5 Vastu Tips to Boost Your Share Markets

vastu share markets

Welcome to a comprehensive guide on how Vastu, the ancient science of architecture and energy flow, can significantly impact your share market ventures. In this article, we will delve into the world of Vastu and its potential to attract prosperity and success in your investments. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a novice investor, understanding the principles of Vastu can make a substantial difference in your financial journey. So, let’s embark on this enlightening journey together!

The Power of Vastu in Share Markets

Vastu Shastra, a traditional Indian architectural system, revolves around harnessing positive energies from the environment to bring harmony and abundance into one’s life. Just as Vastu plays a vital role in shaping the ambiance of our homes and workplaces, it can also influence our share market outcomes.

Here are Top 5 Vastu Tips to Boost Your Share Markets:

1. Choosing the Right Direction

In Vastu, each direction is associated with specific elements and energies. When making financial decisions, such as selecting stocks or analyzing market trends, facing the right direction can channel positive vibrations and enhance your intuitive abilities. For example, facing the north or east while trading may improve decision-making and bring favorable outcomes.

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2. Optimizing Your Trading Desk

Applying Vastu principles to organize your trading desk can further contribute to your success. Keep the desk clutter-free, and ensure it faces the favorable direction. Placing lucky charms, such as a small crystal or a laughing Buddha, can attract prosperity and ward off negative influences.

3. Energizing Your Trading Room

The energy flow within your trading room can significantly impact your financial well-being. Avoid irregular shapes and sharp corners in the room’s design, as they may disrupt the flow of positive energy. Additionally, incorporating soothing colors like green or blue can promote a calm and focused trading environment.

Vastu Tips Share Markets

4. The Power of the Northeast Corner

In Vastu, the northeast corner of a space is considered highly auspicious and represents the water element. Placing a small water feature or an aquarium in this area can activate positive energies related to wealth and abundance.

5. Balancing the Five Elements

The principles of Vastu emphasize the importance of balancing the five elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space. By harmonizing these elements in your trading space, you can create a conducive atmosphere for success and prosperity.

Also Read: Top 5 Vastu Tips for Kitchen to Bring Positivity


As you can see, Vastu holds immense potential to transform your share market journey and unlock greater financial success. By aligning yourself with the positive energies of Vastu, you can enhance your decision-making abilities, attract prosperity, and achieve your investment goals.

Remember, incorporating Vastu Tips in your share market practices is not a substitute for sound financial knowledge or analysis. Instead, it acts as a complementary tool to amplify positive outcomes.

So, take a step towards harnessing the power of Vastu in your share market endeavors and witness the remarkable changes it can bring to your financial life. Happy investing!

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Posted On - July 28, 2023 | Posted By - Tania Bhardwaj | Read By -


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