What To Do If A Girl Has A Mangal Dosha And A Boy Does Not?

What To Do If A Girl Has A Mangal Dosha And A Boy Does Not?

Vedic astrology considers Mangal Dosha significant while matching horoscopes before marriage. If a girl has Mangal Dosha in her birth chart but the boy does not, it can lead to an unhappy and troubled married life. This blog will explore the implications of Mangal Dosha in horoscope of a person. Additionally, it will provide insights into remedies to mitigate its effects and lead a happy married life.

What creates Mangal Dosha in Kundli?

In Vedic astrology, Mangal Dosha happens by the placement of Mars in certain positions in a person’s birth chart. This dosha can have negative effects on the marital life of the person, leading to conflicts, misunderstandings, and even divorce. Here are some common planetary combinations that can result in Mangal Dosha:

  • Mars in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of the horoscope.
  • The Planet Mars in conjunction with Rahu or Saturn.
  • Mars in the 7th house, with its aspect on the 7th house.
  • Mars is in the 8th house, with its aspect in the 7th house.
  • The Planer Mars is in the 12th house, with its aspect in the 7th house.
  • Mars is in the 4th house, with its aspect in the 7th house.
  • Mars is in the 1st house, with its aspect in the 7th house.

If a person has any of the above combinations in their birth chart, they have the Mangal Dosha. However, the intensity of this dosha can vary depending on the placement of other planets and the overall strength of the horoscope. The presence of Mangal Dosha in a girl’s horoscope can result in problems. These problems can include delays in marriage, frequent quarrels, and even separation or divorce. Therefore, it is essential to take measures to mitigate its effects before marrying.

Some remedies to reduce the negative effects of Mangal Dosha include performing puja and homa for Lord Hanuman or Lord Kartikeya, reciting mantras such as Mangal Beej Mantra, wearing a specific gemstone such as coral, and observing fasts on Tuesdays. Astrology recommends the matching of the horoscope of the girl with a boy who also has Mangal Dosha or with a boy whose horoscope has a strong Mars.

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Effects of Mangal Dosha on marriage

Mangal Dosha has many impacts on the lives of women. Here are eight potential effects that can occur after marriage:

Effects of Kuja Dosha on female

  • Delay in marriage or difficulty finding a suitable partner
  • Unhappiness and conflicts in marital life
  • Increased chances of marital discord and separation
  • Health issues, particularly related to the reproductive system
  • Lack of harmony and also understanding with the partner
  • Financial difficulties and losses
  • Strained relationships with in-laws and other family members
  • Moreover, the possibility of widowhood or being a single parent.

Here are some impacts of the Mangal Dosha on the marital life of men:

Effects of Kuja Dosha on males

  • Mangal Dosha can also delay the marriage of the affected individual, especially for males.
  • Those with Mangal Dosha may experience frequent disagreements and conflicts with their spouse.
  • Those with Mangal Dosha may experience health problems such as headaches, accidents, injuries, and surgery.
  • Mangal Dosha can also cause financial instability and losses, particularly in business ventures.
  • Those with Mangal Dosha may also experience strained relationships with their in-laws.
  • The negative effects of Mangal Dosha can lead to low self-esteem and confidence.
  • In some cases, the effects of Mangal Dosha can also lead to mental health issues.

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Importance of Mangal Dosha in horoscope matching

In Vedic astrology, Mangal dosha is a crucial factor in horoscope matching before marriage. The placement of Mars or Mangal in certain houses in a person’s birth chart can cause the Mangal dosha. If a person has Mangal dosha in their horoscope, they are called Manglik. Mangal dosha is of utmost importance in horoscope matching. If a Manglik person marries a non-Manglik person, it can lead to conflicts, misunderstandings, and even separation or divorce. The placement of Mars in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house of a person’s horoscope can cause the Mangal dosha.

