In today’s time, due to the contaminated environment, mental stress and unhealthy food, people are suffering from different diseases. Some diseases are such, which can’t be easily treated with medicines. One of these diseases is childlessness.
As a matter of fact, 5 out of 100 couples face issues related to pregnancy. Due to problems in natural fertilization, the patient takes different medical measures. Couples suffering from such problems, take help of IVF or test tube baby.
According to different medical reports, the success rate of the test-tube baby is about only 40 percent. It means, if 100 people get IVF, then 40 of them get the result. Medical science made good progress, but here are two things where if you get IVF done through astrology then the treatment success ratio for childlessness of 40% can increase.
Motherhood is a pretty feeling. However, sometimes medical infertility report results in feeling us lost. In Vedic astrology, solutions or you can say astrological remedies for each and every problem is given. Below mentioned is Santaan Gopal Mantra, which can bless you with a baby.
“ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं ग्लौं देवकीसुत गोविन्द वासुदेव जगत्पते
देहि मे तनयं कृष्ण त्वामहं शरणं गतः
“Om Shreeng Hreeng Kleeng Devki Satu Govind Vasudev Jagat Patey
Dehi me tanayam krish twamaham saranam gatah
By matching both husband’s and wife’s horoscope, an astrologer should astrologically remodel the negativity that is occurring within the horoscope of both for childbirth. And what is the best suitable time in your horoscope for getting pregnant? should be predicted. IVF process should be done at that time.
We believe that the help of both medical science and astrology must be taken. Taking astrological remedies may result in an increase in the success rate of IVF.
In case, you or any of your friends/relatives suffering from a pregnancy problem We highly recommend to take a consultation from astrologers.
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