Anger after a breakup is normal if you feel for the other person. It does not matter who broke up, what really matters is why you guys ended it. The moving on phase comprises of 7 primary stages: desperate for answers, denial, bargaining, relapse, anger, initial acceptance, and redirected hope. Nevertheless, the most crucial stage is the one where you are mad over them for breaking your heart. So, how to stop being angry at your ex?
Some breakups are terrible like when your partner cheats on you. Somewhere there is constant disagreement this is also no good however less impactful than being cheated on. Mutual breakups are often peaceful but still affects both the parties. Resentment is seen when your better half is caught cheating on you. It feels like someone sucked the air out of you. The anger stage is most relevant here. To understand how to redirect your anger read further.
The most effective way to channelize your pain is through writing. Yes, write down a letter to your ex, expressing all the pain and wrath you are going through. You don’t necessarily have to send it to him its for you to read and analyze. I have tried this method and it works best for me. You don’t have to waste energy on a person whos no more in your life. Keep it to yourself and continue writing until you have no more anger left. After that chose to let go of the diary or letter. Burn it down or dump it in a lake or tie it to balloons and let it fly.
Your ex must have cheated on you and you are overthinking nights finding the fault within you. No, this is where you are headed wrong, you don’t have to take the betrayal personally. The reason for your ex cheating on you has nothing to do with you. It was their decision to remain unfaithful, don’t let it take a toll on you.
We don’t have control over what a person thinks or is doing. So let it go and depersonalize the hurt. You should try to view things from their perspective, it will give you a clear vision of who they are. We like wallowing and self-pitying but it is unhealthy in all forms. Maybe they never intended on hurting you, so be the bigger person and forgive and forget.
After all, the advice from your friends and google fail your lender of last resort should be a counselor. No matter how hard you are trying to let go is just not working out for you then I suggest seeking professional help. A counselor will listen to you patiently and give you exercises that will ease your discomfort.
There are various counseling available nowadays like Couple counseling. career counseling or any issue you are facing. Just take up a session and you will find yourself in a much better place.
The key to moving on is accepting the resentment towards your ex. It is completely normal to stay mad at over a person who treated you poorly. We are human full of varied emotions where anger is also our guest form time to time. You don’t always have to be a good person by pretending that everything is fine. Don’t let those emotions bottled up inside instead acknowledge it. Stop being angry at your ex by addressing the affliction in a mature manner.
All the displeasure can drain you internally and externally. Physical pain will heal with time through regular medications. However, an emotional loss often takes a lot of time to heal. You have to focus on self-care for self-healing. Amid all the pain you should never forget yourselves. Love yourself just the same way you would have loved your ex. Learn your lesson from the previous relationship. Eat healthily, indulge in an activity that you are fond of. I suggest its better stay alone than to settle for less.
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