Lakshmi aarti, Lakshmi Chalisa and Lakshmi mantra.

AstroTalk’s astrologers often suggest to people that they must recite Sri Lakshmi Chalisa or Lakshmi aarti in order to boost their prospects of wealth. Other benefits of Lakshmi aarti and benefits of Lakshmi chalisa are mentioned below.

श्री लक्ष्मी चालीसा – Lakshmi chalisa

॥ दोहा॥

मातु लक्ष्मी करि कृपा, करो हृदय में वास।
मनोकामना सिद्ध करि, परुवहु मेरी आस॥

॥ सोरठा॥

यही मोर अरदास, हाथ जोड़ विनती करुं।
सब विधि करौ सुवास, जय जननि जगदंबिका॥

॥ चौपाई ॥

सिन्धु सुता मैं सुमिरौ तोही। ज्ञान बुद्घि विघा दो मोही॥
तुम समान नहिं कोई उपकारी। सब विधि पुरवहु आस हमारी॥
जय जय जगत जननि जगदम्बा । सबकी तुम ही हो अवलम्बा॥1॥

तुम ही हो सब घट घट वासी। विनती यही हमारी खासी॥
जगजननी जय सिन्धु कुमारी। दीनन की तुम हो हितकारी॥2॥

विनवौं नित्य तुमहिं महारानी। कृपा करौ जग जननि भवानी॥
केहि विधि स्तुति करौं तिहारी। सुधि लीजै अपराध बिसारी॥3॥

कृपा दृष्टि चितववो मम ओरी। जगजननी विनती सुन मोरी॥
ज्ञान बुद्घि जय सुख की दाता। संकट हरो हमारी माता॥4॥

क्षीरसिन्धु जब विष्णु मथायो। चौदह रत्न सिन्धु में पायो॥
चौदह रत्न में तुम सुखरासी। सेवा कियो प्रभु बनि दासी॥5॥

जब जब जन्म जहां प्रभु लीन्हा। रुप बदल तहं सेवा कीन्हा॥
स्वयं विष्णु जब नर तनु धारा। लीन्हेउ अवधपुरी अवतारा॥6॥

तब तुम प्रगट जनकपुर माहीं। सेवा कियो हृदय पुलकाहीं॥
अपनाया तोहि अन्तर्यामी। विश्व विदित त्रिभुवन की स्वामी॥7॥

तुम सम प्रबल शक्ति नहीं आनी। कहं लौ महिमा कहौं बखानी॥
मन क्रम वचन करै सेवकाई। मन इच्छित वांछित फल पाई॥8॥

तजि छल कपट और चतुराई। पूजहिं विविध भांति मनलाई॥
और हाल मैं कहौं बुझाई। जो यह पाठ करै मन लाई॥9॥

ताको कोई कष्ट नोई। मन इच्छित पावै फल सोई॥
त्राहि त्राहि जय दुःख निवारिणि। त्रिविध ताप भव बंधन हारिणी॥10॥

जो चालीसा पढ़ै पढ़ावै। ध्यान लगाकर सुनै सुनावै॥
ताकौ कोई न रोग सतावै। पुत्र आदि धन सम्पत्ति पावै॥11॥

पुत्रहीन अरु संपति हीना। अन्ध बधिर कोढ़ी अति दीना॥
विप्र बोलाय कै पाठ करावै। शंका दिल में कभी न लावै॥12॥

पाठ करावै दिन चालीसा। ता पर कृपा करैं गौरीसा॥
सुख सम्पत्ति बहुत सी पावै। कमी नहीं काहू की आवै॥13॥

बारह मास करै जो पूजा। तेहि सम धन्य और नहिं दूजा॥
प्रतिदिन पाठ करै मन माही। उन सम कोइ जग में कहुं नाहीं॥14॥

बहुविधि क्या मैं करौं बड़ाई। लेय परीक्षा ध्यान लगाई॥
करि विश्वास करै व्रत नेमा। होय सिद्घ उपजै उर प्रेमा॥15॥

जय जय जय लक्ष्मी भवानी। सब में व्यापित हो गुण खानी॥
तुम्हरो तेज प्रबल जग माहीं। तुम सम कोउ दयालु कहुं नाहिं॥16॥

मोहि अनाथ की सुधि अब लीजै। संकट काटि भक्ति मोहि दीजै॥
भूल चूक करि क्षमा हमारी। दर्शन दजै दशा निहारी॥17॥

बिन दर्शन व्याकुल अधिकारी। तुमहि अछत दुःख सहते भारी॥
नहिं मोहिं ज्ञान बुद्घि है तन में। सब जानत हो अपने मन में॥18॥

रुप चतुर्भुज करके धारण। कष्ट मोर अब करहु निवारण॥
केहि प्रकार मैं करौं बड़ाई। ज्ञान बुद्घि मोहि नहिं अधिकाई॥॥ दोहा॥

