Moles On Different Parts Of Body And Their Meaning As Per Astrology

Most of us are inundated with different types of birthmarks on our body, moles being one of them. While many people see moles, which are tiny black mark/bulge on the body, as an imprint from the previous birth, others, on the other hand, don’t even understand what they are. However, to end this curiosity around the Meaning of moles on different body parts, we have a separate field of astrology.

As per our astrologers, moles are simply a reflection of our personality. They define our karma and actions both good and bad ones. However, understanding the meaning of moles on the body can get a bit tough at times.

Moles astrology 

As per our astrologers, Saamudrik Shashtra is the field of astrology that covers Moles and their meaning. This field of astrology is highly look towards to understand the personality, nature and sometimes even the future of a person having such a birthmark. Moles on the human body could be of different shapes, sizes, colours and on different spots, and these tweaks are what changes their meaning. 

Moles meaning in astrology

Some of our astrologers also suggest how moles are connected to the planetary moment. As per astrologers, moles form in the fetal stage on a child’s body based on the position of the planet. Moles in females are on the right side of the body if the influencing planet is masculine. And on the left side of the body is the influencing planet is feminine. This certainly helps one to understand the characteristics of the person in question.

Moles and their Characteristics

Based on Size – Based on the size, moles are divided into 3 types, with each of them entertaining its own characteristics. 

  • Small – Doesn’t make much effects 
  • Round and Big – Highly auspicious 
  • Long – Auspicious 

Based on Shapes – Based on the shape of the moles, they are again divided into 3 types:

  • Triangle – Mixed results 
  • Zigzag – Bad results 
  • Round – Reflect goodness in bearer 
  • Square – Unpredictable till the end, will avert evil 

Based on Colour 

  • Light colour – Moles in red, honey, sandalwood or green emerald colour will generally prove to be lucky. 
  • Black – Not good, as there will be several obstacles in life.

Moles on Body and their meaning 

Now comes the real deal, which is understanding different kinds of moles on the body and what they mean. Truly said, moles can be found anywhere in the body. Right from a place as visible as your hand to your intimate areas. But before you go woohoo about it quoting yourself as the next Lucifer, you should have a look at what you are woohooing about.

Moles on forehead meaning 

  • One of the most observable spots for the moles to pop up on is the forehead. But what does mole on forehead means? Well, if you have a mole in the middle of your forehead, it means you are wise and calm. You are laborious and have a clear sight of things in life. 
  • If you have a mole on the right side of your forehead, it means that you shall acquire more wealth.
  • A mole on the left side of the forehead is not good news. It predicts the chances of loss and hints that the person maybe selfish.
  • Temple indicates the sides of the head behind the eyes. If you have a mole on either side of the temple, you are to have sudden monetary gains in life.

Moles on eyebrows meaning 

  • Pretty difficult to see, but you can’t deny it being there. Mole in the middle of the eyebrow means that you posse leadership qualities. There are chances of you acquiring fame and financial prosperity in life.
  • The mole of the right side of the eyebrows is a sign of romance, a blissful marriage and insightful children.
  • Meanwhile, a mole on the left side of the eyebrow means that the person is a coward. You will have to face issues in your professional life as you will rely on others.

Moles on eyes meaning 

  • If you have a mole on the left eye, it is a sign that you may be entertaining an arrogant behaviour. You may be pessimistic and a tad bit selfish too. 
  • If you have a mole in the right eye, it is good news. Having a mole in the right eye means that the person is honest and hardworking. People will really trust you for who you are. 

Moles on nose meaning

  • Have a mole on the tip of the nose? Having a mole on the tip of the nose means that you are very impulsive in nature and usually behave without thinking your decisions through. 
  • However, the mole on the right side of the nose states that you will acquire wealth with minimal struggle. You may also acquire lots of ancestral property.
  • The mole on the left side of the nose is termed inauspicious. Having such a mole on the body means that you will have to struggle more to achieve success in life. 
  • Having a mole below the nose is a sign of sensuality. This type of mole means that you will attract love from the opposite gender easily.

Also Read: Shape Of Your Love Line And What It Reveals About You

Moles of cheek meaning 

  • If you have a mole on the right cheek, it is a sign that you are of dominating nature. You make decisions in life using your logic and thus make better decisions. You shall earn well in life. 
  • Having a mole on the left cheek is a sign of a short temper. You are also an introvert who likes to spend extra on their materialistic needs. 

Moles on ears meaning 

  • Moles on any part of the year is an indication of a luxurious lifestyle. You will do well in whatever profession you are in.
  • Moles on the top or bottom of the ear means that the person is very intellectual thus makes the best decisions. 

Moles on lips meaning 

  • Mole on any part of the lips means that the bearer has a great taste in food and drama. You are not like the one who eats anything a becomes a fan of it. You are a critic of food and want only the best for your taste buds. 
  • However, these people must avoid overeating as they are more prone to health and obesity issues.

Moles on tongue meaning 

  • Continuing the Mole on the body and their meaning series, for anyone having a mole on tongue means that you may encounter health and speech-related problems in life. You may also have to face obstacles in education
  • If you have a mole on the tip of the tongue, it means that you know how to manage the situation well. Also, you can be a great foodie.

Moles on chin meaning 

  • A mole on the chin means that you are someone who really likes to travel a lot. However, group travelling is what you prefer the most.
  • Mole on the right side of the chin means that you are a very logical person. You think well before speaking and add a diplomatic tone to your words.
  • A mole on the left side of the chin means that you are a very honest and loyal kind of person. You don’t like hiding things. This could also mean that you gossip.

