Zodiac Signs With Temper Issues Ranked From Most To Least In Astrology

zodiac signs with temper issues in astrology

Some zodiac signs have a bad temper in astrology due to their fiery, impulsive nature. Aries are full of quick temper and impatience, while Taurus can become stubborn and explosive when pushed. Gemini may have a sharp tongue and a tendency to lash out, while Leo can become dramatic and attention-seeking. Many know Scorpios for their intensity and potential for anger, while Sagittarius may become reckless and impulsive when their temper flares up. However, it’s important to remember that astrology is not a definitive guide, and individuals of any sign can struggle with controlling their temper. Here are the zodiac signs with temper problems ranked from most to least according to their Sun sign.

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What causes temper in a person?

Temperament is a complex trait that occurs because of a variety of factors, both internal and external. Here are a few things that may indicate a person’s temperament:

  • A person quick to anger or frustration may be more temperamental than someone who can remain calm and level-headed in the face of adversity.
  • Moreover, those who experience strong emotions, such as sadness or anger, may be more prone to mood swings or emotional outbursts.
  • Someone prone to yelling or using aggressive language may be more temperamental than someone who can communicate calmly and assertively.
  • Natives who have experienced significant trauma may be more prone to intense emotions and struggle to regulate their reactions to stressful situations.
  • Certain mental health conditions, such as anxiety or bipolar disorder, can also impact a person’s temperament.

Here are the temperamental zodiac signs ranked according to astrology:

1. Aries

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and Mars, the planet of energy, passion, and aggression, rules it. As a result, Aries are known for their fiery temper and impulsive nature. They can become easily frustrated and irritable when things don’t go their way, and they are not afraid to express their anger or frustration.

Moreover, Aries can also be competitive and have a strong desire to win. It can make them prone to outbursts of anger when they feel threatened or challenged. However, Aries is quick to forgive and forget. Also, their temper can often dissipate just as quickly as it arises.

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2. Leo

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, and Sun governs it. It is a planet of self-expression and creativity. Hence, they need attention and admiration. Thus, when they feel ignored or undervalued, they can become temperamental.

They can be dramatic and overreact to minor issues, and they tend to make everything about themselves. However, Leos are also generous and warm-hearted. Thus, their temper is usually short-lived, which makes them one of the zodiac signs with temper issues.

3. Scorpio

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, which the planet Mars governs. Since it is the planet of transformation and power, their intense emotions and passionate nature can cause their temper when they feel wronged.

They can be possessive and jealous, which can lead to outbursts of anger or even vengeful behavior. Moreover, Scorpios can also hold grudges and be secretive. All this can make it difficult to diffuse their temper. Hence, one of the zodiac signs with temper problems.

4. Sagittarius

Jupiter, the planet of expansion and optimism, rules Sagittarius. Sagittarians are full of adventurous spirit and love of freedom, and when they feel trapped or restricted, they can become temperamental.

They can be blunt and honest to a fault, which can sometimes come across as insensitive or confrontational. However, Sagittarians are also optimistic and cheerful, and their temper is usually short-lived.

5. Taurus

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, and Venus, the planet of love and beauty, governs it. Taureans can become temperamental when they feel their values or possessions are under a threat.

They can be stubborn and inflexible. Hence, it can lead to conflicts with others. Taurus is full of love for luxury and comfort, and they can become temperamental when they feel their environment is not up to their standards.

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6. Gemini

Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, governs Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac cycle. Geminis can be unpredictable, and their moods can change quickly. When they feel bored or trapped, they can become temperamental and lash out at those around them.

Moreover, these men and women can also be sarcastic and critical. Hence, it can lead to conflicts with others. However, Geminis are also adaptable and quick-witted, and their temper is usually short-lived.

7. Cancer

Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac, and the Moon, the planet of emotions and intuition, rules over it. Cancers are sensitive and emotional. So, when they feel hurt or rejected, they can become temperamental.

They can be moody and easily offended, and their emotions can be unpredictable. However, Cancers are also nurturing and compassionate. Thus, their temper is usually short-lived.

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8. Capricorn

Saturn, the planet of discipline and responsibility, rules Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac sign. You may know Capricorns for their severe and practical nature. Hence, they can sometimes come across as cold or unemotional.

Capricorns can become temperamental when they feel their authority or reputation is under challenge. Thus, they can be stubborn and unyielding in their opinions. However, Capricorns are also hardworking and responsible, and their temper is usually under control.

9. Virgo

Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, and Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, looks after it. Virgos are analytical and practical about their life. Therefore, they can be critical and detail-oriented.

However, they tend to keep their emotions in check and are not prone to outbursts of temper. When Virgos become temperamental, it is usually due to feeling overwhelmed or underappreciated.

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10. Libra

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, and Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is the ruler of it. Libras are full of harmony and balance. Therefore, they can be diplomatic and charming. But, not one of the zodiac signs with bad temper or temperamental signs.

They tend to avoid conflict and are not prone to temperamental outbursts. However, Libras can sometimes be indecisive and temperamental, when they feel their sense of balance is disrupted.

11. Pisces

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, and Jupiter, the planet of knowledge, is the ruler of it. Moreover, it signifies their sensitivity, creativity, and intuition. However, they can also be prone to mood swings and emotional outbursts.

When Pisces feel overwhelmed or misunderstood, they may withdraw into themselves or lash out in anger. They can be unpredictable in their emotions and may struggle to manage their feelings at times.

12. Aquarius

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, and Saturn, the planet of discipline, innovation, and change, is the ruler of it. Aquarians are independent and unconventional in nature. However, they can also be stubborn and inflexible.

When Aquarians feel their freedom or individuality is under a threatening situation, they may become temperamental and rebellious. They can be quite argumentative and struggle to compromise when they feel strongly about something.

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Posted On - March 27, 2023 | Posted By - Shimona Jain | Read By -


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