What Astrological Remedies To Do To Have An Early Marriage?


Astrological indicators such as planetary placements and zodiac signs can provide insights into the timing of marriage. Understanding these indicators can help individuals plan and prepare for their future. Here you shall see the factors that can lead to such an event. Moreover, see the remedies and solutions that can help you have an early marriage.

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Signs of late marriage in your horoscope

If you have a late marriage in your Kundli, you can trace them using these various signs. The following are some of the indications that suggest marital delays:

  • The presence of Saturn in the 7th house: Saturn is a planet that governs delays and obstacles. Hence, its presence in the 7th house of the horoscope can lead to late marriage.
  • Retrograde planets: Retrograde planets can indicate delays and difficulties. So, if the planet governing married life is retrograde, it can suggest a marital delay.
  • Malefic planets in the 7th house: Malefic planets like Mars and Rahu in the 7th house can indicate difficulties and obstacles in marrying. Thus, it can cause a delay in the marital timing.
  • Weak 7th house lord: If the lord of the 7th house is weak, it can indicate a delay in marriage.
  • Afflicted Venus: Venus is the planet governing love, marital life, and relationships. Therefore, its affliction by malefic planets can lead to a delay in marriage.
  • Aspected by malefic planets: If the 7th house or its lord is aspected by malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, or Mars, it can indicate a delay in marriage.
  • Debilitated planets: If the planets governing marital life like Venus or Jupiter are debilitated, it can indicate a delay in marriage.

How Saturn causes delay in marriage?

Saturn placement in the horoscope can provide insight into the timing of marriage. Thus, it is often seen as a significant factor in causing delays in marriage. The following are some ways in which Saturn can cause a delay in marriage:

  • Placement in the 7th house: Its placement in the 7th house of the horoscope can create obstacles and delays in marriage. Moreover, it can cause delays in finding the right partner or make it difficult to maintain a long-term relationship.
  • Aspects from other planets: Saturn’s aspects from other malefic planets like Rahu or Mars can exacerbate the delay in marriage. So, it can create more obstacles and difficulties in finding a suitable partner.
  • Afflictions to the 7th house: Saturn’s affliction to the 7th house or its lord can create problems in marriage. It can cause misunderstandings or difficulties when forming a harmonious relationship with a partner.
  • Retrograde Saturn: Retrograde Saturn can indicate delays in all areas of life, including marriage. It can create obstacles and difficulties in finding a partner and getting married.
  • Weak or debilitated Saturn: A weak or debilitated Saturn can create delays and obstacles in marital life. It can lead to difficulties in finding a suitable partner or create problems while maintaining a long-term relationship.

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Combinations for early marriage in Kundli 

In Kundli, several planetary combinations can lead to such an event. The following are some of the indications that suggest early marriage:

  • Venus and Jupiter in the 7th House: Venus is the planet governing love, marriage, and relationships. On the other hand, Jupiter represents wisdom, knowledge, and good fortune. If these planets are in the 7th house of the horoscope, it can cause early marriage.
  • The 7th lord in the 1st house or vice versa: If the 7th lord is in the 1st house, or the 1st lord is in the 7th house, it can suggest such an event.
  • Moon and Mars in conjunction: Moon represents the mind and emotions, while Mars represents energy and passion. If these planets are in conjunction, it can indicate a strong desire of marrying, leading to such an event.
  • Strong 7th house: A strong 7th house in the horoscope can indicate such an event. A strong 7th house indicates that the person will have a successful and happy married life.
  • Exchange of houses between the 7th and 8th lords: If the 7th and 8th lords exchange houses, it can indicate an early marriage. Their exchange indicates a strong connection between the two houses, which can lead to such an event.
  • Venus in its own sign: If Venus is in its own sign, it can indicate such an event. Venus is the planet governing love and marital life. Therefore, its placement in its own sign indicates a strong desire of marrying and a favorable time for marriage.

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When should you go for early marriage? 

According to astrology, you can determine the time of your married life beginning by using the placement of planets in the horoscope and different planetary combinations. Moreover, the 7th house is the house of marital life and relationships. The placement and aspects of the planets in the 7th house can provide insights into the timing of marriage. The strength of the 7th house and its lord, as well as the placement and aspects of Venus, are also important factors in determining marital timings. Some astrological combinations that indicate such an event are as follows:

  • Strong Venus and Mars in the horoscope, especially if they are in the 7th house or aspecting it.
  • The 7th house and its lord are strong, and malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu do not afflict the 7th house.
  • The ascendant lord, 7th house lord, and Venus are all well placed and are aspecting each other.
  • In addition, if the Mahadasha or Antardasha of Venus is in operation, it can indicate marriage to occur early.

Apart from these, factors like compatibility, mutual understanding, and emotional maturity are what astrologers also consider while your chart for Kundli milan with your future spouse.

Remedies for each zodiac sign for early marriage

Here are some early marriage remedies for each zodiac sign:

  • Aries: Aries can chant the mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” 108 times a day as an early marriage remedy.
  • Taurus: Taurus can wear a white pearl or a diamond ring on the ring finger of their left hand to enhance early married life.
  • Gemini: Gemini can offer milk and water to a peepal tree on Thursdays to improve their chances of such an event.
  • Cancer: Cancer natives can donate milk and sugar to a temple on Mondays to enhance their chances of such an event.
  • Leo: Leo people can wear a yellow sapphire or topaz on the index finger of their right hand to improve their chances of such an event happening.
  • Virgo: Virgo can wear a silver ring on the little finger of their right hand to enhance their chances of such an event.
  • Libra: Libra can donate white sweets to a temple on Fridays to improve their chances of such an event.
  • Scorpio: Scorpio men and women can wear a red coral or a ruby on the ring finger of their right hand. It will lessen their probability of marital delays.
  • Sagittarius: Sagittarius can wear yellow sapphire or topaz on the index finger of their right hand. This would solve their problem of late marriage.
  • Capricorn: Capricorn natives can offer milk and water to a peepal tree on Saturdays. It would enhance their chances of early marriage.
  • Aquarius: Aquarius natives can wear a blue sapphire on the middle finger of their right hand to improve their chances of such an event.
  • Pisces: Pisces men and women can donate milk and sugar to a temple on Thursdays to enhance their chances of early marriage.

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Posted On - April 20, 2023 | Posted By - Sharanya Sinha | Read By -


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