Just when we thought coronavirus is history, it surprised us like the unwanted pimple that pops up right before a special event. And sadly, the comeback of the virus is much stronger than ever before. The double mutant virus is spreading with high intensity giving us all sorts of deja vu. So amidst the chaos, many of you must be wondering when would all this coronavirus thing will finally end?
Thus for your convenience, we took some time to ask our learned astrologers about what they predict about coronavirus ending and here’s what they have to say.
1. To start with, we have the Vedic prediction of astrologer Anudeep, who believes that we are to get relief from coronavirus after September 4th, 2021.
As per the planetary transitions, the planet Jupiter is entering the Aquarius sign at 1.8 degrees on September 4th, 2021. The change, as per my prediction, would be a positive one. Also, post the aforesaid date, most planets are transiting into favourable zodiac signs. So, September 4, 2021 and after is a good time for the whole world.
2. Next, astrologer Nishant, after a detailed study of planets and zodiac signs tells us:
भारत की स्वतंत्रता कुंडली 15।08।1947 00।00 दिल्ली। यह कुंडली वृषभ लग्न और कर्क राशि में है। इस वक्त महादशा है चन्द्र की सितम्बर 2015 से सितम्बर 2025 तक। इस वक्त अंतर दशा है शनि की दिसम्बर 2019 से जुलाई 2021 तक।
चन्द्र शनि का यह सम्बन्ध शुभ नही।चन्द्र अधिक दूषित है जो केतु के त्रिकोण में उसी अंश पर है। ऐसे में यह वक्त इस बीमारी को बढ़ावा दे रहा। अभी इस विष का सामना देश को जुलाई तक करना है। इसके बाद इस पर ठोस राहत मिलने का योग रहेगा।
एक बात लगभग सभी व्यक्ति विशेष ध्यान दे। जिनका शुक्र ,केतु के सम्बंध में है अथवा 12 से 18 डिग्री के मध्य है शुक्र वे इस संक्रमण पर विशेष ध्यान दे सावधान रहें। सुरक्षित रहे।
3. Astrologer Kartikeya Shukla predicts that the influence of Saturn is one of the many reasons why coronavirus won’t end before August 2022.
Covid-19 will keep on fluctuating until August 2022, which is until Saturn transits in Capricorn. Of course, the transit of Jupiter will also result in increasing cases as every time the planet Jupiter is changing its position, we are witnessing a hike in cases. Still, nothing can overrule Saturn so please take care till August 2022.
4. Astrologer Sweety, again, finds, Saturn and its transit in Capricorn as one of the reasons behind COVID-19 spread.
The responsible factor COVID is Saturn’s transit into Capricorn. For example, here are few instances when Saturn transited into Capricorn, and what was the result.
Transit from December 1929, to November 1932 -The Great Depression
Transit from February 1988, to February 1991 – Killing of Rajiv Gandhi
Similarly, from 24th January 2020 till April 2022, Saturn, the Lord of Judgement, is to stay in Capricorn, which is his own house. So my prediction would be corona is not going to end till April 2022.
5. Astrologer Shrivastava quotes the absence of health combination, as of now, as the main reason behind the presence of COVID-19.
Currently, India is under the influence of Mars, Rahu and Saturn period, which will continue till 10 June 2021. During this period, no health combination can be found so the COVID is to continue. However, after June 10, when the sub-period of Mercury will start, it has a combination of Health, i.e. 5th house is appearing at planet Nakshatra and sub-lord level. This is when we can expect some relief.
6. Astrologer Anil Gupta suspects that coronavirus won’t end in 2021.
2021 में पूर्ण रूप से कोरोना से मुक्ति कठिन है, इसमें मंदी तेजी आती रहेगी। 21 अप्रैल से 27 जुलाई के बीच नए तथ्य व नई खोज और नई मेडिसिन /वैक्सीन या उपचार पद्धति सामने आने की संभावना नजर आती है।
7. When Rahu leaves Taurus and enters in Aries later in 2022, the world, as per astrologer Kavita Singh, will again start moving back to normal.
The Hindu year chart is rising on 12 April in Taurus Lagna and Kumbh Navansh. This is the beginning of Chaitra Shukla Pratipada or Pisces New Moon. The horoscope cast on this day gives the trends of coming one year for the specific country. India at present is struggling with the ‘second wave of coronavirus pandemic’. It is highly likely that coronavirus will end completely only in 2023 when transiting Jupiter will move into Aries far away from Saturn. The Karaka for Jeeva Tattwa is Jupiter which is under affliction. So when Jupiter will come back into Capricorn in September 2021, in retrograde motion, another wave of corona may come back. So the complete relief will come only in 2023 when Jupiter will go far away from Saturn in transit. However, in 2022, when Rahu leaves Taurus and enters into Aries, there will be a lot of relief as the sign of Taurus in the horoscope of the Kaalpurush points towards the mouth and throat and Rahu indicates the unknown virus. Rahu in the Taurus and Rohini constellation always brings deadly and fatal effects in India.