When a Manglik person marries a non-Manglik person, the non-Manglik person will have the negative energy of Mars, leading to conflicts and problems in the marriage. However, it is important to note that not all Manglik persons experience negative effects in their marriage. The severity of the dosha depends on the placement of Mars and other factors in the horoscope, as well as the remedies performed to mitigate its effects. To avoid the negative effects of Mangal dosha, it is important to match the horoscopes of prospective partners before marriage. If both partners are Manglik, the negative effects of Mangal dosha can cancel. Additionally, certain remedies such as reciting mantras, wearing specific gemstones, performing pujas, and conducting other rituals reduce the negative effects of Mangal dosha.

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How to know if my Manglik Dosha is canceled?

In Vedic astrology, Mangal Dosha or Manglik Dosha is a planetary condition that can affect a person’s married life. It occurs when Mars (Mangal) is located in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house of a person’s horoscope. The effects of Mangal Dosha can be reduced or nullified by specific astrological remedies or by finding a partner with the same condition. Here are some ways to determine if your Mangal Dosha is canceled:

  • Check your horoscope: To determine whether Mangal Dosha is present in your horoscope, you need to check whether Mars is there in the houses. If Mars is present in the above-mentioned houses, then you have Mangal Dosha.
  • Look for specific combinations: Some specific planetary combinations can cancel out Mangal Dosha. For example, if the person born with Mangal Dosha has Jupiter present in the ascendant, fourth, seventh, or tenth house, then there is no Dosha.
  • Check your partner’s horoscope: If you are planning to marry, it is essential to check your partner’s horoscope. If your partner also has Mangal Dosha, then it cancels out the effects of the Dosha.
  • Consult an astrologer: Consulting an experienced astrologer can help you determine whether your Mangal Dosha is canceled. They can analyze your birth chart and guide you on the best remedies to nullify the effects of the Dosha.
  • Observe your married life: If you have already married, you can observe your married life to see if there are any negative effects of Mangal Dosha. If you and your partner are happy and have a stable marriage, then the Dosha may have been canceled.

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Can a Manglik girl marry a non-Manglik boy?

In Vedic astrology, a Manglik girl can marry a non-Manglik boy, but this union may result in negative effects on their life. The Manglik Dosha in the girl’s horoscope can cause disagreements, discord, and even separation in the marriage. To avoid these negative effects, the girl should perform specific remedies before marrying. Ultimately, the decision to marry a non-Manglik boy lies with the girl and her family. They should carefully consider all aspects before making a decision.

Remedies for Mangal Dosha

Mangal Dosha is believed to cause problems and conflicts in married life, and therefore, it is essential to perform some remedies to mitigate its effects. Here are ten effective remedies for Mangal Dosha:

  • Kumbh Vivah: This is a ritual where a Manglik girl is married to a banana tree or an idol of Lord Vishnu before her actual marriage. This can cancel the Mangal Dosha.
  • Gemstones: Wearing a gemstone like a red coral or a yellow sapphire can balance the negative effects of Mangal Dosha.
  • Fasting: Observing a fast on Tuesdays can appease Lord Mars and reduce the negative effects of Mangal Dosha
  • Donating: Donating red items like clothes, lentils, and stones can reduce the ill effects of Mangal Dosha.
  • Chanting Mantras: Reciting the Navagraha Mantra or the Mangal Mantra can reduce the effects of Mangal Dosha.
  • Hanuman Chalisa: Reciting the Hanuman Chalisa on Tuesdays can reduce the negative effects of Mangal Dosha.
  • Performing Pujas: Performing puja for Lord Hanuman or Lord Mangal on Tuesdays can reduce the negative effects of Mangal Dosha.
  • Kundali Matching: Getting your horoscope matched with a Manglik partner can reduce the negative effects of Mangal Dosha.
  • Mangal Yantra: Installing a Mangal Yantra in your home can reduce the negative effects of Mangal Dosha.
  • Performing Homas: Performing a homa or a yajna for Lord Mars can reduce the negative effects of Mangal Dosha.

Talk to an astrologer to know if you can marry a Manglik person or not

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Posted On - March 31, 2023 | Posted By - Kasturi Chaudhari | Read By -


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