Venus transit in Aries- Effects on All Zodiac Signs

Venus transit in Aries- Effects on All Zodiac Signs

Venus, an eminent planet is popular for the reflection of beauty, comfort, romance, and art. In addition, this planet represents luxury, passion, creativity, artistry, love, relationship, and sexuality. In Vedic Astrology, if a person has a strong Venus, they may enjoy all the pleasures and flowers in their life. A few days ago on February 29, 2020, Venus moved from Pisces to the next sign Aries at 1:26 AM. Also, it shall remain in Aries till March 28, 2020. Further, Venus Transit in Taurus on March 28, 2020, Saturday at 15:55.

Aries is a fiery sign. Under the rule of a red and violent planet Mars, Aries is all about courage and boldness. It represents zeal, motivation, enthusiasm, bravery, competition, and forward-march. Now that Venus has moved from a soft and sensitive sign Pisces to a blunt, vigorous, potent sign, Aries, it is ready for spicing the relationships. Nonetheless, Venus will Transit in other signs as well in the coming time of the year.

Venus Transit in 2020

So far in the year, Venus has already Transit in 2 Zodiac Signs.

January 9, 2020, Thursday at 04:35
February 29, 2020, Saturday at 01:47

Transit of Venus in Aries will make you rise and fasten up your plans, actions. Also, it will govern you to accomplish your wild passions, get in trouble and successfully pull yourself out of it. In addition, you may experience great changes in the way you feel along with a rise in aggression. It may cause you to tempt to find ways to express your desires, fall in love, make mistakes and create relationships.

Specifically, Males will experience an enormous sensual & passionate rise with a seek to acquire sexual relationships. On the other hand, females will seek a soulmate and may also seek the presence of a manly appearance in their life.

Thus, you have to be immensely careful about the infatuation and wild desired situation. Especially, if you are young, halt, you are just under the impression of Venus Transit.

Effect of Venus transit in Aries on Aries

The Lord of 2nd and 7th Lord, Venus is transiting in the 1st House. It represents oneself, personhood, character, appearance, health, and what a person is at their core. Thus, you’ll become supernumerary cautious about your personality and social image.

Also, it represents a mental and worldly outlook. Thus, this transit is a favorable condition for Aries natives. Your desire to love and to be loved may hit you again. Additionally, it may also manifest strongly. Exceptionally, it is an extremely auspicious transit for lovers. They will experience a great period. It will boost the bond between them.

Furthermore, it will add advantageous results for married people as well. They may experience a significant spark in their relationship both emotionally and sexually.

Effect of Venus transit in Aries on Taurus

The Lord of 1st and 6th Lord Venus is in the 12th House i.e. of losses of different kinds. For instance, money, energy, health, emotions, etc. In addition, it represents isolation, foreign residence, spiritual growth, meditation, skills, blood pressure, and Moksha. You may experience dissatisfaction in relation to your partner. Also, you may settle or grow a relationship in a foreign land. You might move from your native place soon.

Our Expert Astrologers advice you to take proper health care. Especially, people who work in corporates must look out for their well-being. Furthermore, you might grab an opportunity to visit a desired foreign country. Whereas, married people would not refrain from spending money on a luxury. However, it is a fine time for married people to spend quality time with spouse.

Effect of Venus transit in Aries on Gemini

Venus, as the 5th and 12 lord is in the 11th House for Geminis. It represents hope, enthusiasm, optimism, desires, wishes, gain, friends, social circle, and professional circle. Significantly, it is a great time to grab an opportunity for artists, models, and actors. You can anticipate gains from elder siblings and social circles. Whereas, parents can expect gains through children. People who are already on a foreign land can expect gains and progress.

Furthermore, it is a fine time for you to enjoy with siblings and friends. You can even plan an outing or even a proper trip. Undoubtedly, the Venus Transit in Aries is a favorable time for Geminis.

Effect of Venus transit in Aries on Cancer

Venus, the 4th and 11th lord, is in the 10th House. It reflects the action, profession, father & fatherly figures, authorities, and social life, etc. Your abilities will help you get into a position of authority. Nonetheless, being a sing of emotions, you’ll spread enormous love and care. You will be exceptionally praised by the people who are lower in the authority than you.

Considerably, the 10th House is a reflection of the Career House. It is the house of Karm or Profession. Because of the presence of Venus, you may experience ups and lows at your workplace. It can affect your focus. Therefore, you require to maintain concentration. Also, decent behavior is important to cope up with the situation. Nonetheless, this transit will bring positive impacts on your personal or domestic life.

Venus Transit in Aries

Effect of Venus transit in Aries on Leo

Venus, the 3rd and 10th Lord is in the 9th house. This house represents fortune, learning, higher studies, philosophical learning, and religious learning. If you are seeking a life partner in the foreign land, you may receive success after this transit. Further, the desiring marriage with a partner that might belong to another culture or country may also be successful.

You may enjoy a trip with your family very soon. This travel will improve your emotional condition. Also, it will be extremely beneficial in many aspects. On the other hand, people who belong to the sector of Media, Entertainment, and Acting, they will acquire a great amount of revenue. Your endeavors will be respected and appreciated. Above all this, you’ll experience huge support from your colleagues. This transit will introduce you to recognition and fame for your work.