त्राहि त्राहि दुख हारिणी, हरो वेगि सब त्रास। जयति जयति जय लक्ष्मी, करो शत्रु को नाश॥
रामदास धरि ध्यान नित, विनय करत कर जोर। मातु लक्ष्मी दास पर, करहु दया की कोर॥ 19॥

Lakshmi chalisa

लक्ष्मी आरती – Lakshmi aarti

ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता, मैया जय लक्ष्मी माता
तुमको निशदिन सेवत, मैया जी को निशदिन * सेवत हरि विष्णु विधाता
ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता
उमा, रमा, ब्रह्माणी, तुम ही जग-माता
सूर्य-चन्द्रमा ध्यावत, नारद ऋषि गाता
ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता
दुर्गा रूप निरंजनी, सुख सम्पत्ति दाता
जो कोई तुमको ध्यावत, ऋद्धि-सिद्धि धन पाता
ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता
तुम पाताल-निवासिनि, तुम ही शुभदाता
कर्म-प्रभाव-प्रकाशिनी, भवनिधि की त्राता
ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता
जिस घर में तुम रहतीं, सब सद्गुण आता
सब सम्भव हो जाता, मन नहीं घबराता
ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता
तुम बिन यज्ञ न होते, वस्त्र न कोई पाता
खान-पान का वैभव, सब तुमसे आता
ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता
शुभ-गुण मन्दिर सुन्दर, क्षीरोदधि-जाता
रत्न चतुर्दश तुम बिन, कोई नहीं पाता
ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता
महालक्ष्मीजी की आरती, जो कोई नर गाता
उर आनन्द समाता, पाप उतर जाता
ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता
ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता, मैया जय लक्ष्मी माता
तुमको निशदिन सेवत,
मैया जी को निशदिन सेवत हरि विष्णु विधाता
ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता

लक्ष्मी मंत्र – Lakshmi mantra

ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं लक्ष्मी भ्यो नमः 

Om Hreem Shreem Lakshmi Bhyo Namaha

Lakshmi mahamantra meaning – Goddess Laxmi reside in me and bless me with your abundance in all spheres of my life

Benefits of Laksmi ji ki aarti, Lakshmi chalisa and Lakshmi mantra

In Hinduism, Goddess Lakshmi is considered as the Goddess of wealth, happiness and peace. Goddess Lakshmi is the form of Adi Shakti, who teaches the human to be less arrogant and more hardworking in nature.

As we live in a world where wealth is a source of luxury and good means, humans can easily get influenced by the same. However, worshipping Goddess Lakshmi by chanting Lakshmi aarti, Lakshmi chalisa and Lakshmi mantra ensure that humans don’t see acquiring wealth as an ultimate goal or become too greedy about it.

Goddess Lakshmi, as per the Puranas, is of fickle nature. Due to this, she doesn’t stay in one place for long. So if you are someone who does not respect money, then it does not take time for Laksmi to bid adieu from your life.

However, worshipping Laksmi helps calm such ill intentions. Other benefits of Lakshmi aarti, Lakshmi chalisa and Lakshmi mantra are:

  • Reciting Lakshmi aarti, Lakshmi chalisa and Lakshmi mantra will bestow you with wealth and prosperity. However, you shouldn’t get greedy about it. 
  • Chanting the mantra, aarti and chalisa also bless you with physical perfections.  
  • You will see improvement in your health and would be able to tackle stress better.
  • Another benefit of worshipping Lakshmi is that you will also see enhancement in your business. 
  • If you are in service, the chances of you finding the right opportunities for yourself will improve.
  • Chanting Lakshmi aarti, Lakshmi chalisa and Lakshmi mantra at home purify the surroundings and infuses positive energy.

लक्ष्मी चालीसा पाठ की उचित विधि – Right way to perfrom Lakshmi aarti, Lakshmi chalisa and Lakshmi mantra

  • To worship Goddess Lakshmi, wake up early in the morning. 
  • Freshen up and take a bath. 
  • If possible, wear white or pink colour clothes after bath.
  • Now sit on a mat and place the picture or idol of Lakshmi sitting on a lotus at the place of worship. Place the idol of Lakshmi on a red silk cloth. If possible, keep a picture or idol of Lord Ganesha along with Goddess Lakshmi.
  • Once done, apply kumkum on the forehead of Goddess Lakshmi, light a lamp of ghee, arrange some lotus flowers, perfume, sandalwood, abir, gulal, akshat etc. to offer to the divine. 
  • When it comes to offerings, while any form of Prashad would do, but it is best if you can offer kheer to Goddess Laskmi while worshipping her. 
  • Once you have offered Kheer to goddess Lakshmi, perform the aarti of Mata Lakshmi.
  • Once the aarti is done, now with a sincere and hopeful heart, read Sri Lakshmi Chalisa or recite the Lakshmi aarti. 
  • All your wishes shall come true with the blessing of the divine.

To know more about Lakshmi pooja, talk to our astrologers.

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Posted On - May 10, 2021 | Posted By - Kushagra Gupta | Read By -


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