8. Astrologer Dinesh Mishra coronavirus astrological prediction tells us:
Guru (Jupiter) 29/3/2020 ko makar rashi mein aaye the tab bhi pooreIndia mai lockdown jaisi sitthi agayi thi. Guru 6/4/2021 ko kumbh rashi mein aaye aur sitthi wapis kharab ho gayi hai. Yeh situation 20/6/2021 tak rahegi kyunki Guru 20/6/2021 ko 8:35 am par vakri honge aur vakri ki chaal chal ke 14/9/2021 ko 2:24pm par Makar rashi mein aayenge. Guru 18/10/2021 ko wapis margi honge aur margi ki gati se chalke 20/11/2021 ko 11:02 pm par Kumbh rashi mein aayenge. Guru 13/4/2022 mein fir apni rashi Meen(Pisces) mein aayenge. Jupiter ke Meen rashi mein aane ke baad hi corona mahamaari ka khatma hoga.
9. Astrologer Yash Raj Tiwari highlights how the combination of Jal and Agni Tatvas has been affecting us.
The reason behind the re-emergence of coronavirus is the rashi parivartan of the Sun. The planet Sun has moved from Pisces (Jal Tatva) to Aries (Agni Tatva) and this change of warm and cold is causing the problem. Now again the problem will arise after July 2021 when Sun will enter from Cancer (Jal Tatva) to Leo (Agni Tatva). So, we might have to wait longer for complete relief from coronavirus.
10. Again, another astrologer – Saurabh Akhouri – predicts Saturn being one of the reasons behind the pandemic.
Corona will not end till Saturn is in its own houses that are Makar and Kumbha. Saturn is the Judge of the Karma of humanity. Whatever wrong has been done by humanity in the past, Judge Saturn will reprimand for that in the earth.
Guru was in Capricorn till April 6 and was not so powerful and thus corona did not expand so severely. However, after April 6 when Guru entered Kumbha, the airy sign, the fluidity of the expansion of Corona expanded. It will continue.
Since 15 Nov 2020 Khappar Yog is in continuation, which will see drastic population reduction. This is the time of cosmic transformation. One or the other planets will transit into Zodiac signs to fuel such pandemic thus mishaps on earth is a possibility.
11. Dr Divakar Jha says coronavirus, hopefully, will be history by April 2022. Just one more year guys, hold on!!
As per planetary alignment, the planet Rahu is standing in a high position. And when Rahu will change its position on 12 April 2022, the virus will begin to end at a faster pace.
12. Tarot reader Anya has some advice to share.
There will be another wave before it ends and people will be waiting, worrying. Trying to hang on to things like money etc (about 50%) but still have faith in the brand new start because they love their home, country and family. However, there will still be a conflict for quite some time. We will have to make a decision to end this ourselves in some way and to heal from what has transpired as a whole United. It is not just the virus. It is entities fighting against each other, natural disasters, people fighting people and that will be the problems of the next wave. If we cannot unite there will be a separation from those of peace and those of war. But the people will get tired and they will end this with hope, love and faith eventually. And understanding that they have been lied to about money about this new start AKA covid vaccinations. And once they find out they’re going to be very upset. That will create clarity for everyone and selfishness and greed will be seen by all. They will not believe it at first. And there will be lots of discomforts but also time to heal. This is actually only the beginning.
13. Astrologer Mukesh Agarwal has some good news for anyone wondering when will coronavirus end?
ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार 14 अप्रैल 2021 के बाद से स्थितियां सुधरेंगी और बृहस्पति ग्रह लीवर, पैनक्रियाज ग्रांथी का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं और चंद्र ग्रह श्वास और फेफड़े का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं| राहु और केतु की दृष्टि से गुरु, चंद्र, शुभ ग्रहों का अलग होने के कारण कोरोना वायरस का प्रभाव कम होता जाएगा।, मंगल यानि भूमि जमीन, सूर्य यानि आग, यह जब पूरी दृष्टि पृथ्वी पर डालेंगे तो पूर्ण प्रभाव से कोरोना वायरस का अंत होना शुरू हो जाएगा। 18 मई 2021 तक 43 प्रतिशत इस वायरस को खत्म होने में सफलता मिलेगी। 24 जून 2021 को 65 प्रतिशत समाप्त हो जाएगा। वृष, मिथुन, कर्क, कन्या और वृश्चिक इन राशियों के जातक बड़ी सावधानी एवं सतर्कता से रहें। लोगों में व्याप्त भय और कोरोना वायरस के चलते लगाए गए प्रतिबंध साल 2022 तक समाप्त नहीं होंगें।
To find more about how covid-19 will affect you, your family or your business, you can connect with our astrologers. Also, you can find us on Instagram.
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