As we all know, that the COVID-19 namely known as coronavirus pandemic is spreading, self-isolation or quarantine is one of the key strategies in “flattening the curve” of infection rates. These many days of isolation periods involve individuals or their families staying within their homes, and having no physical contact with that outside world. Starting from the closures of school and daycare till the workplaces being shutting down or moving to remote working. Many more families around the world are facing the prospect of precisely the kind of long days. You all can consider this period as a ‘family time’ for all zodiac signs native.
When it comes regarding bonding with family. The native of Aries sign is definitely considered one of the most reliable people, when it comes to boosting its energy, both literally and emblematically. Moreover, You tend to very individualistic. You do not need the family’s approval to live the type of life you choose. You may be blamed for this sometimes. However, your family and relatives are glad that with you, they are aware of the importance they have in your life.
You are very straightforward by nature. Due to this quality, you manage to deal with any issue and resolve it. In addition, you are a motivating element during this pandemic situation. You are full of liveliness. For a few of those, who have children, they do appreciate your dynamism because it aspires them to take life as an adventure. Especially, in a lockdown period, you know how to encourage them. For married people, your spouse also may give importance to your beliefs.
Taurus sign natives are very family-oriented people. For them, Family is first. Mostly, you are likely to have some pictures of your family and close friends laying around. One of the advantages, you can expect that you know your close people well before discussing anything. Due to this, you can discuss private topics with your friends and relatives.
The general opinion regarding you is that you are appreciated for what you are. You are easy-going individuals with good spirits. However, when you throw one of your mythical tantrums. People should be very careful because sometimes you are unforgiving! Except for this detail, you have a package of qualities. In this quarantine period, you may like to utilize your culinary talents. You may like to improve your true love for your family members by cooking for them.
Whether it’s being socializing or making inhouse connections, Gemini sign native faces no problem in winning friends. However, only those who seek variety can hope to be long-term friends. Another important quality which you look for in our family members is the ability to communicate. During the quarantine period, you will love learning from others’ experiences. So, if anyone from your family is the reserved type, then you probably won’t be able to gel with them.
Family is important to the Gemini natives too. So one can be assured, that in such a pandemic situation you will fulfill all familial obligations no matter how challenging it is. You will enjoy spending time with your family members and relatives. Especially, those who share your personality traits. You also, tend to be friends with your siblings. But, don’t forget to maintain social distancing while doing this.
For cancer sign, the natives family is a sacred principle. The well-being of your family members is more important than anything else in this pandemic situation. Especially, for the people whom you are protective about. You tenderly care for people of every age group.
Whether it is about preparing breakfast for the children, spending time with old people by nursing them or telling bedtime stories to kids, you are always there for them. You solely devote yourself to them. But, in such a pandemic situation be careful not to become overwhelmed. Even though, you enjoy being the guardian of traditions, memories, morals, etc.
With family, Leo sign native stand in an enviable position. During this quarantine period, Leo natives will behave as natural-born leaders for their families. Although your ambitions are high, in this pandemic situation you need to use your energy and your strong character to achieve your goals. You might be often considered as the prevailing element, like the sun around which everyone revolves, regardless of your original place within the family cell.
It is certain that if this ideal image is baffled by reality, you may feel hurt. Therefore, it is required that you have to learn to distance yourself from the unwanted needs of your family and society. What matters the most for you is to be happy in your family, does not matter whether it is a traditional one or not.
For a Virgo sign native, as far as the family members are concerned, your focus is mainly on responsibilities and on commitment. During this pandemic situation, you will be the most reliable person to prepare the list of errands based on the persons present, arrange appointments with a medical practitioner, etc. Any kind of Help will never be wanting, when you are in the neighborhood. Despite, the quarantine period you will be happy to assist and will not shirk your responsibilities.
You will have a lot of insight. And, often you will provide constructive advice to overcome daily problems that your family members are dealing with. You will be caring and devoted to both friends and family. You will always remind your loved ones to look after their health. However, you won’t be verbally expressive. Most of the time, you will only show your love through actions.
If we talk about the Libra sign native your family members rely on you. You know exactly how to iron out problems in such a pandemic situation. You know to solve conflicts when it is necessary. For now, within your home. You may face break out for trivial reasons or for old quarrels. However, in either of the cases, you need to play the little dove of peace and balance everything. With your benevolence, your gentleness, and your communication skills, you can naturally endeavor to put every family member at ease.
However, you need to beware of the two pitfalls. One is forgetting your own wishes and second, being seriously swallowed up by your close friends and relatives. However, you should not be afraid to sit on the fence and display your authority. Being born into a family, that gave you a certain weakness of the Sun, can often transfer guilt between family members without even being aware of doing so. So you need to take care of it.
Regarding, Scorpio sign natives we can say that you find “family secrets” quite fascinating. Anything spicy, scandalous, or related to money matters may be part of the picture during this pandemic situation. You can be a part of Inheritance issues and involve your feelings with it. Some of you may get prone to jealousy. You may suffer from the fact that you are not your parents’ favorite child, or that your children are not listening to you, etc.
In this quarantine time, you need to fight with these quite paranoiac tendencies. The best way is to adopt is to let go. Because if you understand your family, they constitute valuable tokens of your deep love to you.
For the Sagittarius sign native, the ideal concept of the family is the tribe. It doesn’t matter, it may include numerous and various members. What matters the most is that your family follows you in your quarantine time. In such a pandemic situation you know how to cherish different values of course.
You will appreciate the idea of the most is large. For you, it’s merrier to gather around with family members on a table in order to revivify slackened ties. Among your all qualities, it must be noticed that the physical and psychological well-being of your family members is a matter dear to your heart at this time.
For all the Capricorn sign natives, You consider that family is synonymous with responsibilities. This is the reason, you to may wait quite a while before starting a family. In fact, you preferred to first get a good job, as people would say in your initial days. Furthermore, even in your quarantine time, you will prefer a strict upbringing, especially regarding education. In this lockdown period, you do not budge an inch.
Besides that, you are also willing to perpetuate your ancestral values. By nature, You are reliable when it comes to being faithful to your family members. You are always ready to offer your help even though it implies grueling efforts. However, you cannot wait to stand to take a ride. Make sure to maintain distance socializing while dealing with such situations.
If we talk about Aquarius sign native, you may socialize well with the general crowd but they do not develop a close bond with family easily. You are not the ones who wear their hearts on their sleeves. For you, Intimacy always means risking being vulnerable. Even in such a pandemic situation, you tread very cautiously when it comes to forming relationships. Nevertheless, those who are close family members and relatives are usually rewarded with a bond that lasts a lifetime.
In your quarantine period, you may hold high expectations from your family members. You prefer forming relationships with members who are truthful, creative and intellectually-inclined. During this time you will be dedicated to your family. You will not feel obligated to establish and maintain close ties with relations who do not possess the same qualities.
For the Pisces sign native, your concept of the family is necessarily vague and wide. Even in your quarantine period, you will tend to welcome all without prejudice. Once anyone touches your soul, you make no difference between your family members, your closest friends, and relatives. Nevertheless, like everything else, your feelings usually sets the tone. It is usually that only with some passivity that you let people come to you. Friendship and bond among your family members develop on intangible bases.
Their kindness and compassion are the best qualities that make you more endearing. You are so sensitive that you will be the first to know if any of your family members are feeling down. In times of crisis like currently, all are facing you will lend a hand, even at your own expense.
Also, you may like reading about “How to Keep Our Vibrations High During Self-Quarantine”
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