In the form of a big astrological event, Mars Transit In Pisces will take on 18th June 2020 at 20:12 pm, Thursday.
The robust and red planet will transit from Air Sign Aquarius to Water Sign Pisces. The effect of this transition will last till 16th August 20:39pm, Sunday. Mars is a governor of aggression and human actions. How motivated you to stay depends on this planet. Pisces is a very calm and emotional sign. The ruler of Pisces is Jupiter. And Jupiter and Mars share friendly relations. Basically, this transit is shifting from air element to water. It will be seen as a drift of emotions, many emotional ups, and downs.
Mars transit will be impacting differently on all zodiac signs. It is explained below:
The first and eighth house of an Aries is governed by Mars. It will get transmitted to the twelfth house that tells about losses, expenditure, unprecedented situations, and foreign travels. Aries will be sudden strong feelings of stress and anxiety. You can get easily frustrated if things don’t go your way. This transmits will frequently get you moody. Aries are known for independence and during this transmit you might need the help of others that can be little demotivating for you. You should utilize this time for discovering your inner self and controlling your emotions.
This period will be very beneficial for the natives of Taurus. You will experience favorable outcomes. The eleventh house is known for Gains, success, and profits. Because of favorable positioning, you will get rewards and prizes for your hard work. You will be motivated to put effort into your job and education. However, this transmission can make you constantly aggressive. You should be vigilant about your thoughts and expressions. Taurus will experience a healthy relationship with their spouse. You should stay composed during the transmit.
The tenth house in the birth chart tells about career and profession. Mars will make your tenth house strong. It will give you the power of being constant with what you want to achieve. You will earn prosperity in this field. Also, Mars will affect your sixth house that deals with ambitions, desires, success. You will have positive energy. This transmit will make you a happy professional. You will earn name, fame, and recognition. People preparing for competitive exams or job will get successful. However, you will have a constant feeling of stress and anxiety. You can control this by being involved in physical activities and taking care of your mental health.
There will be a new energy in your love and romance as this transmit will positively impact the fifth house of your horoscope. It will also bring harmony and peace in your personal life. The ninth house of the horoscope deals with fortune, spirituality, and higher education. Mars will make the person experience success in this field. There can be conflict and some disagreements with your teachers or guru, avoid such situations.
Leo should specifically pay attention to the health of their mother. In your professional life also you will face obstacles. During this period, you need to be vigilant about your actions and how you deal with things. Leo should focus on their eating habits and should switch to healthy diets. Be cautious about things dealing with the breaking of the law. You can make the best out of this time by relaxing and doing things calmly. Exercise peace in doing anything new.
Virgo will face problems in their relationships with people. You should avoid being in an aggressive situation. There are chances that you will be involved in unnecessary fights with your spouse. In your professional life, there will be little hurdles with your financial stability. However, you will be able to finish your pending tasks. It will bring your satisfaction in completing your work. Virgo should maintain a positive outlook towards like and strongly believe in their strengths. This will help them to get over this time easily.
The sixth house of the birth chart shows competition and enemies. Mars will bring favorable results in the elements ruled by this house. You will stay focused on your work. It is advisable by experts that you should stick to your old strategies of working while fulfilling the task of your job. You should start caring about people you love and try to understand them. Also, this period might be a little weak for your partner’s health.
Scorpio will face problems concentrating on their work. However, they will manage to overcome the feeling of laziness as they will experience prosperity in their professional life. During this period Scorpio will be in want of attention of the attention of their loved ones. They can act a little weird about it. This period can bring differences in opinion among family members.
Sag will get to experience many opportunities in this period. You will have many successful businesses and property transactions. There can some dry emotions shared between you and your partner. But it will pass easily. Mars transmission will affect the fourth house of inner self, comforts, and mother for Sag. You can. be pushed to do things against your family will. Take care of the decisions you make and avoid impulsive decision making. During the period, Sag can worship Lord Kartikeya for auspicious results.
As per changes happening in your birth chart, Capricorn should spend time with his family and siblings. Mars will have a positive impact on your life as you will get many opportunities in this period. You will start feeling proud of your strengths and will work on enhancing them. Capricon will have many events to experience adventure. You will have new things to feel joyful about. Be more active in your decision making.
Third and tenth house of Aquarius is ruled by Mars. Hence, you will experience good growth in this period. You will self-discover yourself when it comes to professional life. Be cautious about your communication and the words you use. It can seriously harm you. Invest time in your spouse and loved ones. Make them feel special and loved. This will improve your relations with them.
Pisces will feel emotionally attacked in this period. Avoid doing anything that might cause you to regret actions. You will have to be very prudent about things. Be strong with decisions, it will affect your life a lot. Your professional life will give you opportunities to grow and prosper. Utilize it with the best of your ability.
Also, you may enjoy reading the Effect of Combination of Rahu and Mars in Different Houses
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