Moles of neck meaning

  • A mole on the front side of the neck means that you are a bearer of good luck. You are likely to have a great accent and speaking skills.
  • A mole on the back of your neck means that you are a tad bit aggressive in nature. You find it tough to control your anger.

Moles on shoulder meaning

  • A mole on the left shoulder means that you are stubborn in nature. You may get into fights frequently with people
  • If you have a mole on your right shoulder, it is a sign that you are a courageous person. You are known to make wise choices both for yourself and your loved ones.

Also Read: Know What The Money Line In Your Palm Says About You

Moles on arm meaning 

  • Having a mole on either arm means that the person is well mannered and of good nature.
  • Mole on the right arm is a sign that you are a highly smart and intelligent being, who is not egoistic about having these traits.
  • Mole on the left arm means that you highly desire a luxurious life, however, you may stay average if you don’t work hard for it.

Moles on elbow meaning 

  • Moles of either elbow is a sign of restlessness. On the brighter side, it also represents that you are good with art, wealthy and love travelling.

Moles on wrist meaning 

  • Anyone having a mole on the wrist makes you highly creative. You would be good with jobs like writing, advertising, painting, etc.

Moles on palm meaning 

  • Moles on any of the palms, on the inner side, indicates that you may have to face obstacles in life. However, you will be able to learn a lot from these challenges.

Moles on fingers meaning 

  • Moles on any of the fingers means that you have a habit of exaggerating. You also get irritated about little things. This mole also denotes that you are hardworking and that is one quality of yours that people misuse.

Moles on ribs meaning 

  • Mole on the right ribs indicates that the person lies easily and has several fears embedded within his subconscious.
  • Moles on the left side of the ribs is a calling that you must try more in life or else be ready to live an average life.

Moles on back meaning

  • If you have a mole placed near the backbone, it is a sign of success, leadership and fame. 
  • If you have a mole on your back below or near the shoulder blade, it is a sign that you may have to struggle a lot.
  • Mole above the shoulder blade means that the person will have the courage to fight obstacles and tackle them easily.
  • A mole on the right side of the back is a sign that the individual is to entrain a good and flourishing health.
  • On the other hand, a mole on the left side means possessing a diplomatic attitude. This helps in better choice making.

Moles on chest meaning 

  • Mole on the chest is an indication of sensuality. When speaking of mole astrology for females, a mole on the right breast makes you prone to acquiring bad habits faster than anyone else. 
  • Meanwhile, if a man has a mole on the right side of the chest, it means that he might have to face financial issues in life.
  • A mole on the left breast is a sign that you are very good at managing your relationships due to your sober attitude.
  • Mole on the left side of the chest of the man indicates that he, though is a clever being, will find it difficult to manage his relationships.

Moles on navel meaning 

  • Another area to discuss under Moles on the body and their meaning is a mole on the navel. As per mole astrology for women, a mole in the navel areas means that you will have a blissful marriage.
  • Meanwhile, a mole around the navel area of a man indicates that you will have a prosperous life with kids and a happy one family. 

Moles on stomach meaning 

  • You are a high spirited person if you have a mole on the stomach. People with moles on the stomach usally have a strong financial background but may struggle with the opposite sex.
  • If you have a mole on the right side of the stomach, you easily get jealous. You like making money the easy way. 

Moles on hip meaning 

  • A mole on either side of the hips bestows you with a jolly nature. You are highly loyal towards people in your life and have a sense of affection.
  • A mole on the right hip is an indication of creativity, especially when it comes to getting intimate. Meanwhile, if you have a mole on the left hip, it means that you will live a satisfying life with whatever you have at hand.

Moles on genitals

  • Having a mole on the genital is highly lucky as it shows that you are a very romantic kind. Apart from being romantic, you are highly generous and open-minded. These people are really after experiences when it comes to life instead of rushing towards money.

Also Read: Lucky Numbers For Each Zodiac Sign

Moles on thighs meaning 

  • If you have a mole on the left thigh, it means that you are artistic in nature. However, your laziness is likely to overshadow that trait of yours. 
  • If you have a mole on the right thigh, it means that you have a sense of fearlessness within you. 

Moles on knee meaning 

  • If you have a mole on the left knee, it is an indication that you are someone who is always ready to take risks. You are likely to have a lavish life after 35.
  • Having moles on the right knee indicates that you are to have a very successful life, friendly and honest in nature.

Moles on legs meaning 

  • The people who have moles on their legs are said to make decisions without giving it much thought, and are thus said to be fearless. However, this fearless attitude is the reason why they often get surrounded by controversies. 

Moles on ankles meaning 

  • A mole on the left ankle means that the person is very religious and down to earth. You get easily attached to the pain of other beings around you.
  • Mole on the right ankle, on the other hand, is a sign of farsightedness. You tend to talk a lot and have the magic to attract people with your words.

Moles on feet meaning 

  • If you have a mole on the right foot, you are to be blessed with a good-hearted spouse and live a really peaceful love life.
  • Meanwhile, if you have a mole on your left foot, it is a sign that you may face monetary problems. 
  • Moles on soles mean the native will get frequently sick, have enemies and misfortune.

Moles on toes meaning 

  • One or more moles on toes imply that the person may have to face issues in their marital life even after marrying someone of their choice. 

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Posted On - September 17, 2021 | Posted By - Kushagra Gupta | Read By -


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