National Farmers Day| Kisan Divas- A Clear View of Farmer’s Life

National Farmers Day- Kisan Divas

23rd December, a day dedicated to the “Ann Data” or “Gods of Food” in the form of National Farmers Day or Kisan Divas. However, in the year 2019, not any scheme or any judicial order worked in favor of the Farmers. Nonetheless, there are plentiful of searches on the internet today.

As a matter of fact, the man of this is day is the fifth PM of India, Chaudhary Charan Singh. He spoke and stood for the rights of the farmers. However, a legacy could not retain a culture. Thus, today both farmers of India and farming in India have a good number of issues.

National Farmers Day- A Glimpse into the life of Farmers

India is a country where over 50% of the population belongs to the sector of farming. In addition, the total contribution of the Agriculture sector of India in GDP is 18% (15.30% in 2018-2019). What are the reasons behind such a great fall in GDP contribution?

According to the farmers, “even the dust is not a waste”. However, amid the pressure from the higher authorities in Government and weather conditions, the community of the magician of mud fails to fulfill the stomach of his family.

There are uncountable issues that a farmer has to go through every now and then. Following are a few of them-

– Poor Distribution of Land

Distribution of land is one of the major problems. In India, according to the Per Capita Land Distribution, a Farmer gets a land of 1.5 acres. However, in foreign countries like the US, Russia, UK, etc the proportion varies to 15 acres.

A few decades ago, even after wars, there were no countries that could match the amount of benefit from India’s Agriculture sector. Moreover, gradually, lands were forcefully purchased, stollen or snatched by the Farmers to grow the Manufacturing and Industrial Sectors. Further, these events started taking place at an even rate.

– Government Services for Indian Farmers

The Government of India often commences a lot of movements and schemes of Indian Farmers. However, low quality of pesticides, low quality of fertilizers offered by Kisan Seva Kendra don’t prove to be very helpful. Nonetheless, it degrades the quality of land in 2-3 years.

Kisan Credit Card– After a lot of voices, the Government offered services of Loans to farmers. Initially, the amount of Interest was set to zero percent. Gradually, it increased. Now, the Farmers have to pay high interest on their loans. Furthermore, if a Famer due to any reason fails to pay interest for a year, then they have to pay an interest of 4%.

National Farmers Day- Farmers of India

Minimum Support Price– A certain amount of MSP by Government varies from one state to another. In addition, if the overall production takes place more than the expected amount, then, the Government decreases the MSP. As a result, the majority of farmers suffer great losses and become compelled to end their lives to get rid of debt.

Improper Help Distribution- In many uncontrollable weather conditions like earthquake and flood farmers witness wasting of crops. Almost every year, they die due to improper help distribution by Government.

Safety for Crops– Not all the farmers can afford the proper boundary facility for their fields. Later, due to wild-animals, they suffer losses.

Pollution- Pollution bestowed by the Manufacturing sector, chemical industry, leather, paper industry draws a great impact on crops.

Now that we know a few of the issues farmers face, therefore we realize, the farmers themselves may consider the Kisan Divas a one-day strategy to wipe out a year of struggle.

What Can You Do to Help Farmers on Farmers Day?

For people like Lal Bahadur Shastri, PM Chaudhary Charan Singh it was a dream to strengthen the Farmers of India. A country can never be happy and healthy if its farmers are unhappy. According to numerous researches, every year an increasing number of farmers commit suicide.

Here’s what you can do to save them-

  • Join Communities– To help the Kisan Sector you may join Communities that offer aid to them in several conditions. A wealth that could not arrange proper health is a waste. Where would you buy health if there are no farmers that you helped?
  • Volunteering in Camps- In order to protect crops and grow healthy food, proper knowledge of field and pesticides are essential. There are a few governments as well as private organizations that help educate our farmers. You may join them on the weekend basis and offer knowledge.

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Posted On - December 23, 2019 | Posted By - Deepa | Read By -


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