You will surely experience an establishment of your marvelous image in society. As a matter of fact, your younger sibling will be accountable for your progress in your life. Moreover, people who are in spiritual healing will experience enhancement in their power and will.

Effect of Venus transit in Aries on Virgo

The 2nd and 9th Lord Venus is the 8th House that’s of both sudden good and bad events, longevity, relations of assets with a partner, relation with in-laws, taxes, Occult science, research & studies, insurance, etc. You may experience a secret love affair due to this transition. It is a great time for you, thus, you may get help from your in-laws and even a profit in joint assets with your spouse.

Meanwhile the Venus Transit in Aries, you may experience stressful circumstances with your partner. In addition, it may result in unexpected hardship. Therefore, the best Astrologers of India suggest you take special care. Be aware of what you do and say. Also, take proper care of your partner and your relationship. Avoid any heated argument. Try to spread the love you embrace in your heart.

Effect of Venus transit in Aries on Libra

Venus, the 1st and 8th Lord is in the 7th House which the House of Marriage and relationship. It also represents all the legal partnerships, businesses, professional agreements, and personal partnerships. Therefore, you can make agreements relating to your relationship, marriage or business. On the other hand, you can expect some sudden gains in your professional life. The transit will bring surprisingly favorable results for married people.

Furthermore, there are excellent chances for single people to experience a blossoming relationship with a great person. All the optimism and hope take you in a positive direction. Also, you’ll get a chance to attain an optimistic professional front. Additionally, married people may get a chance to attend auspicious events.

Effect of Venus transit in Aries on Scorpio

Venus, the 7th and 12th Lord is in the 6th House. It represents competitors, rivals, enemies, divorce, diseases, animals, and maternal uncles. This planetary position can help you gain an inheritance, for instance, property or luxury.

At the professional level, you may not match your expectations. It can cause frustration. However, our Expert Astrologers advise you to take advantage of all the frontal situations and opportunities. It will take you to success for the sure. Nonetheless, with a short span of time, things will fall into their right places. Therefore, do not shake or move your enthusiasm. In addition to this, people like social workers, NGO members, animalists and vets will experience a great rise in their position.

Effect of Venus transit in Aries on Sagittarius

Venus, the 6th and 11th Lord is in the 5th House. This house represents intellect, studies, children, love, playfulness, joy, creativity, affairs, knowledge of occult sciences, past lives, and learning. The Venus Transit in Aries will bring you immense pleasure. Specifically, through children, loved ones and your artistry.

Natives who invest in the stock market and are expecting again, be ready for your accumulated Karma to pay your profit. Additionally, actors, artists, writers will prosper under this transit.

For married people, it is a great time. You may experience a boost in your relationship. Also, you’ll build a fine understanding with your partner. Your friends will show immense cooperation and support. Spend time with your special people. If you are under any stress, it would take that away. Your time to be happy is here.

Effect of Venus transit in Aries on Capricorn

The 5th and 10th Lord, Venus is in the 4th house. The fourth house reflects mother, education, peace, privacy, happiness, domestic environment, and vehicles, etc.

As a good result of your directional strength, this transit will gift you happiness and comfort. The love that you longed for a long time, will finally blossom in your favor. You’ll also gain care from your mother. Also, a renovation or a new vehicle is almost on your doorstep. In addition, this transition will bring you great opportunities to succeed.

As a matter of fact, some natives will pay more attention to decorate their homes because for a Capricorn a clean space matters a lot. Nonetheless, your domestic expenses are about to rage rapidly. You will also experience a tremendous gain in your personal and professional reputation.

Effect of Venus transit in Aries on Aquarius

Venus, the 4th and 9th Lord is in the 3rd House. This house represents communication, skills, hobbies, work, creativity, siblings, writing, efforts, and media, etc. Therefore, you owe your luck on your own efforts. Nonetheless, fortune will light you from your efforts, skills, communication, write-ups, and design. Natives who are writers, artists, actors, media-person, or designer will surely have an advantageous time. Further, businessmen and self-employed people have great success. For Aquarians, love, peace, and harmony is on the way.

This transit is likely to be one of the most favorable events for you. You may take short journeys and meet your loved ones. In addition, your communication skills will be effectively working to make things easy and favorable for you. You’ll communicate your opinions well. Nonetheless, this transition can draw a negative impact on your mother. Thus, take special care of your mother.

Talking about your financial position, it is a fine period. It may introduce to a surpassing financial gain.

Effect of Venus Transit in Aries on Pisces

The 3rd and 8th Lord, Venus is in the 2nd house. It is the house of wealth and assets. It governs over family and its business, savings, investments, assets, food, face, and speech. Sudden events can influence your family, relationship and friends.

The second house is also called the house of economic profits. Therefore, it will help you acquire positive results. In terms of monetary gains, you will experience comfort from Venus. It will influence comfy and cozy meetings as well. Further, you can also achieve fine monetary rewards. Gradually, it will help you improve your financial situation. Also, you will support your family in financial terms.

Specifically, females will be concerned about their facial beauty and may also approach for facial surgery. For natives who are salespersons, speakers and singers will experience a rise in their reputation.

Also, you may like reading Saturn transit in Capricorn 2020- Tremendous Effect on Each House


Posted On - March 4, 2020 | Posted By - Deepa | Read By -


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